Loaded Lentil Stew

This is quite a hardy stew, perfect for a blustery March meal. It also pairs well with the seeded buckwheat bread I shared last month. 


  • 2 T extra light olive oil 
  • 1 medium organic onion, diced
  • 3 garlic cloves or 1 shallot, minced 
  • 1 1/2 t smoked paprika or good quality Spanish paprika
  • 1 T fresh thyme
  • 1/4 t crushed red pepper flakes 
  • 2 T tomato paste 
  • 2 large organic carrots, diced 
  • 1 head savoy cabbage, finely chopped (green cabbage can be substituted)
  • 1 1/2 cups organic french puy lentils (black or brown lentils can be substituted) 
  • 1 can organic chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 1 can organic chopped, peeled tomatoes (or fresh Roma tomatoes, if available) 
  • 2 cubes vegetable bouillon
  • Salt and pepper, to taste 
  • 1 large bunch stemmed and torn or roughly chopped kale, chard or spinach 


  1. Warm olive oil in a soup pot with a heavy bottom. Add onions and saute over low heat until soft and translucent. Add garlic or shallots, paprika, thyme, pepper flakes and carrots. Stir well to coat the carrots and saute until there is a change in color but they are still firm. Add tomato paste, cabbage, dried lentils and chickpeas, again stirring well to coat with the oil and spices. Add canned tomatoes and water to cover. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer for twenty minutes and cover with a lid. 
  2. The type of lentil you use will dictate the cooking time from this point. Cook only until the lentils are tender but retain their form.
  3. Add bouillon cubes, additional water if desired, salt and pepper to taste. Gently incorporate the torn greens 5- 10 minutes before serving so they will retain their bright green color. Simmer until the greens are tender.


Gemmo Memo: Giant Redwood

Sequoia Gigantea is native to California, growing on the wester slope of the Sierra Nevadas, continuing north into Oregon. It grows up to 400 feet tall. In addition to its height, the girth is spectacular, 20-35 feet across in diameter. Its lifespan is up to 4,000 years. After 1840, the Giant Redwood was introduced into other parts of the world.

Giant Redwood’s primary action is as a tonic for the adrenal gland, stimulating cortisol production, resolving inflammation and associated pain. Its secondary effect is on the endocrine system, affecting the prostate and testicle health and harmonizing the production of estrogen and testosterone. In men, these hormones regulate libido, erectile function and sperm production. In women, these hormones support the health of the uterus and ovaries as well as bone mass. Further, the hormone harmonizing of Giant Redwood in both men and women acts on the osteoarticular system, improving bone stability and the health of tendons and ligaments.

The extract is known for its high mineral content. The high level of calcium in the extract supports mineralization of bones. The high level of magnesium produces a tonic effect, and the zinc content sustains prostate function.

In Practice

The benefits of Giant Redwood Gemmotherapy extract are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. Giant Redwood can be used at any time for acute symptoms, for short periods only as it is very deep acting. It can be micro-dosed at the start of a case to support the nervous system in those who need focus and stamina for straining mental or physical tasks. Once elimination has been optimized, it can be used in protocols to harmonize hormones in both men and women.

Although there are many variations to the individual who could benefit from Redwood extract, in general this person may exhibit some or all of the following:

  • Male or female, adolescents to adults
  • Men or women with mental or physical exhaustion
  • Men or women with acute injuries involving bone, tendons and ligaments
  • Men with prostate symptoms
  • Women with ovarian conditions which would benefit from harmonizing estrogen production, and to prevent osteoporosis

There is much more to learn about Giant Redwood as a Gemmotherapy extract, so be sure to listen to this 20-minute podcast. You will discover more about the plant itself, further uses of Giant Redwood Gemmotherapy extract and a glimpse of it through the lens of Asian medicine.  

Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes. Or, if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel.  

You can find Giant Redwood, as well as other single extracts, on my Immunity store. 

Gemmo Memo: Dog Rose

As you approach the forest edge, it’s hard to miss spotting the distinctive, thorned tangled of canes and delicate pink blossoms of Dog Rose. The prickly, arching stems commonly form hedgerows between pasture lands or support its climb up and over rock walls or other co-existing shrubs. Dog Rose thrives in all types of soil but prefers a terrain that is moist but well-drained. Its growth provides shelter and habitat for birds and small mammals such as hedgehogs. Rosa canina is known for attracting bees, beneficial insects, butterflies​/​moths and other pollinators with its nectar/pollen rich flowers.

Dog Rose Gemmotherapy extract is a tonic for the immune system. It activates the first line of defense of the immune system, the macrophage cells in the respiratory and the osteoarticular systems. Macrophage cells, a type of white blood cells, are capable of engulfing and destroying all pathogens in their path. 

In addition, it resolves allergic reactions and inflammation of the mucosa lining of the mouth, respiratory, and sinus areas and reduces histamines (although not as effective as Black Currant).

Dog Rose’s secondary effect is harmonizing for the Central Nervous System. It is also known to promote the healthy development of bones and teeth in children by stimulating the cells responsible for bone growth and mineralization.

In Practice

The benefits of Dog Rose Gemmotherapy extract are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. Although frequent short term use of this extract in acute protocols is appropriate, when it is used to address chronic symptoms further consideration is required. Chronic inflammatory states addressed by Dog Rose need to be eliminated, and therefore elimination must be supported by an additional well-suited elimination extract. Taking this precaution will prevent aggravated symptoms that could include headaches, digestive disturbances, joint stiffness or skin inflammations. 

Although there are many variations to the individual who could benefit from Dog Rose extract, in general, this person may exhibit some or all of the following:

  • A child with symptoms involving teeth, bones, or growth
  • Child or an adult in a fragile state
  • A weak physical immunity, recurring acute respiratory symptoms
  • A weak emotional immunity, expressing a lack of emotional safety
  • Slow to recover from physical or emotional symptoms
  • Difficult to approach and connect with
  • Suffers from states of mild hysteria

When looking at extracts that boost immunity in children or adults, they are often also diuretic in nature, pushing the performance of the kidneys. There are cases in which this is not beneficial, when the body is too weak or the kidneys are in distress. This is when Dog Rose may be an excellent start. Pairing it with a partnering extract to facilitate the transportation and elimination of the pathogens destroyed is important. Common Alder is an excellent choice as it does not push the kidneys to work more efficiently. In those who are more robust and can benefit from kidney tonification, then Silver Birch Buds or Common Birch Buds could be considered. As in any action to resolve inflammatory states, support for the adrenals should be considered, and that could come from Black Currant or Oak.

There is much more to learn about Dog Rose as a Gemmotherapy extract, so be sure to listen to this 20-minute podcast. You will discover more about the plant itself, further uses of Dog Rose Gemmotherapy extract and a glimpse of it through the lens of Asian medicine.  

Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes. Or, if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe here to my YouTube channel.  

You can find Dog Rose, as well as other single extracts, for purchase on my Immunity store.

Vegan Chocolate Tart

This is an amazingly simple, decadent dessert that no one will believe is vegan and gluten free!


  • 1 cup pitted Medjool dates, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes
  • 1 ¾ cup hazelnuts or pecans 
  • 3-4 T raw cacao nibs
  • 1 T coconut oil

In the food processor, process nuts and cacao nibs until ground. Add drained dates and coconut oil to make a smooth paste. Press into a tart pan with a removable bottom (line with parchment paper if it is not non-stick). Place in the freezer until caramel layer is finished. 

Caramel layer

  • 1.5 cups Medjool dates, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes
  • 4 T tahini
  • pinch of salt
  • ½ t vanilla extract, or a pinch or two of vanilla powder

Process all together until smooth. Spoon into the tart crust and use your wet your hands to evenly distribute. 

Coconut Chocolate Ganache

  • 2  400 ml cans full-fat coconut milk, chilled until the cream separates
  • 150-200 grams dark vegan chocolate
  • 1 t vanilla extract, or a pinch or two of vanilla powder

Spoon the solid part of the coconut milk out of the can and warm gently over low heat. Add vanilla. Break up the chocolate and stir into the warm milk until all is melted and smooth. Quickly pour over the caramel layer and chill for 2-3 hours until set.

The remaining coconut milk is wonderful in smoothies or in my super seeded chia pudding

When ready to serve, remove the tart from the pan and serve. Enjoy!

Inspired by Claire, @HealthyFrenchWife

Gemmo Memo: Hazel

Learn about the Hazel Tree, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the buds of the Hazel Tree, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.

Gemmo Memo: Hornbeam

Learn about the Hornbeam Tree, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the buds of the Hornbeam Tree, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.

Gemmo Memo: European Blueberry

Vaccinium myrtillus is found natively in Northern Europe, the British Isles, Ireland, Iceland and across the Caucasus into northern Asia. It can be found growing in its natural state across heathlands, thriving in acidic and nutrient-poor soils. These small plants grow close to the ground and are under one foot tall (25-30 cm). 

For those living in North America, it is important that Vaccinium myrtillus is not the same plant as the native American Blueberry, Vaccinium cyanococcus. The difference becomes quite obvious when looking at the fruit and plant.  This is a small, compact plant, and the fruit has a dark red, fragrant flesh with a red juice that turns blue. Vaccinium myrtillus berries grow separately on low bushes. In contrast, the American Blueberry has a white or translucent flesh that grows in clusters along the branches of a much larger plant. 

Take a close look at the European Blueberry plant and you may see some hints of its offerings as a Gemmotherapy extract. Its ability to not only grow but thrive in acidic soils points to its usefulness in resolving states of acidosis, and the intricate, fine structure of the plant itself is similar to the microcirculation it improves. 

European Blueberry is primarily a tonic for the intestines, regulating the motility of stool and improving flora. It resolves inflammation in the blood vessels and intestines, making it especially important when addressing dysbiosis. There is an additional primary action of preventing E. coli bacteria. from adhering to the mucosal lining of the intestines and urinary tract. 

There are two secondary actions of Blueberry. The first is on microcirculation in the head, strengthening vein walls in both the eyes and ears, and the other as a mild diuretic effect on the kidneys. 

Indirectly, Blueberry extract is known to improve menstrual symptoms through its optimization of stool elimination. 

In Practice

The benefits of Blueberry Gemmotherapy extract are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. Blueberry can be used at any time for acute symptoms. It is a primary extract for optimizing elimination for those with medium to high vitality. Later, when addressing chronic symptoms, it can be used in protocols to resolve states of acidosis and improve microcirculation, particularly in the eyes and ears, and rebalance bacteria levels in the intestines and urinary tract. 

Although there are many variations to the individual who could benefit from Blueberry extract, in general, this person may exhibit some or all of the following:

  • Male and female of all ages from 6 months up
  • A history of inflammatory symptoms of the urinary tract or intestines, dysbiosis 
  • A history of ear or eye inflammation
  • A history of menstrual irregularities

There is much more to learn about European Blueberry as a Gemmotherapy extract, so be sure to listen to this 20-minute podcast. You will discover more about the plant itself, further uses of European Blueberry Gemmotherapy extract and gain a glimpse of it through the lens of Asian medicine.  

Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes. Or, if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel.  

You can find European Blueberry, as well as other single extracts, for purchase on my Immunity store.

Super Seeded Chia Breakfast Pudding

While I continue to eat my cleansing meal of fruit first thing each morning, the cold of winter often brings a desire for something more. When I came across the recipe that inspired this substantial Seeded Chia Pudding, a new tradition was born! The fact it makes itself overnight makes it a win-win solution.


  • 1 can organic coconut milk, then refill the can with the organic nut milk of your choice
  • 6 T chia seeds
  • 3 T ground flax seed
  • 3 T whole hemp seeds
  • 3 T sunflower seeds
  • 3 T pumpkin seeds
  • 3 T flaked coconut
  • 1 t cinnamon
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • Splash of maple or date syrup, optional


Mix together with a wire whisk, cover and refrigerate overnight. Serve in the morning topped with berries, diced apples, mango or citrus.


Gemmo Memo: Field Maple

Acer campestre, also known as Field or Hedge Maple, is a fast growing, medium tree maturing to 30-50’. Widespread in its natural state, Field Maple can be found across Europe and as far east as the Caspian Sea. Quite tolerant of most soil types, this tree is best known for its showy autumn color and the sweet syrup produced from the boiled-down sap of the tree. It was widely used by the indigenous tribes throughout America as both a medicinal and food source.  

The benefits of Field Maple Gemmotherapy extract are best received by honoring the order in which the body heals. Field Maple in micro-doses is a primary extract for harmonizing the nervous system and in larger doses for supporting chronic symptoms of the liver and gall bladder once elimination has been optimized.  

Although there are many variations to the individual who could benefit from Field Maple extract, in general, this person may exhibit some or all of the following:

    • Male or female adult
    • A child over six years of age who has experienced medications in utero or in early childhood, or diets high in fat, resulting in congestion of the liver
    • Adults who consume or have a history of consuming diets high in fat, animal protein or processed foods, which can inhibit liver function
    • Adults or children over six years of age who experience evening ruminations, negative thoughts and emotions
    • Adults or children over six years of age who experience sleep challenges 11 p.m.- 3 p.m., most often unable to fall soundly asleep until after 1 a.m.
    • Adults who experience gall bladder colic or gall stones
    • Adults with long-standing viruses such as shingles, herpes or Epstein-Barr 

There is much more to learn about Field Maple as a Gemmotherapy extract, so be sure to listen to this 15-minute podcast. You will discover the primary and secondary actions of Field Maple Gemmotherapy extract and gain a clear picture of the various use cases of this extract.  

Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes. Or, if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe here to my YouTube channel.  

You can find Field Maple, as well as other single extracts, for purchase on my Immunity store.

Gemmo Memo: Common Fig

Learn about the Common Fig Tree, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the buds of the Common Fig Tree, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.

Gemmo Memo: Giant Redwood

Learn about the Giant Redwood tree, the potential healing actions of the Gemmotherapy extract made from the young shoots of the Giant Redwood tree, and how this extract can be viewed through the lens of Asian medicine.

Gemmotherapy extracts are a unique botanical therapy, originating in Belgium,  that utilize the meristem cells of trees and shrubs to restore immunity. Discover the healing potential of these individual extracts through the lenses of your hosts, herbalist Teri Brooks, Gemmotherapy expert and health coach Lauren Hubele, and acupuncturist Maegan Lemp.

Gemmo Memo: Silver Birch

Betula verrucosa, Silver Birch tree, is the one species in which the seeds, sap and bud are each made into Gemmotherapy extracts. Each one of these extracts offer a very specific tonifying action, and all three have an impact on the kidneys.  

Let’s begin with the Bud. 

The primary action of the extract made from the Bud of Silver Birch is as a tonic on the immune system and respiratory system. 

The extract has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucosa in the respiratory system in the case of flu and colds and increases resistance, and it inhibits the production of histamines throughout the body, but mostly in the lungs, digestive system and skin.

The secondary action is as a kidney tonic with a mild diuretic effect, yet certainly not as strong as Silver Birch Sap. 

It improves the elimination of toxins on a cellular level, particularly uric acid. 

It does not increase the volume of urine as much as the concentration of waste products in the urine. 

The indirect effect of these actions cause a reactivation of metabolism which has slowed due to insufficient elimination of waste products 

Who might consider Birch Buds:

Children over 6 years through adults to 30 years of age with moderate vitality to optimize elimination and provide general drainage and detoxification along with other organ-specific extracts. 

They will also have signs of slowed metabolism, often seen as mild weight gain, sluggishness and/or some localized inflammation that continues to hang around. 

These are not individuals with deteriorating or dis-eased organs, but rather a general slowing of functionality.  

Those over 30 would look to Common Birch for similar purposes. 

The Sap

The Sap of the Silver Birch tree, which is diluted and processed as a Gemmo extract, has its tonic action on the kidney as a diuretic. This is its primary action. 

It supports the removal of lipids, toxins and minerals that are present in unhealthy levels. 

The indirect action, much like the Buds, is the improvement of metabolism because waste products are more effectively eliminated. This is a secondary effect.

The person who would benefit from Silver Birch Sap may be any age from infants to mature adults, have any level of vitality but will be able to tolerate the strong diuretic effect of the Sap. Specific symptoms indicating the usefulness of this extract would include:

  • All with skin conditions, particularly eczema – there is no better first extract for eczema
  • All with chronic dryness of skin and hair
  • Any adult with a build-up of lipids exhibiting as cellulitis
  • In the spring as cleaning for a maximum of three months 

The Seeds

To begin, I want to emphasize the fact that we are only micro-dosing Silver Birch Seed at this time: 1 to 3 drops.  

So, all of the information is based on a micro-dose given early in the day, as the stimulating effect can cause sleep disturbances if taken later in the day.

Its primary action is as a tonic on the Central Nervous System and adaptogen for mental stress, focus and memory. 

It is also a strong protector of dopamine. Dopamine plays a central role in pleasurable reward behavior, inhibition of prolactin production (involved in lactation), sleep, mood, attention, learning, behavior, control of nausea and vomiting, pain processing, controlling movement, emotion and cognition.

The protection of dopamine leads to secondary support for the kidneys and adrenals.

Who might consider Silver Birch Seed:

Anyone who has symptoms that originate in the Central Nervous System.

I use Silver Birch Seed as a first extract in highly complex cases to jump-start communication between organ systems. 

I also use it to:

  • Improve focus and concentration in students and elderly (only in children over 6 years of age) 
  • Improve mood and motivation in those with mental and physical lethargy
  • Reduce or resolve mild tremors


There is so much more to learn about the Silver Birch extracts, so be sure to listen to this podcast. You will discover the primary and secondary actions of the Gemmotherapy extracts made from the bud, sap and seed, and so much more from the perspectives of an Herbalist, a Gemmotherapist and an Acupuncturist. 

Consider subscribing now to my Restoring Immunity podcast on Spotify or ApplePodcast/iTunes and you won’t miss an episode of Gemmo Memos. Or, if you prefer to watch videos, subscribe here to my YouTube channel.  

You can find Silver Birch Buds, Sap and Seed, as well as other single extracts, for purchase on my Immunity Store