Search Results: elimination

Happy Healthy Babies V: Croup & Respiratory Symptoms

By Lauren | May 5, 2018

For the past four weeks we have been talking about babies- One of my favorite subjects, especially when it comes to keeping them healthy. Babies respond so beautifully to the natural medicines Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy,…

Happy Healthy Babies IV: Colic

By Lauren | April 28, 2018

Colic is a word that puts fear into the heart of every exhausted expectant and new parent. And yet, what is colic really? If it is so common, then why is there not a clear…

Happy Healthy Babies Part III: Reflux

By Lauren | April 17, 2018

There are many wonderful benefits from working with babies but what strikes me the most is their dramatic response to a simple protocol. The root of a baby’s symptom is so clear; it is either…

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part III

By Lauren | March 17, 2018

This week’s blog is an update on last year’s series featuring Molly’s progressive healing from Crohn’s disease. It is particularly exciting for those who appreciate seeing evidence of improvement based on medical tests. While the…

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part II

By Lauren | March 9, 2018

Last week we began updates on the series Molly’s Story. You can find Part I here. Today we begin with some words from Molly as she reflects today on her journey. During this time of…

A Crash Course in Gemmotherapy

By Lauren | February 24, 2018

What are Gemmotherapy extracts? The term “Gemmotherapy” originated from the “gem” or bud of the plant that is macerated to create the concentrated extract. It is these first buds or shoots that develop in the…

Train with Me

By Lauren | November 6, 2017

Welcome to our growing community of Gemmotherapy practitioners worldwide! We are homeopaths, nurse practitioners, midwives, acupuncturists, health coaches, flower essence practitioners, and more who have come to learn the benefits these extracts offer our clients.…

Summer Salads: Planning One Week At A Time

By Lauren | June 20, 2017

A raw salad every day, whether it be for lunch or before your evening meal, is an excellent way to increase your veggie intake, alkalize your body, support healthy digestion, and promote optimal elimination. Who…

On The Homestretch & A Green Bean Salad

By Lauren | May 16, 2017

So, it’s come to this and I am really not sure if it’s even such a bad thing. I have a confession:  After a beautiful morning swim at Barton Springs pool, I admit I then…

Roadmap To Wellness

By Lauren | April 9, 2017

Here you will find the first steps I recommend all my clients complete in order to begin supporting their body’s ability to clean and heal itself. No matter what symptoms you might be experiencing, I…


By Lauren | April 8, 2017

I created teachings on Gemmotherapy because I believe the world needs more health care practitioners using research based, results oriented, natural protocols. Bodies have the innate ability to clean and heal themselves and healthcare practitioners…

Why Gemmotherapy?

By Lauren | April 6, 2017

Why Gemmotherapy? As a Homeopath, I faced more unresolved cases than I was willing to accept. This fact led me to revisit my own healing experience in which dietary changes and drainage therapies had made…