Gemmo Memo: Common Birch
January 24, 2020

The tree Betula pubescens, also known as Betula alba, has many common names, including downy birch, moor birch, white birch, European white birch or hairy birch. Common Birch, as we refer to it in Gemmotherapy, is native to and found abundantly throughout northern Europe and northern Asia. Relatively short-lived, it grows to nearly 100 feet (30 meters) in height and is a pioneering species, colonizing on cleared land. It thrives further north and in higher elevations than any broad-leafed species, preferring damper soils than other birch and even tolerating peat bogs and clay soils.
Often confused with Betula verrucosa, Betula pubescens can be recognized by its smooth, downy shoots and dull, grayish-white bark. The growth pattern is also different as the heavily leaved branches of the Betula verrucosa droop downward and the branches in the crown of Betula pubescens reach upward to the heavens.
Interestingly, the bark can be stripped without weakening this hardy tree, and the bark has been used for a variety of purposes throughout history, from lining coffins to covering canoes. Both the leaves and the bark have been used medicinally across a variety of cultures.
It is the pioneering quality of this tree, thriving in poorly drained soils, that hints at its usefulness as a Gemmotherapy extract, acting as a diuretic, resolving edema and states of acidosis. The essence of this tree is strength in the face of poor conditions.
The benefits of Common Birch Gemmotherapy extract are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. Common Birch is a primary extract for optimizing elimination in the second stage of restoring immunity. It can be added to a protocol for chronic symptoms once the nervous system extracts have been established. It also offers many benefits for long term use to support immunity and the aging process.
Although there are many variations to the individual who could benefit from Common Birch extract, in general this person may exhibit some or all of the following:
- Male or female adult over 40 years of age
- History of any diet that did not promote optimal elimination, usually high in animal protein (dairy products or meats) or processed foods
- Moderately inactive physically (no daily exercise)
- Less than optimal stool or urine elimination
- Weakened immunity, physical or emotional
There is much more to learn about Common Birch as a Gemmotherapy extract, so be sure to listen to this 15-minute podcast. You will discover the primary and secondary actions of Common Birch Gemmotherapy extract and gain a clear picture of the various use cases of this extract. Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes, Or if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
You can find Common Birch as well as other single extracts for purchase on my Immunity store.
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