Lauren’s Kitchen: Delicious Dressings

We are BIG salad eaters at our house. It’s a rare occasion when our first course is not a heaping dinner plate full of local greens and veggies tossed with a home blended dressing. When we have guests it is always the salad dressing that they want to know more about. I have to admit I make mine purely from inspiration based on what combination of ingredients I have on hand and you can do this too once you have some basic formulas. That’s why I love these three straightforward nut-based recipes offered on Helyn’s Healthy Kitchen. Use these recipes to get you started and keep these fresh extras on hand so you will have a variety of options to experiment with: scallions, cilantro, parsley, basil, dill, lemons, limes and oranges.

In addition to adding to your intake of greens, beginning your evening meal with a raw salad is a delicious way to aid lymphatic cleansing into the evening to improve your digestion.

Making Acute Care Choices for Your Child’s Long-term Health

Last week I presented for you the various options available to choose from when experiencing acute symptoms. Whether the choice is antibiotics, over the counter medications, supplements or homeopathy & gemmotherapy there are clear upsides and challenges in the short term. Today I want to address their long term impact. When taking this view, the better choice becomes evident.

Healthy Elimination is the Key to Self Healing
The underlying premise behind the use of all natural medicines is that when the body can clean itself it will heal itself. The attention here needs to be directed at the body’s ability to clean itself. If elimination is in any way compromised, natural healing methods are not going to produce good results. While we may be, or should be, well aware of our own elimination patterns, many parents are not so attune with those of their children. Mostly we joyfully turn the responsibility of self-toileting over to our toddlers and soon dismiss their daily habits from our radar. I would like to create a greater awareness around these habits because they serve as a very basic barometer of health.

First Signs of Compromised Elimination
I am fortunate to have many new moms and new babies in my practice these days who know the importance of good early digestion and elimination and ask for help whether it be for colic, acid reflux, or constipation. This is wonderful because they are catching early in life the very first signs and they are treating their young babies with gemmotherapy in teeny tiny doses. Gemmotherapy is unique among natural medicines in that it has been proven to heal and feed cells. Using it early on will actually heal and fortify the tissues of those maturing organs—preventing the body from needing to compensate later on.

Because of gemmotherapy’s dual action, the use of it early in life not only addresses the current symptom but offers long term benefit to the affected organs. If these moms had chosen any of the available over the counter medications or prescription medications their baby’s symptoms may have improved, but the underlying condition would not have been resolved.

Next Signs
By treating the very first signs as they did I feel certain these moms will see fewer common childhood issues such as ear infections, sinus conditions, eczema, and sleep disturbances develop in their young children. If they do, they already know how to handle it because they know these symptoms are related to an underlying elimination issue that needs to be addressed. The ears, sinuses, and skin are all secondary ways, or emergency exits, for the body to clean itself when the bowels and kidneys are not eliminating at full capacity. Supporting the organs with gemmotherapy now at this critical stage when these vital organs are maturing and developing will prevent even further conditions that can become chronic. Had recurring ear infections, sinus congestions and excema been treated with antibiotics, antihistamines or topical creams the underlying condition not only would have been ignored, but an opportunity to heal early on would have been missed.

It’s Never too Late
So what happens if you missed this opportunity with your babies and young children? The good news is that it’s never too late. The body does not lose its ability to heal. The work, however, takes a bit more patience as it becomes a matter of cleaning out accumulated inflammation at a rate that the elimination organs can handle. Not adding to the inflammation is also essential, which means eliminating dairy and sometimes gluten for many. See the graphic below that depicts the increasing effect of not addressing elimination at an early age. You can see here the remarkable difference in handling elimination issues in the early years vs. later in life.


I say, “Well done!” to all the gemmotherapy-using mamas out there!

Midweek Pause: Reality

“We get quiet for a moment in meditation. We sink down to a relaxedness, a calmness, abruptly free from all the crazy dreams we confuse with reality. And in that instant, by mistake maybe, or because we aren’t thinking to stop it from happening—we experience, in a flash, things as they really are.”

— William R. Stimson, “My Brief Career Composing Spanish Music

CONSIDER: How much of the day pass through accepting our perception of reality rather than actually experiencing it. Our racing mind is what does that and we are mostly unaware. It is only when we stop, breathe and quiet ourselves that we can begin to see things as they are rather than how we wish they were or the way we want them to be.

DO: Give yourself the permission to fall into a relaxed state upon waking each morning this week. Close your eyes, begin with three cleansing breaths, and take in the reality of that moment. Let your senses drink in the sounds, the smells, and the rise and fall of your breath.

Lauren’s Kitchen: A St. Patrick’s Day Green Smoothie 

You may have other plans for your St. Patrick’s Day evening consumption but make some room for this green smoothie in your mid morning and morning after for sure. While I recommend starting each day with a purely fruit smoothie or juice on an empty stomach the addition of a green smoothie mid-morning or mid-afternoon is the next step to boost your brain power and continue the lymphatic cleaning process. Let St. Paddy’s Day serve as the perfect entry point for adding another dose of green into your daily nourishment.

With the hope that this gets you hooked, here’s an infographic that lays out all of the key components for making personalized green smoothies to suit what you have on hand or what strikes your fancy.

Prepping ahead always helps up keep our healthy eating commitments. Here’s a great tip to gain momentum—prepping pre-proportioned smoothie bags for the week ahead.

Gemmotherapy Answers: Concerns Over Supplement Safety

Last week I discussed the good and not so good points of using the different avenues available to treat acute conditions. I laid out the facts regarding the use of antibiotics, over the counter medications, supplements, and Gemmotherapy & Homeopathy to help you make wise choices for yourself and your family.

Since February’s breaking reports on the incredible unreliability of ingredients in herbal and vitamin supplements every major new source has covered the topic. The question is, has this changed anyone’s practice of taking supplements and should it?

The supplement market in the US began as a backlash to the growing use of pharmaceutical drugs in treating chronic conditions. They are readily prescribed by naturopathic doctors, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, and nutritionists as well as doctors of functional medicine. In simple language these practitioners prescribe supplements to augment what the body is not or will not produce in order to relieve chronic symptoms, most often with a good level of success.

We recently have learned however that many supplement sources are not only fraudulent but also unsafe. So what does that mean for those taking these on a daily basis?


While you may have had a suspicion that not all supplements are created equal, the impact of this is much greater than you might realize on the surface. Here’s why:

  1. If your supplement is substandard you are missing valuable healing time for your condition by not getting what you need.
  2. You may be spending large sums of money on nothing, or worse than that, harmful substances.

I believe we need to rethink the use of supplements and consider Gemmotherapy as a viable option. One aspect that may make Gemmotherapy more interesting to you is the fact that the production process is completely supervised and regulated by the European Union. There is only one way to make a product that bears the label “Gemmotherapy’ and that process must be followed explicitly each time. Each bottle must contain a regulated amount of extract from the specific plant and that amount is tested routinely with each batch produced. Every shipment of Gemmotherapy we receive from our producer is accompanied by individual certificates of quality and declaration of conformity to EU standards. In addition, once the shipment arrives in the US it is subject to a full inspection by the US Department of Agriculture and the FDA before delivery to my practice.

These controls and standards help make Gemmotherapy a responsible and safe alternative.

In addition to the safety, at last year’s Gemmotherapy Research Conference I learned about a greater advantage. Far different from supplements, Gemmotherapy extracts have the power to, on a cellular level, clean and heal which is something no other natural medicine can yet achieve. When, through the use of Gemmotherapy, an organ has been cleaned, healed, and restored to its normal function it will either produce on its own or absorb from healthy food sources, what is needed by the body in the exact proportions. This is something a supplement can never do.

There are two actions I’d like you to take after considering this article.

  1. Reassess the source of supplements in your home and look them up on
  2. Reevaluate what supplements you are taking and for what reasons. Discuss gemmotherapy options with your health practitioner.

Next week I will revisit the topic of chronic conditions and how they often begin as easy-to-ignore recurring symptoms early in life.

Midweek Pause: Nourish

“Be in harmony with each breath, each moment, and know that in giving yourself this time to develop awareness and a steadiness of attention you are nourishing spirit, head, and heart. Let it be an adventure, and in the silence and the stillness that comes with practice you”ll discover wonders here for you, now.”

—Elena Rosenbaum
Guided Meditation: Awareness of Breathing

CONSIDER: how simple the act of breathing is. For most of us it happens with out effort and most often without awareness. The very basic step of placing awareness on the breath changes everything. Our posture, our pulse rate, our racing mind. This is nourishment plain and simple. As we seek ways to nourish ourselves in an effort improve our health, let us not miss the most elementary and fundamental source of nourishment, our own breath.

Do: take small breathing breaks today. Thich Nhat Hanh, in his mindfulness guide, You Are Here, suggests using a cue from your daily life as a reminder to bring your attention to your breath and come into the present moment. Your cue could be each time your glance at the time, each stoplight while driving, each time your child calls out, “Mom,” or each time you open the fridge. Find you cue and take a break of 5 cleansing breaths to nourish your body, mind and soul.

Lauren’s Kitchen: Ana Jones’ California Miso Avocado Salad


It is definitely coming. We’ve moved our clocks forward, there is sunshine in the forecast and we are 11 days from the official start of SPRING! Let’s celebrate and bring on the salads, chock full of the season’s beautiful produce. This gorgeous Avocado Miso salad is just the right place to start. Bursting with broccoli, seasonal greens, and buttery ripe avocados it can be a meal all on its own or a delightful start to a cooked dish that follows.

This recipe comes from Ana Jones’book, A Modern Way to Eat that was recently recommended by a client. It would be a great resource for those building up their plant-based cookbook library. The amounts listed below will make 2 meal sized servings, so adjust according to your needs. I have noted substitutions I made when preparing for my own family.

Eating a vegetable salad on its own or prior to your cooked meal is an easy way to increase your intake of raw, high-alkaline foods and improve digestion. Raw vegetables digest more quickly than a cooked meal and should always be eaten first so they don’t sit with slower to digest foods where you lose their alkaline benefit.

For the dressing:
1 tablespoon brown rice miso paste (white miso is milder and will give a more family friendly flavor)
1 tablespoon brown rice vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice or organic seasoned vinegar)
1 tablespoon soy sauce (tamari and coconut aminos are the gluten free options)
juice of 1/2 a lime
4 tablespoons milk (dairy-free coconut milk/creamer or cashew milk are easy substitutions to produce a creamy texture)
sea salt

For salad:

5 ounces (150 g) broccoli, stems chopped, florets broken into little heads
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 handfuls of seasonal salad leaves, washed and dried
1 ripe avocado, pitted and halved
1 (15-ounce/400 g) can white beans (or equivalent), drained ( I had chick peas on hand which were delicious)

The complete instructions are here on Heidi Swanson’s 101 Cookbooks Blog.

Acute Care: What Do I Need?

Antibiotics, OTC Cold Meds, Naturopathic Supplements, Homeopathy or Gemmotherapy?

Last week I shared why a homeopathic remedy may be needed in the case of acute symptoms to boost the vital force and then compared the different actions of gemmotherapy and homeopathy during an acute illness.

But what about antibiotics, over the counter treatments and supplements? What do they have to offer for acute treatment? How do they differ from the action of gemmotherapy and homeopathy?

The answer to all of these questions begins with getting clear on your goal. When it comes to treating the body for an acute condition most of us have the same first goal. We want to get better as quickly as possible so we can resume our daily activities. It’s the second goal, however, that many overlook and is actually of more importance. That goal should be to build your immune system with the treatment you are using so that your body comes out of an acute condition stronger and healthier.

In my practice I place a considerable importance on the long term effects because I don’t believe we are here on earth to run a sprint. I want my clients to live full, healthy lives, age gracefully, and share their gifts and talents without chronic conditions getting in the way. That’s why I work with two medicines that clean and fortify the body rather than suppress symptoms or weaken vitality.

You do have a choice, however, and sometimes choosing what is right for the circumstances can be confusing. Here’s some thoughts on each treatment—when its valuable and when it’s not.

Antibiotic Treatment

The Good: Antibiotics were developed for raging infections the body could not fight itself. Antibiotic treatment is fast acting and a life saver….in life threatening situations. Its rapid response is particularly needed in the very weak such as individuals with autoimmune diseases or frail elderly to prevent complications from pneumonia.


Not So Good: Antibiotics disrupt the body’s ability to fight infection on its own and cause havoc in the digestive tract disturbing gut flora to a point that can take months and even years to restore. Antibiotics are not the answer for ear infections, sore throats and viruses—especially in children.  Repetitive use of antibiotics to treat recurring non-life threatening infections ignores the underlying cause and misses the opportunity to address it before a more serious chronic condition develops. Studies have shown that this practice over time can lead to antibiotic resistance in individuals. This is not a sustainable approach to healthcare.

Over the Counter Treatments

The Good: Tylenol, Bendryl, Nyquil, Robitussin, etc. are designed to quickly suppress the acute symptoms the body is expressing. They have become popular because their actions allow individuals to “feel better” and get back to their normal activities faster or sleep through the night.

The Not So Good: The symptom the body is expressing is part of the cleaning process to remove inflammation because the kidneys and bowels happen to be overloaded. Simply suppressing these symptoms only makes the already taxed elimination organs work harder cau185079672sing further secondary symptoms of their own such as headaches, lower back pain, bladder infections, digestive disturbances or skin conditions.  What might have been a short lived virus now lingers as the body’s cleaning process has been suppressed. They offer no support to the immune system or the body’s natural ability to heal and are filled with ingredients the body was never designed to digest and process.

Supplements (Naturopathic)

The Good: Nature makes beautiful immune supports and supplements such as echinacea, zinc, elderberry syrup, oregano oil, etc. All of these boost the immune system so that body heals more quickly without causing any harm.  These supplements work best with constitutionally strong individuals with elimination organs that function at an optimal level.

The Not So Good: Most Americans are not constitutionally strong enough to fight off infection with natur539670531al immune boosters alone because their elimination is compromised and their kidneys and bowels cannot get rid of the inflammation quickly enough. Diet, exposure to stress, and hereditary factors limit most individual’s elimination organs, so acute symptoms linger and drain the body’s energy which then often leads to secondary infections. 

Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy

Lauren-Hubele-Homeopathic-2Web2The Good: Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy, derived from substances in nature, work simultaneously to clean and fortify the affected organs and return harmony to the body. Rather than “supplementing” what the body should produce the underlying action of gemmotherapy is to encourage the body to naturally produce what is needed in the right amounts at the right time.

The Not So Good: Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy protocols need three things to work that many individuals struggle with:

1. A rapid recognition and response to the acute symptoms. Because gemmotherapy and homeopathy work with the body’s natural healing process, early recognition and response to symptoms is key for successful treatment.  Once a condition has advanced and the vital force of an individual is worn down from ignoring the early signs— sniffles, a sore throat, exhaustion, headache, rash or irritability—gemmotherapy and homeopathy will take more time to act and are not as effective.

2. Time to work. Optimally the body needs the first 24 to 48 hours to direct your energy toward healing. The stronger your constitution, the better your elimination, and the cleaner your diet, the less time is needed. Trying to keep up with daily activities robs the energy that is needed for healing and symptoms will not improve at the rate expected.

3. A diet that doesn’t add to the inflammatory load in the body. Reoccurring acute conditions is a sign the body is in a state of inflammation whether that be acute ear infections, UTIs, or upper respiratory issues. This chronic inflammation can be reduced naturally with an anti-inflammatory, high alkaline diet AND support for the elimination organs. Some dietary changes will be needed to break this cycle.

If you cannot give your body the time it needs at the start of the healing process or make dietary changes to support your elimination then these protocol are not your answer.

Hopefully I have given you plenty of food for thought on this topic. Take time to consider the choices you have and what goals you have for yourself and your family. Making your decisions and keeping on hand what you need BEFORE a fever or another acute symptom strikes is a very important first step in the right direction.

Next week I will be discussing the current news stories that rightfully question the quality of health supplements and why gemmotherapy is a safer and more sustainable option.

Midweek Pause: Consistency

African Giant Tortoise (Testudo sulcata)
“Each step may seem to take forever, but no matter how uninspired you feel, continue to follow your practice schedule precisely and consistently. This is how we can use our greatest enemy, habit, against itself.”

— Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche,
“Tortoise Steps”

Consider: how mindfulness practice extends to all aspects of our life. Being mindful is being awake and aware in all daily activities and this includes how we care for ourself. How we eat, how we move through the day, how we sleep and so on. The example of tortoise steps is so powerful. By placing our awareness on our self-care and take consistent steps we can change our old habits of unconsciousness. The changes we implement may feel slow and heavy but it is consistency that will lead us to being mindful in all we do.

Do: choose one facet of self care that you have allowed to fall from your consciousness. Bring it to mind now and place it in your awareness as you take several cleansing breaths. What is one steady step you can take this week and remain consistent with? Write this down, keep it by your bedside and honor yourself by committing to it through days of doubt. Make it part of your mindfulness practice because all of life is our practice.