Gemmo Memo: Sea Buckthorn

The shrub Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as Sea Buckthorn, is a deciduous shrub native to Mongolia, Russia and Northern Europe. Unless you have traveled to those areas, it is unlikely you would encounter it unless you come across one that has been cultivated. Sea Buckthorn grows in diverse locations: along sea coasts, tolerating salt spray; in Central Asia in desert-like conditions; in Europe above the tree line. It has an extensive and aggressive root system and can be considered invasive in some situations. It is frequently used for land reclamation, to inhibit soil erosion, and for wildlife habitat. Sea Buckthorn is an exceptionally hardy plant, and it tolerates poor soils and temperatures to -45 F. Although it can stand up to the cold weather, it must have good drainage and sunshine. The plant itself, with stiff, thorny branches, sends a clear message to back off. This alludes to its gift to us, protection from unwanted pathogens. 

The essence of this shrub is to defend. The benefits of Sea Buckthorn Gemmotherapy extract are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. Sea Buckthorn is a primary extract for harmonizing the nervous system, where it is used in micro-doses. As a superb tonic for the immune system, it is often used in acute situations to protect individuals from the spread of flu and viruses. It also offers many benefits for long term use to support overall immunity and ease the aging process. 

Although at one time or another we all can benefit from Sea Buckthorn extract, in general, this person may exhibit some or all of the following:

  • Child or adult as immune support 
    • As protection against infectious states
    • As early support during infectious states
    • To prevent relapses of infectious states
  • Aging adults (in micro-doses) 
    • To slow the aging process, improve mood, memory, and cognitive functions

There is much more to learn about Sea Buckthorn as a Gemmotherapy extract, so be sure to listen to this 15-minute podcast. You will discover the primary and secondary actions of the extract and gain a clear picture of the various use cases. Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes. Or, if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel. You can find Sea Buckthorn, as well as other single extracts, for purchase in my Immunity store.

Gemmo Memo: Sea Buckthorn

Learn about the Sea Buckthorn Shrub, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the young buds of Sea Buckthorn Shrub, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.


Gemmo Memo: Black Poplar

Learn about the Black Poplar Tree, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the young buds of the Black Poplar Tree, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.


Acute Care 101: Your Acute Care Supply List

Stocking your pantry and fridge for a natural disaster is one thing, but stocking to prepare for illness in your household is quite different. Whether you are preparing for the current threat of coronavirus or simply the flu and cold season, there are essentials that will reduce the duration of your symptoms and support your body’s ability to heal.

Here’s a fail-proof list of supplies that should get you through any acute respiratory illness.

Gemmotherapy extracts to have on hand for acute respiratory symptoms:

All are available for purchase here.


Wool Socks: Yes that is right—keep a pair handy for your own DIY hydrotherapy treatment. Support the efforts of your body’s immune and lymphatic system while you sleep!

Hot Water Bottle: This German version is my personal favorite, and every home should have at least one for warming the kidneys at the first sign of illness, easing abdominal cramping or keeping cold toes toasty.

Lemons!!: Keep six or more on hand in the fridge to use at the first sign of a sore throat for this soothing hot lemon and honey drink.

Ginger Root: Keep a healthy-sized organic ginger root in your fridge as ginger tea is superb for soothing headaches, nausea and any inflammatory condition.

Miso Soup Paste: Find a favorite brand in the refrigerated section of your local grocer for a nourishing and simple soup. Miso soup is the perfect first real food when your appetite returns. If your digestion is ready, try enhancing it with fresh greens, rice, and/or buckwheat ramen.

Bags of Organic Frozen Fruit: Stash a few in the back of your freezer so you know you will have enough for a smoothie or two.  

Coconut Water: When recovering from an acute illness, but particularly with symptoms of diarrhea and/or vomiting, rehydrating the body is essential. Coconut water will provide some welcome relief.

Herbal teas: Thyme tea is a wonderful soother for respiratory inflammation. If you don’t have access to your own thyme plant, then consider ordering this tea.

Having taken these steps in your kitchen, now consider that there is nothing more valuable than prevention. Wash your hands throughout the day, eat smart, rest well and find time every day to be outdoors.

If you’d like to know more about handling acute illness in your home, here are posts I have shared over the years. Be sure to read early warning signs, the support you need the first 24-48 hours and the value of providing continued care as you attempt to return to full gear.

Gemmo Memo: Boosting your Emotional Immunity in the face of Coronavirus

Did you know that your emotional state directly impacts the efficiency of your immune response?  Micro-doses of specific Gemmotherapy extracts known to harmonize the nervous system, improve your ability to process emotions and reduce the time you spend in a fight or flight.  Supporting your nervous system is actually the first and most critical step in supporting your overall immunity.

Join co-hosts Lauren Hubele, Gemmotherapy expert and Health Coach along with herbalist Teri Brooks, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp as they offer practical and compassionate information that you can use now in the face of the spread of coronavirus

Gemmo Memo: Your Fear, Your Immunity, and Coronavirus

How are your fear, immunity, and coronavirus connected?  Fight or flight,  your sympathetic nervous system response, directly prevents optimal immune functions.  It’s likely you are experiencing this every time you dare look at the news.  If you are ready for some practical and compassionate information that you can use in the face of the spread of coronavirus we have it here.

Join co-hosts Lauren Hubele, Gemmotherapy expert and Health Coach along with herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp as they discuss steps you can take today for yourself and your family.




Gemmo Memo: Lingonberry

Learn about the Lingonberry Shrub, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the young shoots of the Lingonberry Shrub, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.

Acute Care: Protecting your Children during Viral Outbreaks

Join Lauren Hubele, Family Health Coach and Megan Ethridge RN as they offer practical tips for mothers to protect the immunity of their children,   every day and during viral outbreaks.  Learn simple preventative steps you can take today and symptoms to watch for in your family.

Gemmo Memo: Juniper

Learn about the Juniper Tree, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the buds of the Juniper Tree, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.