Plant Based Eating on the Go I: Packable Snacks

Traveling and maintaining a Plant Based Diet does take some prior planning but, once you get the knack of it, you should experience smooth sailing. Being on the road for a month each summer in Europe along with this past year of monthly stateside business travel has certainly helped hone my skills and allowed me…

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Your Home Guide to Gemmotherapy IV: Bites, Stings, and Allergic Reactions

Ready for a replacement to that drippy bottle of calamine lotion? There is actually an answer with Gemmotherapy! Gemmotherapy extracts are the perfect replacement for a host of OTC supplements and medicines that fill many home first-aid kits. Calamine lotion is just one more product that you can live without. From ant bites to wasp…

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Your Home Guide to Gemmotherapy III: Digestion Woes

In this continuing series on home use of Gemmotherapy, I’d like to offer a very simple alternative to antacids or any home-cure for indigestion. It’s important to remember this protocol, and all protocols in this series, are for acute, occasional symptoms- not for ongoing chronic symptoms. Chronic digestive symptoms need to be brought to the…

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Your Home Guide to Gemmotherapy II: Acute Coughs

Today, as part of my series on home care with Gemmotherapy, I’d like to share some useful and timely information regarding care for acute coughs in either children or adults. Gemmotherapy actually provides several answers, depending on the type of cough experienced, which I will explain further on. What should make Gemmotherapy extracts your first…

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Acute Care 101:  The Three Stages of Acute Care – Continued

Last week I shared Kelly’s story and discussed the early signs of an acute illness and the first two stages of treatment. In today’s post we’ll take a look at the third stage of care for acute illness—convalescence. Stage Three So, Kelly followed her protocols perfectly and now three days later she is 80% better,…

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Acute Care 101: Three Stages of Acute Care

Last week I shared with you a story about Kelsey and how her acute symptoms appeared over the course of twenty four hours. The first symptoms, mental and emotional, were very subtle and are generally misinterpreted or go unnoticed by most. Her physical symptoms appeared within the next twenty four hours. This information is particularly…

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Acute Care 101: Acute Illness Warning Signs

Last week I introduced this series on caring for acute cases by explaining the difference between acute and chronic symptoms. Because each one requires a different approach, the protocols and care vary. Today I’m going to break down Kelsey’s experience with the onset of the flu. I will point out typical early warning symptoms that,…

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Acute Care 101: Acute or Chronic?

What’s the difference between an acute or a chronic symptom? This post is the first in a new series with a focus on acute care. Just in time for allergy and flu season, I will be providing you with practical tips to help you through as well as some important fundamentals to help you better…

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The Inside Scoop on Birth Control: Endometriosis

In this recent series, “The inside scoop on birth control” I have shared the reasons suppressing a menstrual cycle can be problematic, addressed the birth contol dilemma head on and told one woman’s story of the price her health paid while using a very convenient and highly popular birth control method. Today I’d like to share a story about a…

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The Inside Scoop on Birth Control: What’s a Girl To Do?

So, if hormonal birth control can cause a range of chronic conditions in women of all ages, what is the answer? Well, that sure is the question of the hour and certainly one I see women struggle with time and time again in my practice and beyond. The answer isn’t short and sweet, but I…

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The Inside Scoop on Birth Control: Convenience Has Its Price

Last week I went head-on into a trendy topic of “not needing your period.” It all got started with this article that has gained considerable traction in social media forums and was even reposted in the NYT. I shared these four points in response in my post titled Women DO Need To Have Periods: You…

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