Midweek Pause—Embrace
January 7, 2015

“Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined.”
— Deepak Chopra
Consider: Applying the lesson in this quote on a daily basis by acknowledging each morning that all the highly structured plans that lay before you are just that and in each crash or crumble may be a plan better than you could have created yourself.
Prepare: Close your eyes for a moment and think back to a time when you experienced an outcome so different from your plans, yet so much more rewarding. Remember the magic when, just for a moment, you felt a power greater than your own at work? How could you experience just a bit of that each day? How can you create room in your daily plans for this to occur?
Do: Upon awakening each morning, BEFORE scanning your mental to do list, ask for the ability to remain open to what will occur and have gratitude for how the events of the day may play out.
Do: Upon awakening each morning, BEFORE scanning your mental to do list, ask for the ability to remain open to what will occur and have gratitude for how the events of the day may play out.
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