Living Creatively: Courage Part III
October 9, 2017

Living Creatively: Courage Part III
Seriously, here we go, it’s part three on Courage in this Living Creatively series, that I absolutely never intended to be so up close and personal. But hey, we are here and this journey only continues to get more interesting by the day!
Last week I shared, with all the courage I could muster, the beautiful opportunity that has been presented in my practice and interwoven into my personal life. While Aaron, ever faithful, is working full tilt to complete projects she has personally orchestrated and tie up her far reaching responsibilities in a neat bow for a graceful exit, it seems the Universe might just have another plan. Together we continue to witness one piece resolved while another falls apart. Just like Pema tells us. Darn it.
Some parts of the transition have been successful. For instance, we have welcomed my niece Molly into my team to take over editing and scheduling all written communications to include this weekly blog post, our Take 5, monthly newsletters, as well as training curriculum and managing my next book project. Because it’s 2017, she will do all of this from Helena, Montana! I’m thrilled to have her on board and will be sharing more about Molly in coming weeks.
On the other hand, Aubrey, who we welcomed into my practice last January to manage Vital Extract, was poised to take on a host of Aaron’s responsibilities just as she encountered some new health challenges. Deeply concerned with her welfare, honoring her desire to continue, and still committed to meeting the needs of our customers, has pushed me to create some agile solutions that I would not have previously considered.
And so here we are. Things are a little messy and I can be fairly sure it will get even messier before we know what exactly is germinating under the rubble. How do I know this? Well, I’ve been here before and, holy cow, while every cell in my body screams resist and find something to grab hold of, my soul is quite confident we are in for a free fall with no safety harness involved.
So what to do? I’ll do exactly as I have been trained by those much wiser than me. I will stay present, solve the problems of the day, and believe with all my heart and soul that we have what is needed for whatever lies ahead.
Are you ready to come along to see how this all transpires? While a part of me would like very much to hold back on sharing until every piece is in place and reveal a polished plan, I know for certain that this time around that is not an option. Instead, I am going to take a deep breath and pull back the curtain while this set is still under construction as it would be a shame to keep the lessons revealed all to myself. Let’s brave this together and discover first hand, on the spot, what living creatively is all about.
I’ll leave you with one last bit to ponder and that is this nagging message I continue to receive. It seems that the bits that are falling apart may need to come back together in a whole new way: One that will better support the rise of Gemmos and their well deserved space in healthcare.
So buckle up! We are in for a wild ride together and as Elizabeth Gilbert says, “If you can’t learn to travel comfortably alongside your fear, then you’ll never be able to go anywhere interesting.”
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Thanks for sharing Lauren
Your vulnerability is so refreshing! I’m deeply honored to have you as a guide on my journey.
Thanks Sandy, welcome aboard, we are all in this together!