Fall Fruits III: Persimmons


I really need you to know that if you aren’t into persimmons yet, then you are really missing out! It’s like those of us enjoying these delightful fruits are part of a secret club and that just isn’t right. Get out there today, add a few to your shopping cart, and I promise that you won’t be disappointed. BUT, before you grab just any persimmon take heed- There are two varieties that are widely marketed today and they vary dramatically in taste and texture. The one you want (trust me on this) is the Fuyu (pictured above). These are squat in shape, very firm, and meant to be eaten exactly like that. The other is an astringent type that must be ripened to a state similar to gelatin. While it can also be used in baking, BOTH recipes I share today are for Fuyu persimmons.

While it’s a rare persimmon that is around long enough at my house to be cooked, here are two creations I am sure you will enjoy, another fall soup and, of course, a pie.

Persimmon Butternut Soup
Spicy and smooth with just a hint of sweetness, this makes a perfect meal as the evening temperatures drop.

2 cups butternut squash
3 Fuyu persimmons, medium
1 cup coconut milk
8 oz vegetable broth
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp nut butter, roasted
Toasted nuts and chili sauce (optional)
3 cloves
1/8 tsp ginger or cinnamon (if you prefer more sweet than spice), ground
1/2 tsp paprika, smoked
1 dash pepper
1/2 tsp sea salt
Oils & vinegars
1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil

Full Instructions Here
Persimmon Pie
How about kicking off pie season with this gorgeous dairy free and grain free recipe?


Pie Ingredients
1½ cups “Fuyu” persimmon puree from about 5 persimmons
½ cup coconut milk (full fat)
¼ cup maple syrup (or honey)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon ginger juice

Paleo Pie Crust Ingredients
11/2 cups almond flour
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1/4 cup coconut oil
3 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 pinches sea salt

Full Instructions Here

Taking Charge Of Your Fertility IV: Protocols For Support

I am delighted to work with new clients who come to my practice with the intention of preparing their body to create life. Taking this step in itself is acknowledgement of the responsibility they are about to take on.


It is important for both practitioners providing and individuals seeking fertility support to really get that fertility is linked to vitality. Vitality is a measurement of health completely ignored by conventional allopathic medicine but it is critical to natural health therapies. Vitality is the resource the body has at that given time to self-heal. Symptoms of vitality are apparent in one’s hair, skin, eyes, teeth, sleep, and health history of family members. Read about those specific symptoms in my third post in this series that discusses an alkalizing diet. Vitality cannot be improved with prescription medications or by working out, but rather through these steps:

  1. Optimize elimination
  2. Alkalize the body
  3. Clean primary organs of metabolic waste that has accumulated over the years


When vitality is restored one can see and feel the difference. This approach is in direct contrast to fertility treatments that force performance of reproductive organs in an individual with low vitality.

Here are the specific, simple, and straightforward steps to support fertility naturally by improving vitality.

  1. Assess current state of elimination and vitality.
  2. Discuss current diet and changes needed in order to optimize elimination and alkalize their organ systems. (Generally this is eliminating dairy products and increasing the intake of raw and cooked fruits and vegetables.)
  3. Begin women with a Gemmotherapy protocol that encourages a uro-genital cleanse which restores health to the mucus membrane of the urinary tract and genital tract, balancing bacteria levels. This is then followed by a Gemmotherapy protocol that cleanses and fortifies the adrenals, liver, and kidneys; the primary reproductive support organs.
  4. Begin men with a Gemmotherapy protocol that supports their adrenal glands and reduces states of acidosis throughout the body and continue until pregnancy is achieved.

Boosting fertility by improving vitality is attainable and affordable. You can begin by learning more about Gemmotherapy extracts and how they restore the body’s ability to heal. Different from traditional herbal medicines, Gemmotherapy extracts contain embryonic plant tissues that offer tremendous regenerative capabilities, much like human stem cells. While Gemmotherapy is safe for all ages, there is a small selection of the 60 extracts available that are proven successful in supporting fertility in women and men. Practitioners who want to learn about these extracts and how to help their clients support fertility may be interested in my webinar, Gemmotherapy for Fertility.

Fall Fruits II: Pears


One of my favorite snacks this time of year is a plate of fresh sliced ripe pears. However, unlike most winter fruits, pears take a bit more care in handling. Picked and shipped unripe, they come into their own on your kitchen counter but their “perfect” state can be a narrow window of time so a close eye must be kept.

What you might not know about pears, though, is that there can be quite a variance in taste and texture based on the variety you select. Saveur magazine offers this visually appealing guide to ten of the most commonly found pear varieties. What’s my favorite pear? Well, hands down it is Bosc. I love the look and taste of this rustic pear. And the fact that it ripens quickly might just be another reason I enjoy it so much!

While pears are a perfect snack all on their own they can easily play a starring role at any meal of the day. Here’s a sweet option for the start of your day and a savory recipe for your evening meal.

I encourage you to try a Creamy Pear Avocado Smoothie this week. While this yummy blend happens to be a little rich for my morning taste, I find this combination perfect as a late morning snack or even a lunch replacement when I am on the go.


2 ripe bananas (or previously frozen)
1/2 ripe avocado
2 small ripe pears (all varieties work well)
2 1/2 cups | 375 ml. almond milk (or any organic plant-based milk)
4 homemade frozen green cubes (or frozen spinach or 2 handfuls dark leafy greens)
2 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp hemp protein powder (as I am not a fan of protein powders I suggest omitting this)
extra hemp seeds for sprinkling

Full Instructions Here

And why not have fruit for dinner? Cauliflower Hazelnut Soup shows how pears and cauliflower become a perfect compliment to each other in this hearty fall soup with plenty of room for customizing. I’m always excited about another recipe I can prepare in my pressure cooker in minutes and this one was a huge hit at the Hubele house.


2 tablespoons of unsalted butter (replaced with coconut spread or oil)
1 white or yellow onion, diced
1 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano, divided
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 medium head of cauliflower, washed and cut into small florets
1/4 cup of gluten free oats (replaced with 1 russet potato for a grain free version)
1/4 cup of toasted, skinned hazelnuts
1/2 a pear, cored and diced
1/2 cup of canned white cannellini beans, strained and rinsed
About 5 cups of vegetable stock (homemade or use Rapunzel bouillon cubes)
3/4 teaspoon of salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon of pepper, divided
1 tablespoon each of fresh thyme and parsley leaves chopped
2 tablespoons of chopped toasted skinned hazelnuts
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)

Full Instructions Here

Wondering about peeling the skin off of those hazelnuts? Here are two methods to consider, I’ve been a fan of the roast and rub method for years and have found it good enough.


Taking Charge Of Your Fertility III: What To Eat

Perhaps you are considering starting a family soon or even a bit down the road.  Have you considered that what you eat today plays an important role in supporting or reducing your fertility? Read on and learn how.

Because fertility is a key indicator of health and vitality, it is my mission to make reliable, practical methods accessible to all. Fertility and vitality go hand in hand and to create a viable strong baby, parents must first have a high vitality. This can be seen in the state(s) of one’s skin, eyes, hair, teeth, quality of sleep, and family health history.

There are specific symptoms in these areas that indicate if inflammation is present and if it has been for long enough to reduce vitality, creating (as it is known among holistic practitioners) a state of acidosis. Individuals with low vitality tend to have an acidic pH and their symptoms can not improve until that state is shifted.

Easily identifiable examples of acidosis include acne, dry dull hair or hair that sheds easily, receding hairlines or balding in men before the age of 40, dental issues or tendency for cold/ canker sores in the mouth, and more. While allopathic medicine offers a path to fertility that ignores these symptoms and achieves pregnancy, with the 50% success rate of IVF, the new developing life is dependent on a physical body that has less than optimal vitality. What occurs next can be a pregnancy riddled with unpleasant symptoms, early delivery, c-section births, and infants with lowered immune systems leading to early infections and poor health from the start of life. This entire cycle can be broken by addressing the vitality of parents BEFORE conception, thus improving fertility and the quality of life they are creating.

Eating an alkalizing diet is simple, attainable, and won’t cost a bit more money than what you are eating already.

Morning Meal
It all begins in the morning with a breakfast of raw fruits and/or veggies on an empty stomach. This meal promotes an alkaline state from the start of the day, lymphatic cleaning, quick digestion, and optimal morning elimination. Continue eating raw fruit and/or veggies as far into the morning as you can.

Mid-Morning & Mid-Afternoon Snacks
These snacks can include such foods as whole raw fruits and veggies, fresh pressed juices/ smoothies, dried fruits, raw bars, guacamole or hummus with raw vegetables, almond or cashew butter with apples, and nuts or seeds.

Mid-Day Meal
Your lunch time meal will be any combination of vegetables and gluten free grains. This can be a salad, stir fry, curry, or Buddha bowl. Gluten free grain includes rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, and corn. These two foods digest well together and more quickly than protein, preventing that afternoon dip in energy.

Evening Meal
The evening meal is any combination of vegetables and protein (plant or animal). Always begin the meal with a raw vegetable or fruit salad to aid digestion and increase your daily intake of plants. Watch your proportion ratios on veggies-to-protein keeping the protein to 30% or less of your meal. Note that proteins are placed at the end of the day as the digestion rate is the slowest of all foods, causing a drop in energy which is already natural in the evening.An alkalizing diet in combination with Gemmotherapy extracts is the perfect formula to improve vitality and fertility by restoring a healthy pH level!

Important to note is that Gemmotherapy protocols will clean, fortify, and restore rather than pushing weak organ systems to perform. Due to this unique action, fertility is addressed at its root. In this series, I will go into further detail on these protocols and how they benefit all wishing to improve their fertility.

New to Gemmotherapy? Check out my Beginners Guide. If you would like to learn how to begin  Restoring your own Immunity with Gemmotherapy, consider ordering my latest book. Would you like a more personalized approach? Contact one of my advanced interns for a consultation.



Taking Charge Of Your Fertility II: Factors Impacting Men

Hey guys- I have some news for you too! While having a child may not be on your mind now, chances are high it will be someday and how you care for your health in the present plays a vital role in the health and well being of your future child. Women may be tasked with carrying the developing baby but the quality and quantity of male sperm has much to do with whether a viable life is created.

Quality and quantity of sperm isn’t really something young adolescent males are taught to protect. Unfortunately, it usually isn’t taken under any consideration until a partner is unable to conceive. And yes, the chance of infertility is similar between men and women. Statistically in male/female couples unable to conceive, 40% of the time the cause is the male partner.

Today the World Health Organization states that one in four male/ female couples from developing countries is unable to conceive. That is a pretty staggering number given that fertility is a natural response in the human body.

It is a mission of mine to spread this message:

  • Your fertility is linked to your immunity and factors that support or deter your immunity do the same for your fertility
  • There are natural proven methods that can both improve your immunity as well as your fertility

Organs Needing Protection

When we think of fertility in men we tend to think of sperm but there are actually glands at the opposite end of the body that are as vital. These are the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland. These two glands release the hormones that trigger healthy production of sperm. The health and function of these glands has a lot to do with the circulatory and lymphatic system. When the circulatory system and lymphatic systems are slow or stagnant, states of acidosis occur deteriorated glands and organ tissue.  How well have these systems performed to remove wastes over your lifetime?

Below are physical symptoms that may present when states of acidosis are present in the head.

acidosis head

These symptoms are all associated with acidosis of the lower body, also affecting sperm quality and quantity.

acidosis lower body

Specific Cautions for Men

So what should men of all ages avoid to protect themselves from developing states of acidosis?

  • Smoking, alcohol consumption, recreational drugs
  • Exposure to antibiotics and long-term use of prescription medications
  • Soft drink consumption
  • Overwork
  • Direct exposure to electromagnetic fields (particularly mobile phones kept in pockets or used without a headset and laptops in laps)
  • Toiletry products (which provide an estrogen effect)
  • Consumption of estrogen treated animal products (chicken, dairy, soy)

How Gemmotherapy Protocols Help Fertility In Men

Gemmotherapy protocols begin by shifting the pH balance of the male body overall, creating an alkaline state to enhance fertility. The protocols are selected by accessing the state of elimination, vitality, and inflammation then combined with a plant based diet in order to optimize elimination. The ability of the body to clean optimally enhances the function of the male fertility support organ/ systems mentioned above.

Important to note is that Gemmotherapy protocols will clean, fortify, and restore rather than pushing weak organ systems to perform. Due to this unique action, fertility is addressed at its root. In this series, I will go into further detail on these protocols and how they benefit all wishing to improve their fertility.

New to Gemmotherapy? Check out my Beginners Guide. If you would like to learn how to begin  Restoring your own Immunity with Gemmotherapy, consider ordering my latest book. Would you like a more personalized approach? Contact one of my advanced interns for a consultation.

Fall Fruits I: Apples

When we think of fall fruits,  beautiful crisp apples are likely the first to come to everyone’s mind. Some of my favorite childhood memories come from family excursions to Apple Hill in the foothills of Northern California where apple orchards are abundant and the smells of baked apple treats permeate the air all during the months of fall. Picking our own sweet crisp apples is a memory I have carried through my lifetime.


Visiting Apple Hill was special for many reasons but in the 70’s it was truly the only place one could find heirloom and lesser known varieties. Our local grocery store offered two varieties if we were lucky: yellow (Golden Delicious) and red (Red Delicious). Thankfully our visits to Apple Hill exposed me to the world beyond the produce isle of Safeway.

While there are few things that beat the rich experience of purchasing crates of apples directly from the farm, we fortunately have access today to a wide variety of apples through farmers markets, CSAs, local organic co-ops, and grocery stores like Whole Foods. We can be spoiled by choice so here is a great guide to apple selection that may help your decision making process.


While favorite apple varieties among my family members vary, I tend to bring home a healthy mix of Braeburn, Honeycrisp, Golden Delicious (all for eating)and Boskoop or Reinette (for baking).

Looking to add more apples into your diet? Here are a few no fuss ideas direct from my kitchen:

  • Juice a handful of any variety along with some carrots and ginger for a yummy mid-morning treat.
  • Add thin slices of Honeycrisp or Braeburn apples to kale salads along with a handful of golden raisins and toasted pumpkin seeds.
  • Slice up a Golden Delicious and pair with fresh ground almond butter or hummus for a perfect afternoon snack.

And who couldn’t use a recipe for that sweet tooth in your house? Here is a grain-free, vegan apple crisp, scaled to one serving, from Deliciously Ella that all can enjoy.


(Serves 1)
1 red apples
1/3 cup of almonds (65g)
4 medjool dates
1 tbs pumpkin seeds
1/2 tbs chia seeds (Optional: I add them for their amazing health benefits but, if you don’t have any, omitting them won’t change the taste or texture.)
3 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp raw agave syrup (please replace with maple syrup or honey)

Full Instructions Here

Taking Charge of Your Fertility I: Factors Impacting Women

I’m on a mission to spread the word that we all have much more control over their fertility than we realize. I want to take the mystery out of your fertility and put you in charge. Follow along with this series to discover the next four weeks what I first learned from my MD mentors in Europe as well as what I found to be true in my years as a practitioner.  The natural protocols I  have used and now teach have supported many successful pregnancies .  I certainly count myself fortunate to have played a role in coaching those interested in increasing their fertility  and then supporting the young life created.

The plant-powered approach to fertility I share has been beneficial to individuals at these various stages:

  • Considering pregnancy in the near future and wanting to best prepare.
  • Having already tried to conceive on their own without success.
  • Having undergone IVF or other medical intervention(s) without success.

In a perfect world, fertility would be valued and protected from birth and everyone would be aware that even simple decisions made for babies and children play a vital role in that child’s future ability to eventually create life. We are learning more each day with the advances in science and two important facts have been established: Soy formula can adversely affect male and female fertility and the early use of antibiotics disrupts hormone production and regulation. So, what could have seemed like a simple in-the-moment decision by your parents or pediatrician can certainly be playing a role in where you are today with your fertility. Read on to learn more.

The Deep Roots of Fertility

When we think of fertility in women we automatically think of the ovaries, the uterus, and hormones. While all three are important, we must look beyond the reproductive system to the organs supporting its function.  The organs and systems of particular concern include the nervous system ( central and autonomic),  the kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands. If these organs/systems/glands are overworked or are not functioning optimally there is often a struggle with fertility.  The program I advise for women begins with harmonizing the both central and autonomic nervous system, optimizes kidney function, supports the adrenals and eventually improves all of the detoxing actions of the liver.

Causes of Concerns 

All of the following negatively immunity and fertility

  • Antibiotic use, hormonal birth control methods, and the use of Acutane for acne are just a few of the prescription medications that place a toxic load on the body
  • A diet high in salt, sugar, and hormone laced food sources such as industry meats, dairy, and soy
  • Chemically laden cosmetics, toiletries, and hair products that young girls are being exposed to as early as the preteen years.
  • Over-consumption of alcohol or any use of recreational or street drugs
  • Emotional or physical trauma
  • Stress-filled lifestyle

How Gemmotherapy Protocols Help Fertility In Women

Gemmotherapy protocols begin by harmonizing the nervous system, improving elimination, and rejuvenating your adrenal glands.  The improved elimination leads to a shift in the pH balance creating an alkaline state to enhance fertility. The protocols are complimented by a plant based diet in order to optimize elimination. The ability of the body to clean optimally enhances  the function of the female fertility support organ/systems mentioned above.

Important to note is that Gemmotherapy protocols will clean, fortify, and restore rather than pushing weak organ systems to perform. Due to this unique action, fertility is addressed at its root. In this series, I will go into further detail on these protocols and how they benefit all wishing to improve their fertility.

New to Gemmotherapy? Check out my Beginners Guide. If you would like to learn how to begin  Restoring your own Immunity with Gemmotherapy, consider ordering my latest book. Would you like a more personalized approach? Contact one of my advanced interns for a consultation.