Veggieful Tacos
March 9, 2019

Yes, this is really another taco recipe – and just weeks after sharing one with pan-roasted Brussels sprouts. If I promise this is it for now, will you give it a try? You really won’t want to miss the ease and practical way to get your veggie quota for the day.
Pictured above is how we typically roll on taco night. I roast whatever veggies happen to be leftover from the week, cook a pot of pinto or black beans and serve it all alongside some salsa and avocado. If there are cheese lovers at your table you might try Kite Hill Ricotta or any of these choices from Parmella Creamery. As for tortillas, there are so many options these days, from grain-free choices by Siete to the handmade corn tortillas we find along the taco belt in Texas.
Here are the suggested ingredients with simple instructions to make up your own weeknight taco feast. Feel free to change up the vegetables to suit your family and what you have on hand.
Oven Roasted Veggies
Preheat oven to 425 F. Cut all veggies into cubes or slices, toss with coconut or sunflower oil, season with salt and pepper. Place on baking trays lined with parchment paper. These cook up well, but you might try other combos:
- Purple sweet potatoes
- Sweet peppers
- Onion
- Portobello Mushrooms
Pan Roasted Veggies
In a heavy skillet saute sliced stems in a bit of oil, over medium heat with a few slices of onion and flakes of red pepper. When the stems begin to soften, add the chopped leaves. Cover with a lid, turning down the heat cooking until just wilted.
- Chopped Red Chard
Serve tacos with:
Salsa or Pico de Gallo
Sliced ripe avocado
Serve up veggies on a large platter, tortillas in a pan to keep warm. I recommend assembly to begin with mashing a slice or two of ripe avocado in the center of the tortilla, topping that with a spoon of beans if desired, fitting in as many veggies as you possible, topped with a healthy bit of salsa to add some heat. Enjoy!
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