Notes From Europe: Dream Big

Have you ever set your sites on a dream and worked to make it happen?  Perhaps you have your eye on one right now and with a few shifts it could become your reality. Here’s my story of a recent dream come true with the hope it will encourage you to take your own bold, brave steps.


Since moving my family stateside from Germany, ten summers ago, I dreamt of spending the full summer in Europe. Although we loved our life in Austin, some heartstrings were still firmly attached to Germany. We have inched our way toward this goal over the years and are so fortunate to have a second home with my mother-in-law whenever we choose to visit.


Last summer my dream took on an unexpected dimension with my discovery of the magic of the Pyrenees mountains. Despite frequent excursions in France, the Pyrenee region had never been on my radar.   That was true until I received an unexpected invitation from a new found Gemmotherapy colleague, Stephane Boistard.


While Stephane was the reason for our travel, it was the majestic mountains and deep ancient forests that left me awestruck. This was a place that made me yearn for more; more quiet, more solitude, more beauty. My heart ached from being filled to the brim each day. Before our time was even over I had created a vision of returning the next year for a full month of working from a small country gite. Of course it made it all the better that Joachim decided he would join me as well.


As we made our plans last summer sitting on the terrace overlooking the rolling hillsides below, it all seemed pretty straightforward. In reality however, there were a few more hurdles to cross than expected.


This dream summer plan was underway well before there was even a hint of selling our family home let alone constructing a new one. While the steps involved have been strenuous, they didn’t deter us. Never would we have planned to move all of our belongings into storage, our son into an apartment with our pets, and complete final negotiations on our home sale all days before our travels. But hey, we did it and I feel all the more empowered because those added steps moved us even closer to the life in two countries that I have longed for.


Feeling that our energy stores needed some fueling, we choose to begin our trip in Germany. A stopover in Oehringen is allowing us a perfect few days with Joachim’s mother Marianne. Here we will rest up and regroup before renting a car and heading southwest for a month. Three days of no papers to sign or decisions to make coupled with some walks in the forest and Oma’s amazing cooking is the cure we need.


So what big dream have you been mulling over? Is there a step you might take in that direction?


Keep up with my travels this summer with this weekly Notes from Europe series and follow LaurenHubele on Instagram for a daily dose of Europe.



Happy Healthy Babies X: A How to Guide

Why is having a happy healthy baby so important? It turns out that the first 36 months of life are the most significant when it comes to building our lifelong immunity.

A baby with any of the simple symptoms discussed in this series such as Colic, Croup, Eczema, Sinus Congestion, Reflux, or Slow Elimination who receives natural support will be the one to develop a strong healthy immune system. On the other hand, those babies who have had their symptoms suppressed by medications will forever struggle with weakened immunity.

Fortunately, science is revealing more each day about immunity, the creation of our microbiome, and what can be done to restore it. Through science we know that everything in those first years count and the impact of parental decisions follow a child through their lifetime. By being an informed parent, disruption to our child’s microbiome and developing immune system can be prevented or greatly reduced.

Conscientious Choices

I like to do my part to support new parents in making conscientious choices and to realize there are options that not only work, but strengthen the organ systems of growing babies. With this awareness we can reduce the chronic symptoms that are rampant in school age children today. The use of allergy medications, nebulizers/asthma inhalers, topical steroid creams, anti-acids, melatonin, and so much more has become the norm among young children.

Let’s be clear: The prescribing of symptom suppressing medications is symptom management, not healing. Not only is this management of symptoms a short sighted approach, it sets children up for immune issues and chronic disease as adults. In other words, the care that is most accessible and commonly prescribed or purchased is damaging our children.

The origin of the chronic symptoms observed in school children all began in their infancy and can all be traced back to poor elimination. When the body cannot clean as it is designed to, it begins to compensate by using emergency exits which then becomes the norm. This poor elimination can be seen as sinus congestion, a chronic cough, a bit of eczema that comes and goes, repeated upper respiratory or ear infections, sleep disturbances, cold or canker sores, and so on. While the steps to support a school age child to heal these symptoms may be more involved, solving it in babies is simple and straightforward. Parents just need to be aware and select safe tools.

A Parent’s Guide

Here is what I’d like every parent of babies to do:
•Know that how you handle even the most minor symptom does matter.

•Always treat acute symptoms naturally first.

•Use a natural health care provider who helps uncover the root of recurring symptoms.

•Keep babies and children away from all products made from milk (from cows, goats and sheep).

•When breastfeeding is not an option make smart choices that are dairy-free and support your baby’s digestive system daily with probiotics and Gemmotherapy.

•Say no to Tylenol, antibiotics, over the counter medications, and creams that suppress symptoms.

•Say yes to breastfeeding for as long as possible, offer fresh fruits and vegetables when you begin supplementing, and use Gemmotherapy extracts to support a maturing digestive system.

•When Gemmotherapy and diet does not resolve your baby’s symptoms, look to Homeopathy. To learn more about Homeopathy order this book from Dr. Tim Dooley and visit the website for the National Center for Homeopathy.

So parents, there are options! I would love to support your journey to raise the next stronger healthier generation of children.

Interested in learning more about Gemmotherapy? You can find out much more about Gemmotherapy protocols for yourself or family in my latest book, Building Immunity In Babies and Children.

Building Immunity in Babies and Young Children

If you would like to learn more about restoring immunity with Gemmotherapy consider joining my next Foundations of Gemmotherapy series.

Happy Healthy Babies IX: Your Baby’s Microbiome

Over these past  weeks, I have taken the opportunity to address a variety of common baby ailments from croup to colic to eczema. While all are seemingly simple symptoms, each is actually an important not to be ignored or suppressed expression of your baby’s body. Each occurs because baby’s elimination is not optimal and emergency exits to clean are being tasked in the lungs, skin, or through the nose.

While it is the common and accepted conventional approach to quiet these symptoms with medication I have asked that you might consider an alternative. Rather than turning these inflammatory responses inward and disrupting baby’s developing systems, I suggest you consider instead a therapy to optimize elimination and enhance the body’s own capability to clean and self heal.

In my opinion, there is no better therapy for this than Gemmotherapy extracts that contain the meristems (plant stem cells) of specific trees and shrubs. The inclusion of the meristem material gives Gemmotherapy extracts the ability to simultaneously clean and heal organ tissue on a cellular level. This cleaning and healing reduces and eliminates inflammation rather than suppresses it. This is critical for all humans but particularly so during the first years of a developing immune system.

The Developing Immune System

What we are now learning about the human microbiome lends further credit to the supportive action of Gemmotherapy extracts to address baby’s symptoms as opposed to potentially harmful medication. The term, Microbiome, refers to the population of microbes that cover every surface of our bodies, both inside and out. Microbes are microscopic life forms that represent thousands of species, outnumbering our own cells by about 10 to 1. The populating of our microbiome occurs from birth with our first strains coming from skin to skin contact with our mother and through breastfeeding. A healthy diversified microbiome leads to a healthy immune system.

A Baby’s First Years

Microbiome is no doubt the scientific buzzword of the day but it is more than a fad and something with which every expectant parent and those with young infants need to familiarize themselves. While our microbiome continues changing throughout our lifetime, we now know that the first three years of life are most critical. New and Expectant Parent Alert: This first three year period of a child’s life is when the immune system matures and every precaution must be taken to protect rather than challenge this system.

“The microbial makeup a child has at three is the one he or she will carry into adulthood. So this is the most vulnerable period, during which messing with the microbiome could have longer-term implications.” according to Ramnik Xavier, a gastroenterologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, and Harvard Medical School.

What messes with the microbiome?  The three top interferences in infants come from

  1. C-section deliveries
  2. Formula feeding
  3. Antibiotics (for mom or baby)

Supporting the Developing  Microbiome

Vaginally delivered babies are covered in a film of microbes from their mother as they enter the world. This simply does not occur with C-section deliveries. However, hospital studies have been conducted that have investigated the success of “swabbing” babies with gauze containing microbes from mom. Thus far the studies have proven that a transfer of microbes from mom to infant CAN occur in this manner.

Breast milk has been the preferred food for infants for years and now this has even more backing with recent studies. Beneficial bacteria from mom are delivered directly to baby’s gut with each breastfeeding, supporting the development of a diverse microbiome. This makes a strong case for the use of probiotics in infants who must be formula fed.

It has become clear that the use of antibiotics can send the microbiome into a state of chaos, when given at birth or after. This  study has even found a three-way link among antibiotic use in infants, changes in the gut bacteria, and disease later in life.

Early imbalances in gut microbes have been tied to infectious diseases, allergies and other autoimmune disorders, and even obesity later in life. A recent Harvard Magazine article, How Antibiotics Disrupt Babies’ Microbiomes, states research that has found fewer strains of microbes in antibiotic-exposed children’s intestines and a less diverse microbiome creates a less stable microbial community.

The same article goes on to explain that having a diverse, rich, complex, microbial community is important for the immune education of the gut. According to this, growing up in a too-clean environment may actually be a bad thing because exposure to germs in early life is necessary to help train the developing immune system. Something extremely important to think about as it has become a trend to overprotect baby and baby’s environment.

While all of this just barely scratches the surface given the vast knowledge available on the human microbiome my hope is that it will pique your curiosity on the topic and lead to further research on your own.

Check back next week when  I wrap up this Happy Healthy Baby series and offer clear steps expectant and new parents can take to support their developing infant before and after delivery.

Building Immunity in Babies and Young Children

Learn more about how you can build your child’s immune system in my recent book  full of easy to use Gemmotherapy protocols for everything from colic to skin conditions. An indispensable guide for anyone caring for young ones. If diving deeper into Gemmotherapy is on your mind then consider joining me in September for my next Foundations of Gemmotherapy series.

Fall 2018 Schedule

Back in April I shared the exciting news of our planned Family move. As with so much in life there is “the plan” and then how it actually unfolds is an entirely different other story. So while the “other story” of our family move is taking shape I can in fact share with you my summer schedule. Where I will be, when, and how I will continue to offer care is very clear! See below for the details whether you are a client of mine, a customer of our Vital Extract store, or both.

Thank you for your continued patience as we discover this new chapter in our life.

Client Services

Now – June 22 Remote Appointments via Zoom, Acute Appointments via phone Tue/Wed/Thur 11am-5pm CST.

June 26 – July 26 Remote Appointments and Acute Appointments via Zoom Tue/Wed/Thur 7 am- 12 noon CST. I”ll be teaching and working from the Midi Pyrenees, France.

July 27 – August 24 No Appointments, Acute Online Submissions Only, Hubele Family Holiday in Germany.

August 27 Remote Appointments via Zoom, Acute Appointments via phone resume 11 am – 5 pm CST.

Vital Extract Store

June 15 – Final Day for Local Pick-up of products at 511 East Mary Street.

All Summer– Online orders filled and shipped Monday-Friday