Polarity Analysis™ Homeopathy

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What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of medicine that is rooted in the work of the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Hahnemann was a trained conventional physician, a competent chemist, a good mineralogist and botanist, and an able translator of eight different languages. His discovery that individuals with certain diseases could be cured with substances (plant, mineral, or animal) that produce similar symptoms, became known as the Law of Similars.

Classic Homeopaths believe a person can only have one dis-ease and the collection of symptoms experienced all come from one root imbalance. The advantage of Homeopathic medicine over Allopathic treatment is that the selected remedy is based on the entirety of symptoms making it a highly individualized approach.

Further information about Homeopathy can be found at the National Center for Homeopathy website.

What is Polarity Analysis?
Polarity Analysis (PA) is a modern method of remedy selection developed through the clinical studies of Dr. Heiner Frei, Switzerland. PA has gained a tremendous following in Germany and Western Europe in the past five years.

Polarity Analysis is a development of Boenninghausen’s Concept of Contraindications. It serves to determine in individual disease a healing probability for each Homeopathic medicine in question. The method leads to an efficient and reproducible choice of remedy and increases the precision of prescriptions as compared to a conventional Homeopathic procedure. Polarity Analysis is based on the revised edition of Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook, an exceedingly reliable repertory, and is generally practiced with computer software.

A further description of the method can be found directly on Dr. Frei’s website.

Why I use Polarity Analysis
I discovered Polarity Analysis in the early days of my Homeopathic practice and was fortunate to train and be mentored by Dr. Frei directly. It was the precision and predictable results that have kept me using this method daily in my practice. PA is the method I use to select Homeopathic remedies in my practice.

Getting Started with Polarity Analysis
Clients can learn more about Homeopathy in relationship to their symptoms by arranging an Informational Session with Lauren.

Practitioners will find this 1st English book by Dr. Heiner Frei, Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy: A Precise Path to the Simillimum, to be a good foundational course on the intake process with clear case studies as examples. A list of English language publications and studies using Polarity Analysis can also be found on Dr Frei’s website.

For even more information, watch this short outtake of a presentation by Dr. Frei on Polarity Analysis.

Check back soon! I will be releasing an online introductory module on Polarity Analysis this coming Spring 2016.