There’s A Better Way III: Seasonal Allergies
September 13, 2016

Welcome back to my series on responding to acute care symptoms naturally. In the first two weeks I shared the dangers behind suppressing symptoms and what to have on hand to be prepared for the coming allergy, cold, and flu season.
While June through August can be a reprieve for seasonal allergy sufferers in Austin and along the southern states, the symptoms all return again in the fall. There is no doubt that those affected really struggle and life is miserable with clogged throbbing sinuses. Imagine, however, that this doesn’t always have to be the case. Understanding the why behind your symptoms and making a few lifestyle changes can rid you of this annoying pattern for the rest of your life.
The Root of the Problem
Because symptoms are merely messages from the body alerting you of a deeper imbalance, let’s take a look at what’s behind the always irritating itchy runny eyes and stuffed sinuses. The root of this problem is surprisingly not in your head. It is in your digestive system, including your liver! When the digestive system has to work overtime to break down food that our body was not designed to digest, our elimination slows. When elimination slows, the lymphatic system looks for emergency exits to clean the body. The most common emergency exits are the sinuses and skin. These are followed by the eyes, ears, mouth (cold, canker sores) and for women the vagina (candida). An important point however is that the sooner you begin to address your symptoms the better the more improvement you will see this season. So get started now with the following course of action.
The Plan
So if the root of the sinus symptoms exists in the digestive system what are the steps to resolve the inflammation experienced?
- Eliminate foods that are difficult or impossible to digest, causing inflammation, at the very least during allergy season. The number one food source to avoid is dairy products. That includes all products made from milk (cow, goat, or sheep). Alcoholic beverages are next on the list to trigger allergy symptoms and that is because of the toll they put on the liver causing the lymphatic system to search for emergency exits to clean.
- Further support your digestive system with probiotics. I recommend Lifybiotic. Be thoughtful regarding your purchase as there is no regulated testing of probiotics proving whether the item you purchase delivers what is on the label. Purchase from a knowledgeable practitioner or a natural pharmacy only.
- Take the specific Gemmotherapy protocol for sinus congestion daily during allergy season to improve the adrenal response, resolve inflammation, and support lymphatic drainage. I recommend the following:
Morning & Midday
Common Alder, Black Currant, Dog Rose
Adults & School Children
25 drops of each extract per dose
Toddlers- School Age Children
10 drops of each extract per dose
5 drops of each extract per dose
Here’s an allergy symptom case story I shared a few years back you might enjoy.
Our allergy combination is one of the most popular Gemmotherapy protocols we offer and that is because it works. Gemmotherapy can offer the body something no other natural therapy can- the ability to clean, drain, and fortify the affected organ tissue. This powerful action is due to the inclusion of the plan meristem cells in each extract. Gemmotherapy is the youngest plant based medicine and is fascinating to study as a home user or as a practitioner.
While you can find many more acute protocols in my blog you can now read them together in my newly released, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care. In this first book of the series you’ll learn Gemmotherapy history, fundamentals, and find 36 proven, reliable protocols for acute symptoms.
Want to dive a bit deeper? Check out this online self-paced Acute Care with Gemmotherapy course or join me live next week for the start of my fall webinar series.
Immunity matters!
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I am very interested in this therapy. My concern is that I am allergic to most trees, and using the oak, alder, etc. will have a negative effect. Can you please advise?
Hi Cindy
You don’t have to worry about allergies to the trees or nuts with Gemmotherapy. The extracts are made from the bud of the plant which has not been known to trigger any allergic reaction. Thanks for asking!