There’s A Better Way V: Urinary Tract Infections

If you are one who is plagued by, or even just susceptible to, urinary tract infections don’t you ever wonder why that is the case? Before you reach for that box of AZO or fill that prescription of antibiotics, let’s talk. There is a reason your urinary tract gets inflamed, whether it is once or every other month, and while it’s uncomfortable, masking that pain only increases the likelihood that the symptom will reoccur and more often.


The Root of the Problem
The body is actually perfectly designed with a system to clean and organs to eliminate waste. These elimination organs include the kidneys, bowels and (in women) the uterus. When men experience UTI’s the root of the problem is less than optimal bowel elimination over time. In women the root can be either less than optimal bowel elimination over time or the loss of a regular menstrual cycle due to birth control. While intercourse can seem to bring on urinary tract infections, the irritation would not likely occur if the bowel eliminates optimal. When the root of the problem is not addressed, as in most cases with UTI’s, then it remains and the inflammation that occurs only relocates. That is never the right answer as it leads to further chronic symptoms.

What if this is a one off urinary tract infection? The answer is still the same and even more the reason to handle it naturally so you don’t begin a cycle of suppressing and relocating inflammation. If you contact my practice with the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, I have a tried and true protocol that resolves that inflammation by doing exactly what your body needs: support bowel elimination.

The Plan
If the symptoms began within the last twenty-four hours they can be resolved by Gemmotherapy and diet alone. If they have been allowed to linger and the immune system has been working without support it is likely a second therapy is needed to support the vital force. In my practice that therapy is Homeopathy.


First 24 Hours of Symptoms

  1. Increase intake of warm and room temperature fluids (water, coconut water, alkalizing teas, and fresh pressed juices).
  2. Gemmotherapy: Black Currant and Lingonberry – 25 drops of each, 4x daily.
  3. Refrain from physical activities giving the body as much rest a possible.
  4. Apply heat in the form of a pad or hot water bottle to the kidneys to help with elimination.

Second 24 Hours of Symptoms

  1. If the symptoms have not improved by 50%, seek the support from your health care provider.
  2. If symptoms have improved by 50%, continue with the above protocol until all symptoms have improved and then for another two full days. (Usually this is a total of one week.)

Future Consideration
Should you experience a UTI once a year or more it is important to consider further support from Gemmotherapy and an alkalizing diet to resolve the less than optimal bowel elimination the contributes to the reoccurring symptom.


In the case of UTIs and a wide variety of acute and chronic symptoms, Gemmotherapy is able to offer the body something no other natural therapy can- the action of cleaning, draining, and fortifying the affected organ tissue. This powerful action is due to the inclusion of the plan meristem cells in each extract.

Gemmotherapy is the youngest plant based medicine and is fascinating to study as a home user or as a practitioner. While you can find many more acute protocols in my blog you can now read them together in my newly released, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care. In this first book of the series you’ll learn Gemmotherapy history, fundamentals, and find 36 proven reliable protocols for acute symptoms.

Want to dive a bit deeper? Check out this online self-paced Acute Care with Gemmotherapy course or join me live in Berkely California on 21 October when I will present both Acute Care with Gemmotherapy and Gemmotherapy for Chronic Symptoms 101 and 102.

There’s A Better Way IV: Flu Virus

Think the flu season is still a long way off? Think again. With the changeable weather pattern we’ve experienced across the nation, I’m predicting an early season and have seen a case or two already in my practice.


In this fourth post in my current series I’m taking a look at how to respond to the acute symptoms of a flu or virus naturally and discussing why that is truly a better option. If you are just joining in and have missed the first few weeks you may want to catch up by reading the dangers behind suppressing symptoms, what to have on hand to be prepared for the coming allergy, cold, and flu season, and last week’s post on resolving seasonal allergy symptoms.

There is no doubt the flu isn’t fun, especially when it drags on for weeks with your energy slow to return. Imagine, however, that this doesn’t always have to be the case. Understanding the why behind your symptoms and making a few changes in your approach will make all the difference in the world.

The Root of the Problem
I’d like to challenge your belief system when it comes to “catching” a flu or virus. Our everyday world is full of opportunities to “catch” something. If we caught something only because we were exposed, we would be sick 24/7. Here is why we “catch” something and how the body uses it as an opportunity to clean:

  • The body is a self cleaning and self healing organism.
  • When the body cannot clean optimally over time through our primary organs of elimination it looks for opportunities to clean through the emergency exits- skin, sinuses, mouth, ears, and or vagina in women creating inflammatory states.
  • This process weakens the immune system as it must be in continual response to the inflammation present.
  • A flu or virus becomes an opportunity for the body to flush out what has built up over time as from the primary organs of elimination and a weakened immune system. This flushing out can occur as diarrhea, vomiting, sinus congestion, or bronchial congestion all releases of the buildup.

The truth is- We are most susceptible to viral and bacterial inflammations when our body needs to clean. All of our bodies need this seasonally in late fall and spring at times of transitions for nature. So suppressing the body’s natural means to clean what has already built up is a move in a dangerous direction. Every act of suppression is returning that inflammation right back to the organs that are trying to clean and adding to your whole inflammatory load. This suppression can look like antibiotics, nasal spray for congestion, Mucinex for cough, or Imodium for diarrhea. It is all equally problematic. The inflammatory load that is increased is what leads to chronic symptoms and chronic disease.


The Plan

So what’s my natural plan? Instead of suppressing, we must support the organs affected and the immune response so the body can resolve the inflammation.

Here are the steps to follow at the first sign of acute flu or virus symptoms:

  1. Immediately reduce the energy spent on digestion and inflammatory load by nourishing your body only with alkalizing fresh juices, coconut water, teas, and broth or miso soup.
  2. The first 24 hours are the most critical as your immune system is called into duty. Give your body the energy it needs in the moment.  Taking off work three days from now is of no use.
  3. Keep especially your kidneys warm to help with their extra load. A hot water bottle or heating pad is most helpful.
  4. Begin the Gemmotherapy flu protocol of alternating doses of Black Currant and Oak.

First 24 Hours
Take one dose every hour, alternating one dose Black Currant, the next hour Oak.

Next 48 Hours
Take one dose every two hours, still alternating one dose Black Currant, the next hour Oak.

If there is not a 50% improvement in energy after a full 48 hours of rest and care, contact your natural health care practitioner for further support to strengthen your vital force.

The Remaining Days
Continue on the alternating doses of Black Currant and Oak, one dose of each every 4 hours two days past the point of all symptoms being completely resolved


Our flu protocol of Black Currant and Oak is tried and true and is used by clients across the country. It has been adopted by many of my colleagues in their practices including my mentor Dr. Frei in Switzerland!  Gemmotherapy offers the body something no other natural therapy can- the action of cleaning, draining, and fortifying the affected organ tissue. This powerful action is due to the inclusion of the plan meristem cells in each extract.

Gemmotherapy is the youngest plant based medicine and is fascinating to study as a home user or as a practitioner. While you can find many more acute protocols in my blog you can now read them together in my newly released, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care. In this first book of the series you’ll learn Gemmotherapy history, fundamentals, and find 36 proven reliable protocols for acute symptoms.

Want to dive a bit deeper? Check out this online self-paced Acute Care with Gemmotherapy course or join me live this week for the start of my fall webinar series.

There’s A Better Way III: Seasonal Allergies

Welcome back to my series on responding to acute care symptoms naturally. In the first two weeks I shared the dangers behind suppressing symptoms and what to have on hand to be prepared for the coming allergy, cold, and flu season.

While June through August can be a reprieve for seasonal allergy sufferers in Austin and along the southern states, the symptoms all return again in the fall. There is no doubt that those affected really struggle and life is miserable with clogged throbbing sinuses. Imagine, however, that this doesn’t always have to be the case. Understanding the why behind your symptoms and making a few lifestyle changes can rid you of this annoying pattern for the rest of your life.


The Root of the Problem
Because symptoms are merely messages from the body alerting you of a deeper imbalance, let’s take a look at what’s behind the always irritating itchy runny eyes and stuffed sinuses. The root of this problem is surprisingly not in your head. It is in your digestive system, including your liver! When the digestive system has to work overtime to break down food that our body was not designed to digest, our elimination slows. When elimination slows, the lymphatic system looks for emergency exits to clean the body. The most common emergency exits are the sinuses and skin. These are followed by the eyes, ears, mouth (cold, canker sores) and for women the vagina (candida). An important point however is that the sooner you begin to address your symptoms the better the more improvement you will see this season. So get started now with the following course of action.


The Plan
So if the root of the sinus symptoms exists in the digestive system what are the steps to resolve the inflammation experienced?

  1. Eliminate foods that are difficult or impossible to digest, causing inflammation, at the very least during allergy season. The number one food source to avoid is dairy products. That includes all products made from milk (cow, goat, or sheep). Alcoholic beverages are next on the list to trigger allergy symptoms and that is because of the toll they put on the liver causing the lymphatic system to search for emergency exits to clean.
  1. Further support your digestive system with probiotics. I recommend Lifybiotic. Be thoughtful regarding your purchase as there is no regulated testing of probiotics proving whether the item you purchase delivers what is on the label. Purchase from a knowledgeable practitioner or a natural pharmacy only.
  1. Take the specific Gemmotherapy protocol for sinus congestion daily during allergy season to improve the adrenal response, resolve inflammation, and support lymphatic drainage. I recommend the following:

Morning & Midday
Common Alder, Black Currant, Dog Rose


Adults & School Children
25 drops of each extract per dose

Toddlers- School Age Children
10 drops of each extract per dose

5 drops of each extract per dose


Here’s an allergy symptom case story I shared a few years back you might enjoy.

Our allergy combination is one of the most popular Gemmotherapy protocols we offer and that is because it works. Gemmotherapy can offer the body something no other natural therapy can- the ability to clean, drain, and fortify the affected organ tissue. This powerful action is due to the inclusion of the plan meristem cells in each extract. Gemmotherapy is the youngest plant based medicine and is fascinating to study as a home user or as a practitioner.

While you can find many more acute protocols in my blog you can now read them together in my newly released, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care. In this first book of the series you’ll learn Gemmotherapy history, fundamentals, and find 36 proven, reliable protocols for acute symptoms.

Want to dive a bit deeper? Check out this online self-paced Acute Care with Gemmotherapy course or join me live next week for the start of my fall webinar series.

There’s A Better Way II: Be Prepared

Last week, in the first post from this new series I explained the dangers of suppressing  acute symptoms. The majority of chronic symptoms that plague our culture today are a direct result of ill advice regarding simple acute symptoms. We live in a society that fears symptoms. When one appears there is a pill, cream, or spray to fix it. Symptoms are messages from your body though! Learning the language of these affections and responding appropriately to the root cause is what is needed.


So what is an appropriate response to acute symptoms? Therapies that support the immune system, the lymphatic system, and the organ/organs involved. In my practice I have found Gemmotherapy to provide the best first response.  Homeopathy and /or Acupuncture are best to follow when the vital force of the individual needs further support. This would be evident after 24 hours on Gemmotherapy and the energy and appetite are not improving.

Supporting the body naturally during acute symptoms however requires an early response. In order to do that, one must be prepared. Since Gemmotherapy isn’t readily available in the U.S., it makes sense to keep a supply of extracts on hand to put to quick use when needed. What Gemmotherapy extracts should you keep on hand? To handle the majority of symptoms from an acute inflammation or accident you may want to invest in these ten:

Black Currant
Black Honeysuckle
Common Alder
Dog Rose

These ten extracts, when combined into protocols, will support the body to resolve the following:

Allergic Reactions
Bites and Stings
Canker and Cold Sores
Headaches (tension not migraine)
Acid Reflux
Food Related Digestive Discomfort
Coughs, Wet and Dry
Ear Aches
Seasonal Allergies
Sore Throat
Infected Wounds (including Staph)

As you can see, Gemmotherapy is quite versatile and having a small inventory on hand will get you though most common acute symptoms. You can find seven of these ten acute Gemmotherapy extracts ready to go in our Acute Care Kit or simply order what you need individually.

While you can find protocols for most of these symptoms in my blog you can now find them together along with much more information in my newly released, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care. In this first book in the series you’ll learn Gemmotherapy fundamentals and find 36 proven, reliable protocols for acute symptoms.

Want to dive a bit deeper? Check out my online self-paced Acute Care with Gemmotherapy course or join in online for my fall webinar series.

There’s A Better Way I: The Danger in Suppressing Symptoms

Symptoms of flu, cold, and allergies will soon be flaring. Having your action plan in place will ease the stress on you and your body now and, even more importantly, in the long-term. Make this the year you chose to take care of yourself through the season rather than providing momentary fix after fix.


What do I mean by that? There are a host of widely accepted options from OTC medications to antibiotic treatment that, while providing short term symptom relief, actually pave the path to developing serious chronic conditions. You can make a difference in your health now by changing the pattern this season with the first symptom you experience.

If you are the parents of young children, this is even more important! The health of our immune system is established within the first three years of life! What we do after that can and will further weaken it, but the base level of immunity and the microbes that influence immunity are set in those first years. You can learn more on this subject in Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues by Martin Blaser or listen to his NPR interview.


So, before you treat that ear or throat pain with Amoxicillin this season, educate yourself on the long term effects of what you are doing to your body or that of your child(ren). To be sure: antibiotics have truly saved countless lives and that is exactly what they were created to do. Antibiotics should not, however, be used to manage natural inflammatory responses in the body. This inflammation must be resolved not suppressed. And inflammation can only be resolved through natural support. This support can come from Gemmotherapy, Homeopathy, and plant based diets. Acupuncture is also a great solution for resolving inflammation.

What about cold and cough suppressants? Well, the name says it all. Where do you think that suppressed cough or sinus congestion (inflammation) goes? You only have one body with two primary elimination organs and a handful of emergency ones. When your body begins to clean through its emergency exits – the sinuses, the lungs, the skin, the ears – it’s an indication that there is a buildup too great for the bowels and kidneys to handle and it is time for a cleaning. This is actually a very normal function of our body twice a year, seasonally and when we suppress it, we are stopping an integral cleaning process. So, when your sinuses are congested and you take medication just so you can now breathe through your nose, think about where that mucus went.


What your body needs during this time is support and protocols that resolve the need to produce further inflammation instead of medications that suppress the inflammation. A successful acute protocol will support the adrenal gland that initiated the inflammatory responses, the lymphatic system to move out the inflammation, and address specifically the inflamed area or organ.

Get smart this year about your body and take steps now to change how you address acute symptoms. Like other habits you have successfully changed, this one just needs your time and attention. If this interests you but you still have questions – please just ask! I’d love to help you over this hump and to a healthier life over the long term.

Would you like to learn more about Gemmotherapy extracts and specific protocols for acute care? You’ll find 36 proven, reliable protocols for acute symptoms and learn Gemmotherapy fundamentals in my newly published book Gemmotherapy for Everyone:  An Introduction to Acute Care. Order your copy here.

Want even more?  Check out my online self-paced Acute Care with Gemmotherapy course.

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part IV

These past three weeks, we have followed Molly’s incredible journey from her tremendous grief and debilitating Crohn’s symptoms after the passing of her mother to experiencing and overcoming secondary symptoms and to the eventual discovery of a healing path. As Molly’s practitioner I could not be more pleased with her willingness to allow her body this opportunity to heal and everything she did to support the process with diet and lifestyle changes. I may have been able to offer Molly Gemmotherapy protocols, encouragement, and dietary suggestions, but she had the determination to make this work on her own. Molly’s dedication has been remarkable and you can feel her joy in her words below.


“I have learned so much in just under a year about my body, it’s healing abilities, and my internal strength and drive. I could have been crushed to literal death by the devastation of my mom’s passing and this debilitating disease. But, I AM WINNING!

This summer has been full of opportunities to develop my new lifestyle and to enjoy having my health back. When I think of food choices, I always remember that simpler is better. A simple smoothie or green salad is now my go to meal. I make a great quinoa salad and I can wrap ANYTHING in a gluten free wrap. I love a little bit of salmon on the grill and my favorite dessert is cashew ice cream.

Like I said in that first post, the key to diet changes is to find alternatives. I have successfully found alternatives for everything that my family loved, from butter and milk to eating out at our favorite restaurants. Food is not the only change I have embraced though. I know that good sleep and less stress is vital. I have used Gemmotherapy, acupuncture, and massage to relieve anxiety and stress. A well rested body can heal itself so I make it a priority to get plenty of sleep.

When I asked my children what they notice about me that is different their list makes my heart smile:

“You have more energy.”
“You smile a lot more.”
“We go on long hikes now.”
“You always look for gluten and dairy that could be hiding in our food.”
“You use the bathroom a lot less.”

And they are all right! I now enjoy a life that I am in control of. I do everything with my children now. I hiked with my family in Yellowstone National Park this summer. We were miles from any bathroom and I wasn’t even thinking about it until my six year sweetly asked if we should be looking for a bathroom for mommy. I never would have attempted a long hike in the past. What a change!

These good times with my family doing what we love is motivation enough to keep fighting for my body to heal. I am not perfect and there have been times when I haven’t been as diligent as I should have been in making healthy choices, but I take the setback in stride and get back to work. This journey has been an amazing accomplishment. I recognize that it is a journey and the end result is a completely healed body. As I near the end of my first year, I can hardly believe how far I’ve come!”

So what’s next for Molly? A lot more of the same to be honest. A plant based diet rich in whole nutrient dense foods, moderate exercise, restorative sleep each night, and continuation of her protocols. Recently we changed her Homeopathic remedy to one that will offer more emotional support and I look forward to the advantage this gives Molly as she considers some changes for her future. We also continue increasing the strength of her Gemmotherapy protocol to further resolve old inflammation and promote healing of her digestive organ tissues. We both look to the day when she will not need even the one prescription medication. I do believe this is possible but the timing must be right. Next month Molly will return for further testing of her inflammatory levels and we will know more about the progress she has made. I’ll be sure to post an update!

Gemmotherapy played a huge role in the healing of Molly’s symptoms. You can learn more about this emerging botanical therapy from Europe here on my website. Interested practitioners can find information on training in Gemmotherapy protocols here.

Next week begins a new series as I depart for my annual summer trip to Europe. Don’s miss this one as I post from our hiking in the Vosges Mountains, my time with my Homeopathic mentor Dr. Heiner Frei in Laupen Switzerland, and much more!

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part III

This month I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my blog with Molly LaChere who tells her inspiring story of addressing symptoms of Crohn’s. While Molly had lived with the often debilitating effects for 13 years, it was the passing of her mother that led her to make serious lifestyle changes.  In the first post of the series Molly explained the commitment she made to reclaim her health. Last week Molly described the setbacks she faced getting started.

For nearly half of her life Molly’s body made up for a poorly established elimination system and overburdened kidneys by dumping acid waste through her bowel. The urge for a bowel movement often appeared hourly and a combination of mucous, blood, and or loose stools were eliminated. This was a compensation that her body established in order to keep the raging state of inflammation under control. The challenge I would face as a practitioner was to fortify her kidneys using Gemmotherapy extracts and gradually shift her body out of this “dumping” state. As you found out last week this process triggered another response in her body- her limbs began to take on the inflammation that was not being dumped and her skin became an emergency exit to filter toxins as well. No doubt this was a miserable time for Molly and many would lose hope. I encouraged Molly to seek out additional support from her physician, whom she had worked with in the past. In her advanced state of Crohn’s, we were hoping it would be possible to find a balance suppressing some symptoms through medication just long enough for Gemmotherapy to strengthen her kidneys. Her Gemmotherapy protocol at first was only Silver Birch Sap, but we later used Blueberry for both kidney and bowel support, Black Currant to resolve inflammation and support her adrenal glands, and Silver Lime as a tonic for the nervous system and it’s mild general detoxification effect. In addition, I included an adrenal supplement and a monthly constitutional dose of Homeopathy.

healthy molly

Here is more of Molly’s story.

“January and February were marked by continued swelling, but was I able to stay the course. I continued to try every day to make positive changes. I was taking my Gemmotherapy extracts regularly and was even learning to adjust them on my own. I was quite excited about that! Even though I could feel my body trying to heal itself and I was making small improvements every day, I still needed some support from medical doctors. Crohn’s disease must be monitored closely as the inflammatory state is known to lead to cancers and other complications. Having lost a parent to cancer just months before understandably made this threat even more worrisome.

I finally was able to have an appointment with the Gastroenterologist on March 3rd. I was ready to fight because I knew they would want to start me on HUMARA, a drug that suppresses the immune system and is known to cause an aggressive form of Lymphoma. The doctors were certainly concerned, so they did the only thing they are trained to do, offer tests and medications. I am grateful for their tests, but I wanted to pass on their medication. The day following my appointment, I brought in a stool sample so that they could test for inflammation markers. The results could take a while so in the mean time I had a colonoscopy and started on a short course of Prednisone. The colonoscopy showed inflammation, but no cancer. What a relief! With that worry gone, and the Prednisone kicking in to suppress my immune system enough to relieve the inflammation a little more, I knew that I was turning a corner in my healing.  

I continued to feel better each day and after a few weeks I began to taper off the Prednisone. During this time we were able to increase the doses of Gemmotherapy without the fear we had previously of aggravating symptoms. By early April I had bowel movements only 3-5 times daily and all were formed with no pain! I was even sleeping through night. By the time I came off of the Prednisone my kidneys and bowels were functioning much better all on their own.

In May I returned to the gastroenterologist for the best appointment ever. First, we went over the results of the stool sample taken back in March. In a normal healthy person, the markers would be below 50, for people with Crohn’s disease, the goal is below 100. For comparison, my numbers have been over 1,000 in the past! The doctor couldn’t believe that my number was only 146! Remember, this was taken before I started on any medication! Diet change and Gemmotherapy was the only thing I was using to control my disease at the time of the test.

With this news, I knew that my drastic diet change made me feel better and now I had the proof that it was healing me too! We came to an understanding that day in the office that if I continued to make healthy diet changes, the doctor would be completely supportive of not using HUMARA. He even admitted to me that the medication often doesn’t work well unless patients are willing to make changes in their diets and it often leads to patients loosing parts of their colon or small intestines. I did however begin Asocol HD a mild medication that helps with inflammation in the colon. I have tried it in the past and it was never enough. This time it was a different story. It was just enough support. I have another appointment in August and I am so excited to see those results!”

Molly’s story is such a remarkable example of believing in your body and it’s ability to heal and, at the same time, taking the steps of intervention needed when a disease has progressed. She is fortunate to have an open minded physician that supported her commitment and could see a middle path. Had Molly and I began our work together when her symptoms of urgent loose stools began years ago, she would not have needed medication but in these advanced stages of autoimmune, with the knowledge we have today, the approach we found was a good compromise. Join us next week when Molly shares more of the specific lifestyle changes she has found successful.

Interested in learning more about Gemmotherapy? Pre-order my book, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care. Find more here on Gemmotherapy protocols for yourself or family. If you are a practitioner, you may be interested in my online trainings available now.

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part I

“July 11, 2015, a day that changed my world. My mother passed away after a five year battle with cancer. I was tired, alone, and sick. I had just had my fifth child in May, so tired was a feeling I knew well. Having dealt with Crohn’s Disease for 13 years, sick was normal. The loneliness, though, was devastating. I spent the rest of July and all of August trying to get through each day without breaking down. I cried about everything, I spent hours in the bathroom, and I desperately tried to have my kids believe that all was well. What a joke!

By September I crashed. I was mad! My world had fallen apart and my body was failing me. Crohn’s Disease had defined me for 13 years and I had let it. I always believed that my body could heal itself, but I knew it would take time and commitment, two things I didn’t have with five kids and a dying mother. Then something changed in me. I made a commitment to get better for good. No more half way, no more cheating. From now on I must be 100 percent honest with myself and my needs. It was this daunting task that I set out to conquer.” 


Molly and I met to discuss her health in late August. As with all of my clients, I spelled out what would be needed to turn her symptoms around and get her body to begin healing itself.

Her symptoms at the time included 14-18 trips to the toilet round the clock to pass either loose stool, mucus, or at times blood. She was weak and weighed 127lbs. She could not leave the house for more than an hour and only if she was sure she could get to a toilet immediately. This alone made her case challenging, but on top of it all she was a nursing mom with a four month old and four other children under the age of eleven and worked part-time as a teacher at a local private school.

On her side was the fact that her family all wanted her to be well and would support whatever changes she needed to make. In addition, she had a Naturopathic doctor and Gastro MD who she had seen for many years and who also were both open to alternatives that would support Molly’s healing.

The protocol I would offer Molly wasn’t meant as a suggestion. It was really an “either/ or” moment. Either Molly committed to following the protocol or I would not be able to help her. If, as she had claimed, Molly really wanted to engage her body’s own ability to heal, she would have to get serious about her diet. Molly was in an incredibly inflammatory state and she could not afford to add to it with what she put in her mouth- Not even a bite.

Step One of Molly’s protocol was to eliminate all foods with gluten and dairy. Because Molly had already greatly reduced dairy she was halfway there. The challenge came with the need to eliminate both gluten and dairy entirely. To do this she would have to change the way she cooked for her whole family. In hindsight that was clearly a good choice as it quickly solved the chronic symptoms three of her children faced. Back in late August, however, Molly, who barely slept two hours straight and had debilitating symptoms round the clock, was naturally overwhelmed.

dairy gluten free

Step Two of Molly’s protocol was to take Silver Birch Sap Gemmotherapy extract 3x daily, beginning with a very small dose.

Molly’s task ahead was daunting and while I could offer her encouragement and suggestions, she was the one who would have to find the strength to make the changes in order to fulfill her commitment to herself.

Come along and join us in the weeks ahead as Molly and I share in the writing of this series and bring to life her path these past nine months. Whatever challenge(s) you face with your health, you will no doubt find Molly’s story inspiring. Her dedication to restoring her health and befriend her body’s process is an incredible journey.

Happy Healthy Babies Part I: It Really Is All About Elimination

In my perfect practice I would have an opportunity to work with every new mom and baby. Not because I don’t enjoy all the other age groups that I have the honor to serve, but because that is when the most profound changes can be made – and simply! With minor support to the vital organs in the first year or two of life, a host of chronic conditions can be prevented completely.

sleeping baby

My reason for focusing on elimination and its critical role in the health of all living beings is never more clearly displayed than it is in babies and toddlers. However, I’ve been told by parent after parent, no other practitioner has shown any concern about their child’s elimination until now.  Why is that so? I’ll tell you what I know to be true…

It is rare that an allopathic MD will raise an eyebrow at your baby or child missing a bowel movement or two or even three. And the reason why is that medical doctors are trained to look at the body through the lens of disease diagnosis and medicine. A missed or infrequent bowel movement is not a disease. If there is discomfort from missed bowel movements, then there are medicines that will relieve the symptoms and they can be prescribed. They have, at their disposal, a solution.

It is this limited focus on solutions rather than cure that has led countless health practitioners towards the various alternative health practices. These practitioners wanted to offer their patient/ clients more, so they looked to chiropractic training, naturopathic training, acupuncture, homeopathy, and often a combination of fields. This is certainly what led me, first for healthcare for myself and my family and next for my own training.

In the alternative form of medicine that I practice, combining Gemmotherapy Extracts, a Plant Based Diet and Homeopathy, I search for the cure not a solution. Elimination is key because when it is not optimal the natural pattern of the body to clean and heal are disturbed and the body begins to compensate for this inadequate cleaning system. Infrequent elimination is the start of a chain of increasingly serious symptoms that can be completely prevented quite easily in the babies.

That is why I’ll be kicking off a new series this month of May on Happy Healthy Babies and sharing a story or two along the way. We’re going to talk about colic, acid reflux, cradle cap, croup, and more. If only I had known what I do now my years as a young mother would have passed with much more ease. More importantly, I would have prevented a host of symptoms in my children. Due to my personal experiences and my clinical practice I am absolutely passionate about sharing this knowledge. It is my hope that shedding some light on this subject, for new parents and even those who have been at it for some years, will provide you a new perspective on your baby or child’s health. As you follow along this month you may be led to discover the root of your child’s symptoms and help restore their natural abilities to clean and heal their young body.

I’ve written a lot about elimination in the past years (to say the least) but for the purpose of this new series on babies I’d like to call your attention to this article and graphic. The article explains my fundamental philosophy on elimination and what the lack of leads to. As for the graphic, I am fortunate to have on my team the gifted designer Christine Terrell who I owe so much to for her ability to bring sense and life to all the wild connections I make in my head. This graphic is a classic example of her work and clearly depicts the importance of addressing elimination early.


Looking forward to the weeks ahead!

If you are a practitioner that works with babies you may be interested in my upcoming training on Gemmotherapy Support for Fertility, Pregnancy & Infants held July 9th in Austin, Tx. Additional trainings are available online.

Building Immunity in Babies and Young Children

Gemmotherapy for Everyone:
Building Immunity In Babies & Young Children 

This book is full of easy to use Gemmotherapy protocols for everything from colic and sinus congestion to skin conditions and ear infections. An indispensable guide for anyone caring for young ones.

Buy the Book

Changing Your Plate Part V: Dinner

We’ve had quite a few weeks now of meeting real families from my practice who are each, in their own way, making efforts to eat more plants daily. From the Sherman family in Houston who decided to take their first steps based on their baby daughter’s milk sensitivity, to the Thorntons who wanted to get their energy back and set a good example for their young daughter, and then the Kearleys who, after several years, had some excellent tried and true tips to share. It’s been quite a journey. Now, to close out this series, I’d like to introduce you to the Lachere family of Helena, Montana.

Mom, Molly, came to me requesting help to heal her digestive tract from damage that had occurred over the years leading to a Crohns diagnose. She had tried many different routes but nothing seemed to work. When we began our work she was faced with a lifetime of heavy duty medications or some radical dietary changes. You are going to love her story!

Molly and, husband, Gerald are in their thirties. She teaches and coaches part time at a private school and Gerald is a policeman. Although she and her husband do love to cook together when they get a chance, it’s Molly who does the majority of the shopping and the cooking for their family of seven. They are proud parents to Kevin 11, Carly 8, Tyler 6, Marcella 3, and Annaleise who is soon to be 1.

When Molly and I met for her first remote appointment I was quite blunt. At this point in time, given the progression of her symptoms, if she wanted to avoid further dependency on medications she would have to get serious. And by serious she would have to at a minimum eliminate all dairy and all gluten. Even after that we would have to see what still may cause inflammation. The only way to be sure of what causes what reaction would be to reduce/eliminate processed food items. For a working mother who also feeds and cares for five children, making those changes would not be an easy route.

But Molly didn’t shy away. She listened, declared it wouldn’t be easy but she was opposed to filling her body with medication for the rest of her life. So she began to make changes for herself the very next day. Here’s what Molly had to say,

“After I felt so much better and noticed the huge changes to my health, I knew I had to get my family on board and completely change their eating habits.

In myself, I have noticed a complete change in my bowels. I went from over twenty bowel movements a day, to now just one or two solid bm’s. I also noticed better sleep, more energy, and even clearer thinking and emotions.”

Having followed Molly’s case, I’d like to point out this took a huge amount of dedication AND she had her share of emotional and physical setbacks when she questioned whether this was going to get her to where she wanted to be. This is often the case in highly inflamed individuals. Because inflammation will move along the pathways of the lymphatic system, pains will change and the “new symptoms” can be confusing. Continuing onward is the key and you will see that her perseverance has paid off. She recently underwent testing to check her inflammatory levels and both Molly and her doctors were astonished at her results. They applauded her commitment to her diet and encouraged Molly to continue whatever she was doing as it was truly making a difference!

Molly tells me about what she first noticed in her children with the changes to their diet.

“The change that stands out the most is no more tummy aches and constipation. My oldest son would spend 30 minutes every other day having a bm. My three year old would sit and cry that she couldn’t get her “poopy” out.

Over all, my children have had a healthy increase in appetite, and their attitude towards food has changed. The older ones especially see the correlation between what they eat and how they feel. How cool is that?”

What Molly saw in her children’s elimination patterns is not uncommon but unfortunately we are not trained to see those symptoms as problematic. Early elimination issues ARE exactly the start of chronic disease and parents need to pay attention. This is what food sensitivity looks like!

I love what Molly had to say about how she has framed this dietary shift for her children.

“We have approached this change with the attitude that we have a choice to feel so much better! When my kids want to eat something with dairy in it, I don’t freak out or tell them no, I simply ask them if it is worth it. Sometimes, they have said, “yep, totally worth it,” and without fail, either within minutes or days, depending on the child, (one experiences diarrhea while the other experiences constipation) they come around and decide that it wasn’t a good choice and they think a little longer next time they are faced with the same choice. The thing is, there are SO MANY alternatives that taste really good! This is absolutely not about depriving ourselves!”

Molly’s advice to families starting out is to take it slow and take time to make the changes.

“This is not an overnight lifestyle change,” Molly smartly shares, “every time you make a small change, you will feel better and will want to continue. The longer you are off of the dairy, the more you will notice the reaction if you try it again.”

So as Molly began implementing these changes, routines were very important. Because routines are already necessary for a family of seven, food planning would be no different. On a typical day, Molly’s husband Gerald gets up and starts the smoothies. He also makes lunches while Molly gets the kids up and moving. The big kids and dad are out the door by 7:40. Molly works part time, so if it is a work day, she gets the little ones packed up and fed and they are all ready to go by 9:15. All of the kids and Molly are home by 3:45 and dinner gets started right away. Kevin, the 11 year old, is in charge of the salad making but he often recruits the others. He is training them well! Gerald is home by 5:15 and dinner happens right away. Because the kids often have sports or meetings to attend, the Lachere family divides and conquers the evening activities.


Some routines came quite easily. Every morning without fail they all began to have their smoothies, every lunch box got two vegetables, and every dinner began with a salad. But what to do about that main course?

After all the challenges I gave to Molly it was her opportunity to turn the tables on me. Molly had this to say:

“Plant based eating is challenging for us mostly because I wasn’t raised this way and all of my go to family favorites included large amounts of cheese, milk, cream, and meat. These are the meals my kids know and love and they aren’t about to give them up without a fight! I can’t just put a bowl of raw vegetables on the table with some dipping sauce and say, dinner is served!”

I asked Molly to give me a list of “family favorites” and I would get to work on finding some similar recipes that would keep them all on their new diet AND please her kids.

The list from Molly and her kids may sound a lot like your family favorites: casseroles, lasagna, tacos, stuffed peppers, stir fry, sandwiches, and cream based soups.

Before I got carried away, Molly reminded me, “The goal is always tasty, cheap, and easy. We are a big and busy family after all!”

So I had my challenge. Molly and family agreed to test out any recipe that met their standards and give me feedback. Later this week I’ll be featuring the Lachere kids teaming up to make plant based stuffed bell peppers and you”ll see for yourself what they thought about the results!

Changing Your Plate Part IV: Plan Ahead

Last week Janice Kearley shared her family’s approach to a plant based lunch– totally DIY, prepped ahead, simple, and colorful. Later we featured the family’s favorite wrap and bread recipes you won’t want to miss. Moving on this week, we are looking at what prepped ahead means to Janice and how she does it.

We all know that getting ahead on our family cooking is helpful but having a system to follow is what makes it sustainable. Hopefully you can glean some take-away tips from Janice that will work in your home.


Let’s start out with the topic of shopping and keeping that pantry stocked with essentials. When I asked Janice about her shopping she told me straight up, “I don’t buy a lot of packaged things.” From our conversation I gathered that if Janice can make it herself, she will. So what items does she purchase and always keep on hand?

Janice’s store bought staples:
Nuts (raw)
Raisins/ Dates
Maple Syrup
Apple Cider Vinegar
Brown Rice Vinegar
Avocado or Grapeseed Oil
Coconut Oil
Sesame Oil
Just Mayo
Powdered Spirilina (for smoothies )
Nutritional Yeast
Coconut Aminos
Muir Glen roasted tomatoes with green chilis
Beans: Kidney, Black, Chickpea and Pinto
Daiya Cheese

Items Janice prefers to make herself:
Almond Milk
Coconut Butter (recipe from home made vegan pantry)

The majority of Janice’s shopping is done at Costco and Sprouts. To keep up the ingredients she keeps on hand and minimize her purchases, she has developed a great system. Janice keeps two customized lists on the fridge at all times. One is an item specific list for Costco, divided into sections so that items are checked off as needed. The other list for Sprouts/ HEB has the days of the week on the left for menu planning and sections on the right for Produce, Bulk, Canned/Boxed Jars, Baking/Spices, Frozen/ Beverage, Miscellaneous. Janice only enters what she plans to use that week on the list so there is no waste or over purchasing. Here’s an example:


Cooking Ahead

The next piece of planning that keeps Janice’s kitchen running smooth and hassle free is her system of batch cooking beans and lentils.


On the same refrigerator door with the grocery lists lives a little white board where Janice keeps up on what she needs to cook next. Items for batch cooking include chickpeas, pintos, kidneys, lentils, and black beans.

The Kearleys have purchased a true deep freeze in order to better preserve the food Janice is cooking ahead and a large supply of 2 cup Pyrex dishes that hold just the right portions for their meals for three.


Janice’s final tip for all families is, “If you have the space to grow some of your own food, especially if you have children, do it.” The Kearley family does have a small but abundant plot in their back yard that has been a rewarding family project.

In closing, Janice shared three of the many cookbooks that have inspired her repertoire in the kitchen:

Greens 24/7, Jessica Nadel (Be sure to check out the Kale Chip-Cool Ranch recipe.)
Oh She Glows, Angel Liddon
Everyday Detox, Megan Gilmore

I sure have learned a lot from the Kearley family and I hope you have too! Please join us next week as we move on to the evening meal, in this Changing Your Plate series. You are going to love the story of the Lachere family of seven!

Changing Your Plate Part III: Lunch

We talk a lot about food, in my office and home, and how changes to diet are most sustainable when they occur one meal at a time. In order to support you on your path to plant based eating, I thought it would be helpful to share some real stories from real families that we see in my practice. Becoming fully plant based is a journey. Setting realistic expectations while at the same time continually making progress is the key.

I ask my clients to change their breakfast first. What you consume for breakfast can set the stage for the rest of your day, activating your lymphatic system and encouraging healthy elimination. An alkalizing plant based breakfast will provide an alertness and clarity in the morning that can’t be achieved with coffee or a meal heavy with protein. Last week I shared the Thornton family’s story and their commitment to morning smoothies for the whole family, even 18 month old Lily Kai.

This week I want to introduce you to the Kearley family. Eating plant based was something Janice, who handcrafts Montessori baby toys, and her real estate inspector husband, Stephen, had implemented several years back. Since bringing their 8 year old homeschooled daughter Ruth to my practice, they’ve made a few tweaks. Even with the clean vegan diet they were consuming, Ruth still struggled with chronic congestion. Our plan for Ruth was more raw fruits and vegetables through lunchtime and a cooked gluten free, vegan meal for dinner. As this was not a huge leap, the transition has been fairly smooth. It also helps that Ruth not only is on board but is leading the way for the rest of the family.


Janice is very dedicated to her family’s diet and has created some systems that are quite inspiring. Their first dietary changes came when Ruth was still in preschool and she and Stephen read Disease-Proof Your Child by Dr. Joel Fuhman.

“The book really got us going,” says Janice, “and since then we’ve really branched out. It was a good place to start making the switch to plant based because at the time we were still eating meat and a bit of dairy. It was a good guide to making a gradual change. It was actually quite easy by then to just eliminate meat and dairy completely. It’s important to know that I LOVED cheese – but discovering recipes like Dr. Fuhrman’s Orange Cashew sauce really helped. Actually, that sauce is how our daughter learned to love kale.” 

With all this great experience, Janice is full of tips to share. I turned to her specifically for lunch and her’s is a simple one. To keep the midday meal stress free, Janice does batch cooking of many staples. It is, however, important to note that the precooked items mentioned can just as easily be bought prepared if and when time is a factor. Because the Kearley family keeps to a tight food budget, Janice prepares all of her beans (chickpeas, pintos, kidneys, lentils, black beans) in batches and stores them in the deep freeze in 2 cup glass storage containers. She has developed quite a seamless method to keep up on this that I will be sharing in next week’s post.

Janice explains, “Lunch is simple at our house. Everything is from what I have previously prepared. If we are at home, I’ll set out raw veggies and fruits such as bell pepper, cucumber, celery, carrots, oranges, and kale chips not prepared in any way just cleaned and cut, looking for color, even if it’s just the peel of the apple. I usually include some hummus, nut butter, or a black bean spread.”  With these items they are able to make a wide variety of combinations.

Ruth Lunch

Packed lunches use similar ingredients but the items are put into a wrap of some kind or into a sandwich with seed bread. Be sure to find the recipes for the Kearley family go-to wrap and seed bread featured in Lauren’s Kitchen later this week.

Keeping lunch simple is the key here and that is the bottom line for all plant based eating. The challenge to changing behaviors is finding the bandwidth to be creative. Thinking outside of the box when under pressure and stressed is not going to be successful. So consider taking on this next step on your plant based journey when you can create for yourself some time and space to plan your own approach. And don’t forget to check back in next week for some further tips from the Kearley family on stocking your pantry!