Rice & Grains

While whole grains are an important part of a plant based diet we keep to those that are gluten free. Much more available now than 5 years ago, I offer up this collection of recipes that will help you explore a bit yourself.
Saffron Pumpkin Soup
The saffron in this Saffron Pumpkin soup adds touch of elegance that will make it seem like you’ve made a gourmet restaurant style soup – because you just did! Seed Topping ½ cup pumpkin seeds…
Zuchinni Baba Ganoush
This is one of those amazingly simple recipes with delightful complex flavors. Perhaps you could serve it alongside of this sourdough gluten free bread? Ingredients 5 medium zucchini 3 heaping tablespoons of tahini A splash…
Sourdough Whole Grain Bread — 2021 Version
I love this recipe because it tastes like bread is meant to taste AND it is free from added starches, dairy products, eggs, and yeast. Although the actual effort that goes into this loaf is…
Stuffed Tex-Mex Sweet Potatoes
Don’t waste any time waiting for a special occasion to make this yummy dish. It goes together in a snap as you prepare the filling and topping while the potatoes bake to a creamy and…
Haitian Mayi Moulen with Sos Pwa Nwa
When time permits, I love to use Saturday afternoons to play a bit with new recipes. This past weekend, I found myself exploring new territory as I experimented with this comforting Haitian meal. It was…
Rustic Vegan, Gluten Free Pizza
There was a time in my life when every Friday night was pizza night. Every Thursday evening, I would put my Kitchen Aid to working kneading the dough, giving it a slow rise in the…
Nepalese Coconut Curry
Scan my recipe archive, and you will see for yourself that I am certainly a mushroom fan. A mushroom sauce of any kind has been a comfort food since I was young. And these days,…
Sourdough Buckwheat Bread
If you ever make it to the Ariege region, my favorite corner of France, you absolutely must reserve some time to enjoy the Thursday market at La Bastide-de-Sérou. While there are larger, busier and more…
Cleansing Kitchari
If you haven’t tried Kitchari, now is the time. The traditional Ayurvedic cleansing meal is perfect for fall. If the ingredients listed aren’t readily available or you aren’t up to tracking down the spices, you…
Turmeric Coconut Rice with Greens
Our CSA box arrived filled to the brim with greens again — no surprise this time of year! In search of a new meal, I stumbled on this yummy recipe in the New York Times…
Herbed Polenta
I love to work with recipes that are easily modified and polenta certainly fits in that category. This particular version can be eaten creamy almost porridge like or firm and cut into slices. Even the…
DanDan Inspired Noodle Bowl
When I saw Simply CeeCee’s instagram post of mushroom laden rice noodles I didn’t miss a beat before setting out to create my own version. There’s not a doubt this recipe is a keeper in…