Lemony White Bean Soup

Lemony White Bean Soup

Bringing together simple, good quality ingredients makes for kitchen magic. This delicious Lemony White Bean Soup is a stand-out example of that principle.  INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 large carrots, diced 1 bunch sturdy greens, I used cabbage and  kale, finely sliced and stems chopped 1 can of chopped tomatoes 3 tablespoon tomato paste…

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Lablabi—Tunisian Chickpea Soup

Lablabi Tunisian Chickpea Soup

I must admit I was equally skeptical and intrigued by this recipe and danced around it for several days before giving it a go. Worried it would taste like a bowl of warm hummus I had Plan B on the ready, but it was never required. The real problem turned out to be not making…

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Sourdough Whole Grain Bread — 2021 Version

Whole Grain Sourdough Bread

I love this recipe because it tastes like bread is meant to taste AND it is free from added starches, dairy products, eggs, and yeast. Although the actual effort that goes into this loaf is minimal the process must begin three days in advance.   Ingredients ½ to ¾ cup of brown rice sourdough (which…

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Creamy Butternut Sage Pasta

Inspiration for this recipe came in the form of my prolific sage plant and the oversized butternut squash that arrived in my CSA last week. As I write this it is seriously taking every bit of will power I have to not sneak back into the kitchen for another bite of this amazing combination. I…

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Mindful Slaw

vegan cole slaw

Chopping these gorgeous vegetables is a perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness in simple everyday kitchen tasks. Take your time and appreciate the gift of this present moment.     Ingredients Salad 1 large or 2 medium kohlrabi, peeled and cut into matchsticks 2 medium carrots, grated ½ medium red cabbage sliced thin ½ cup of toasted…

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Schwäbischer Kartoffelsalat

Enjoy this refreshing potato salad from the Swabian region of Germany.  Be sure to plan ahead as it improves when the potatoes are given a few hours to absorb the simple dressing.  Ingredients 1 ½ lbs Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled 1 veggie broth cube and ½ cup boiling water   3 Tbsp white or apple cider…

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Blistered Okra and Tomatoes

Ingredients 500 g organic okra, well dried and stems trimmed (careful not to open pods and expose the seeds)  Avocado, grapeseed or olive oil Juice from one whole lemon Sea salt Za’atar seasoning mix (make your own or order this one) 12 -15 organic cherry tomatoes Directions Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Heat…

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Lemon Kale Pesto with Pasta

If you are on the lookout for a quick, healthy and satisfying weeknight meal, search no further. This lemony kale pesto is as nutrient dense as it is delicious. A favorite way to serve it at the Hubele house is tossed with freshly cooked gluten-free penne, adding in a handful of chopped garden fresh tomatoes.…

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Stuffed Tex-Mex Sweet Potatoes

Don’t waste any time waiting for a special occasion to make this yummy dish. It goes together in a snap as you prepare the filling and topping while the potatoes bake to a creamy and caramelized perfection.  Ingredients 4 medium organic sweet potatoes, washed and sliced in half lengthwise (all varieties are suitable) Olive oil…

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Haitian Mayi Moulen with Sos Pwa Nwa

When time permits, I love to use Saturday afternoons to play a bit with new recipes. This past weekend, I found myself exploring new territory as I experimented with this comforting Haitian meal. It was interesting to discover how such familiar ingredients as polenta, black beans and coconut milk can be brought to life in…

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Rustic Vegan, Gluten Free Pizza

There was a time in my life when every Friday night was pizza night. Every Thursday evening, I would put my Kitchen Aid to working kneading the dough, giving it a slow rise in the fridge overnight. An hour before dinner, I would set out the dough to bring it to room temperature while skillets on…

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Herbed Carmelized Sweet Potatoes

If you have never been a sweet potato fan, here is the recipe to change your mind. And if you already have a fondness for this tuber, you are really in for a treat. This recipe has all of my favorite elements: a short ingredient list, herbs to enhance flavor and a hands-off cooking method. So…

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