Midweek Pause—Freedom
February 11, 2015

Photo © Margaret Adie
“The chains of desire pull us into a life of frustration and suffering, while renunciation cuts those chains. Renunciation, though often understood to mean ‘giving up,’ is, more accurately, the willingness to experience things as they are, not as we want them to be. Here you discover true freedom, the deep, quiet joy that has always been present in you.”
— Ken McLeod
“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”
Consider: The desires you have now that may be causing you to suffer. What might you be longing for that is keeping you from the experiences of the moment? There is a freedom that can only be achieved by loosening our grip a bit on what we yearn for and relaxing into the present time.
Do: Take a quiet moment and reflect on your deepest desire. Without bidding it farewell, simply move your attention to this moment. With each breath come closer to what you are experiencing right here and now. Stay with your breath, taking in this moment with all of your senses, until you can feel the joy in being that is always within.
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