Minestrone Soup
October 28, 2022

Direct from Lauren’s kitchen to yours.
Olive Oil
- 1 large late summer squash or zucchini- chopped in bite-sized pieces and oven roasted or sautéed in a pan until just tender but holding their shape well
- 1 onion peeled and chopped
- 1 large or four small sweet peppers seeded and chopped
- 2 heaping TBL of dried herbs – you choose but consider oregano, thyme, rosemary
- A pinch of red pepper flakes
- 2 heaping TBL of tomato paste
- 1 can chopped tomatoes
- 1 TBL of maple syrup
- 1 can white beans drained
- ½ small cabbage cored and chopped
- 1 bunch of Your choice of greens- spinach, chard or kale
- Veggie bouillon cube or two
- Salt and pepper to taste
- GF Elbow macaroni – cooked according to directions in a separate pan
- Plant-based parmasean- grated
In a large heavy dutch oven, heat a splash or two of olive oil on medium heat. Add onion and sweet pepper, turning down the heat to let them gently soften without coloring. After 10 minutes, turn the heat back up and add tomato paste, allowing it to darken and thicken. Add herbs, the can of chopped tomatoes, maple syrup, drained beans, chopped cabbage, veggie broth cubes, and water to cover. Bring toa boil, cover and tuthe rn heat to low. Simmering for 30-45 minutes, the longer the better, adding water as needed.
When nearly ready to serve, add greens, adjust seasonings, and simmer until greens are cooked. Serve over a spoonful of elbow macaroni and top with grated vegan cheese.
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