Gemmotherapy & Homeopathy: So what’s the difference?

Last week I discussed the use and benefits of gemmotherapy in addressing acute symptoms. In my practice I nearly always give gemmotherapy as the first protocol for acute symptoms and only when it is clear that further support is needed for healing do I add the correctly matched homeopathic remedy.

So why gemmotherapy first?

Lauren-Hubele-Homeopathic-5An acute gemmo protocol cleans and fortifies the organs expressing symptoms as well as the immune system organs. This combination provides exactly what the body needs in the early stages of illness. If, however, the individual being treated has a weak vitality (whether from lifestyle and eating habits, a period of intense stress, childbirth, post surgery, inherited traits or chronic disease) then a well matched homeopathic remedy will be needed to complete the healing process.

What does homeopathy do differently?

The action of homeopathy occurs in the vital force of an individual. The homeopathic remedy itself can not directly heal a condition, BUT the correct match of remedy will initiate the natural healing process of the body. In an acute virus this requires for the most part only one dose and the individual should experience a 50% improvement in energy and mental clarity within 24 hours, physical symptoms improving over the following days. The improvement process follows one of the original laws of healing observed by Constantine Hering in the 1800’s, basically that healing occurs from the inside out. So with that in mind you will notice that mental and emotional improvement always comes ahead of physical improvements and is a great sign the remedy is working.

Lauren-Hubele-Homeopathic-9 copyWhen homeopathy is used to treat chronic conditions it is addressing the constitution of a person and the healing process will unfold over months and sometimes years. The process for this constitutional treatment is more involved as is the course of healing.

How to know you need a remedy in addition to your acute gemmotherapy protocol?

Whether you are treating yourself with an acute gemmo protocol or are taking one under the supervision of your health care practitioner, you will want to pay close attention to the return or the decline in your energy. Sometimes it seems your energy and your symptoms are improving over the first 24-48 hours and then suddenly you become exhausted again. This is a clear indication your body needs further support. Pushing yourself at this point will only drain your already weak vitality, put undue stress on your adrenals and kidneys, and lead to weeks of illness rather than days.

There is much more to say about both homeopathy and gemmotherapy so check back next week and I will help bring some clarity to how they compare with naturopathic and allopathic treatments for acute conditions.