Restoring Immunity: How to hold space for each other now

If finding balance and even your footing in these early days of 2022 is your struggle you are not alone. Pull up a chair and listen to this intimate, unscripted conversation between Japanese Acupuncturist Maegan Lemp and Gemmotherapist, Lauren Hubele.  In this short but powerful conversation Lauren and Maegan share what they have learned just two weeks into the new year about holding space for others.

Discover more about Lauren and Maegan’s work here:

Lauren Hubele

Maegan Lemp

Learn more about Gemmotherapy here

Find Gemmotherapy extracts here.

New to Gemmotherapy? Here’s a Beginner’s Guide to get you started.

Here’s a link to find Phytembryotheapy by Drs. Ledoux and Guenoit