Search Results: rethinking elimination

The Living Well Series: Engaging the Lymphatic System to Fight Inflammation

By Lauren | February 9, 2017

Your amazing body is completely equipped to clean and self-heal. But it doesn’t always heal itself right? So why is that? It simply can’t when the system that handles the cleaning task (the lymphatic system)…

Changing Your Plate Part V: Dinner

By Lauren | April 26, 2016

We’ve had quite a few weeks now of meeting real families from my practice who are each, in their own way, making efforts to eat more plants daily. From the Sherman family in Houston who…

The Inside Scoop on Birth Control: What Moms of Young Girls Need to Know

By Lauren | October 20, 2015

Over the last weeks I have written a series of posts on the back story of birth control. While the availability of birth control options for women was a huge step forwards culturally it has…

The Inside Scoop on Birth Control: Convenience Has Its Price

By Lauren | September 28, 2015

Last week I went head-on into a trendy topic of “not needing your period.” It all got started with this article that has gained considerable traction in social media forums and was even reposted in…

Gemmotherapy Answers: Women DO Need To Have Periods!

By Lauren | September 22, 2015

Early in September an article claiming that women did not need a menstrual cycle circulated through multiple social media channels, so I am pretty sure you have seen it at one point or another. Because it…

Living Well Series: Ditching Dairy 

By Lauren | September 14, 2015

The value of removing dairy from our family diet honestly never registered on my radar for the first twelve years of my post cancer health journey. Then, in the summer of 2013, I paid a…

Gemmotherapy Answers: Why Go Plant-Based?

By Lauren | July 28, 2015

  Wouldn’t you like this to be the year that you resolved your seasonal allergies? Or possibly it’s that painful menses that gets in your way each month or chronic headaches? Whatever the symptom, the…

Gemmotherapy Answers: The Stages of Healing REDUX

By Lauren | July 20, 2015

Last week I explained how chronic symptoms will appear at particular stages in one’s lifetime when the basic functions of cleaning, eliminating and healing are compromised. I called on parents to be aware and responsive…

Gemmotherapy Answers: Detox vs. IVF for Infertility

By Lauren | July 7, 2015

Last week I shared a story that depicts the classic pharmaceutical treatment spiral that is quite commonplace in women’s healthcare. Since writing that I have received numerous inquiries from women who have stories that are, truthfully,…

Gemmotherapy Answers: Stop the Symptom Suppression

By Lauren | June 27, 2015

Last month I began a series of posts regarding the connection between menstrual symptoms, birth control and infertility. The last post I shared was about a young lady in her teens that sought me out for help…

Notes from Europe: Eating with Purpose

By Lauren | June 5, 2015

Having spent nearly a week in Romania sharing time in nature, over meals or in the car with my Gemmotherapy mentor Dr. Sorina Soescu, I came away with further clarity about the human body and healing.…

Gemmotherapy Answers: Periods Should Not Be Painful

By Lauren | May 1, 2015

A talk I want you to have with your daughters… Last week I shared some very important information about painful menstrual cycles and endometriosis along with the good news that it is treatable—naturally. I want to follow…