Living Well Series: Stage Four, Harmonizing the Body
September 1, 2015

This post concludes a four part series on the healing process we refer to as the Living Well 4™ in my practice. These four stages became clear to me while conducting a yearlong collaboration with my European colleagues involving over one hundred cases in which the three therapies (Gemmotherapy, Homeopathy and a Plant-Based Diet) were applied.
The first stage, opening elimination, is the stage most often disregarded when applying natural protocols. I find this stage to be a critical and often-missed aspect in unsolved cases. If elimination organs and processes are not optimized first, the chronic inflammation just shifts locations within the body. Initial symptoms may clear, but other symptoms inevitably arise surrounding this shifting inflammation. In the Stage One post I shared what I look for in my clients elimination process and how Gemmotherapy and the start of a Plant-Based Diet can initiate improvements.
The second stage, cleaning and fortifying organs involves engaging the lymphatic system to clean the body from the head downward. I shared the case of young Jenni and how important it was to begin the cleaning process with her head as that was where the root of her menstrual symptoms existed. When lymphatic stagnation is present in the head it often impacts the function of the pituitary gland which was exactly the case with Jenni.
In the third stage we focus more on the overworked organs that have been compensating for poor elimination and a sluggish lymphatic system. In this post I shared the story of young Thomas who had chronic asthma induced by weather changes. Cleaning the build-up from poor elimination and engaging the help of his lymphatic system cleared his symptoms to the point that he no longer needed an emergency inhaler.
Having arrived now at stage four it is important to understand this is not the end but rather the beginning of living with a body in harmony, something most of us have never experienced as adults. Some have come to believe that this is not even possible. The length of time it takes to reach this stage is very dependent on the lifestyle led during the process. I have found that most successful cases follow a 60/40 rule. Sixty percent of a successful process comes from adhering to dietary changes and compliance to protocols and about 40% relies on precise Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy selections. For those who have accepted their personal role and followed the protocols, it’s time to settle into a routine that is sustainable and supports continued health through whole food, daily exercise, fulfilling relationships and meeting your life’s purpose.
The Gemmotherapy extracts used to keep the body in harmony will provide continuous, gentle support to inherited organ weaknesses or those that may have been caused by long term use of harsh pharmaceutical medicines, surgery, or exposure to environmental toxins.
The Plant-Based Diet continues. It is vitally important to understand that returning to former eating patterns will produce setbacks even at this fourth stage.
Homeopathy may or may not be needed at this stage. I have clients who utilize this aspect and others who don’t. Either way, acute states that arise may require intermittent remedies.
You will know that your protocol for this stage is working if your immune response is strong and effective and you continue to be free of secondary symptoms. Because we are energetic bodies that are influenced by external and internal circumstances, life will present the need for some protocol adjustments and likely occasional support for acute or newly arising symptoms.
So, having reviewed the four stages of healing in their entirety, the next question is, “To what degree would you like to heal?” Your answer to that dictates how closely you will need to follow the protocols and lifestyle changes outlined. If you have decided you want to be symptom free and are committed to the process I have a program for you and would be delighted to support your journey.
I also recognize that health is a continuum and if you have decided there are symptoms you are willing to live with in exchange for not making some of the proposed lifestyle changes, then let’s find a protocol to at least support your body as it makes compensations.
Immunity matters!
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