Gemmo Memo: Black Currant
December 13, 2019

Native to Europe and Asia, black currant shrubs grow well in damp, fertile (but not waterlogged) ground and are intolerant of drought. This moderate-size shrub develops as wide as it is tall, which is about 5 feet (1.5 meters). The broad, long aromatic leaves, with five lobes stemming from the leaf base and serrated margins, make this shrub easy to identify. The pale flowers that appear in spring ripen in midsummer into dark berries. The intensely flavored, tart berries, with a wine-like yet earthy taste, hint at the potential capabilities of the extract itself.
By the 11th century, it was cultivated in Russia and was most often found in monastery gardens as the leaves, bark or roots were used medicinally. It later spread to Europe and eventually North America. Interestingly, the growing and importation of currants was banned in New York and other parts of the United States for more than half a century because they were thought to help spread a fungus that threatened the timber industry. Proven untrue over recent years, the bans have been repealed state by state, and black currants again grow in the northeast and -west of the country.
The benefits of black currant Gemmotherapy extract, a tonic for the adrenal glands, are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. In acute states, it can be added to protocols immediately, when its ability to resolve inflammation is most useful. However, for protocols addressing elimination and various chronic conditions, black currant should only be added to the protocol once the partnering extracts have proven to be well tolerated. Black currant extract can be used topically but is most often taken orally like all other extracts.
Although there are many variations to the individual who could benefit from black currant extract, in general, this person may exhibit some or all of the following:
- Any age, baby to adult
- Any inflammatory symptoms
Would you like to learn more? You can hear, in this 15-minute podcast, the perspectives of three subject matter experts to include an Herbalist, a Gemmotherapist and an Acupuncturist. You will discover the primary and secondary actions of black currant Gemmotherapy extract and who might benefit from this diverse extract. Subscribe to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast/iTunes and catch a new episode of Gemmo Memos each week, or subscribe to my YouTube channel if you prefer to watch the videos.
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