Start Living Well

[intlink id=”the-five-stages-of-healing” type=”post”]Five Stages of Healing[/intlink][intlink id=”the-radically-simple-diet” type=”post”]Radically Simple Eating Plan[/intlink][intlink id=”how-we-changed-our-input” type=”post”]Why the Hubele Family got Radically Simple[/intlink]

My trainings and practice have informed the protocols I use today to help individuals Live Well. The fundamental belief behind my work is that we are gifted with a body designed to heal itself, but it must be clean to do so. The protocols of gemmotherapy and homeopathy that I suggest and the plant based alkalizing diet I promote, all work together to clean your body so that your symptoms can heal and you can, in fact, Live Well.

I have seen these four critical steps emerge on the path to Living Well with the use of gemmotherapy, homeopathy and dietary changes:

  1. Elimination is optimized.
  2. Organs are cleaned and fortified on a cellular level.
  3. Normal organ functions are restored.
  4. The body functions in harmony.

These are the steps I take my clients through using individualized protocols and these are the steps I teach to health practitioners in my Living Well training programs.