Midweek Pause—Mindful Eating
December 17, 2014

“Mindful eating can cultivate seeds of compassion and understanding that will strengthen us to do something to help hungry and lonely people to be nourished.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace in Every Step
Consider: That the act of eating mindfully is a simple, easy practice that we have the opportunity to engage in at least three times a day. Consider your last meal. Maybe it was just a few moments ago. How did it go? Do you remember what it tasted like, how it smelled or who was eating with you? Thich Nhat Hahn invites you to pause when food is placed before you, look at those around you, smile, then look down at your food and allow it to be real.
Prepare: While every meal presents a new opportunity for practice you may wish to choose one meal a day and commit to observing these short yet powerful moments of mindfulness. Make a commitment today to practice at your very next meal.
Do: When the next plate of food is laid before you take in the moment, your companions, and the food with all of your senses. You won’t need more than a few seconds, just enough for a few deep breaths to connect with those being nourished and those who long for nourishment.
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