Dee Webster | Homeopath. CCH
Infants, Children, Adolescents, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Why Gemmotherapy?
I love the depth that homeopathy goes with its healing but gemmos add a whole other dimension of opening the body to healing, making us better able to receive any other modality. Gemmos are also amazing on their own helping treat any condition especially the nervous system. I now start everyone on nervous sytem gemmos as a key to opening to healing and to help feel better overall. In my 30 yrs of work as a homeopath, gemmos have been a wonderful addition to my practice making healing more efficient and effective.
This is how I believe we heal:
We have an amazing capacity for healing within us. While illnesses and conditions can make us feel blocked from living our full potential and in knowing the joy that life is, they also land on our doorstep as a chance to make changes in our lives. Both homeopathy and gemmos stimulate the body's deep wisdom for healing and help to make the changes needed to align us back with our dynamic aliveness and our zest and vitality for life.
Jin Shin Jyutsu
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