Plant Power!

Learn the power of veggie based meals and plant based naturopathic remedies.

Here you’ll find everything you need to keep you and the
people you love healthy and in tune with your own bodies.

Latest Blog Posts

Midweek Pause: An Experiment

By Lauren | April 1, 2015

“We can begin anything we do—start our day, eat a meal, or walk into a meeting—with the intention to be open, flexible, and kind. Then we can proceed with an inquisitive attitude. As my teacher…

Making Acute Care Choices for Your Child’s Long-term Health

By Lauren | March 20, 2015

Last week I presented for you the various options available to choose from when experiencing acute symptoms. Whether the choice is antibiotics, over the counter medications, supplements or homeopathy & gemmotherapy there are clear upsides…

Midweek Pause: Reality

By Lauren | March 18, 2015

“We get quiet for a moment in meditation. We sink down to a relaxedness, a calmness, abruptly free from all the crazy dreams we confuse with reality. And in that instant, by mistake maybe, or…

Gemmotherapy Answers: Concerns Over Supplement Safety

By Lauren | March 13, 2015

Last week I discussed the good and not so good points of using the different avenues available to treat acute conditions. I laid out the facts regarding the use of antibiotics, over the counter medications,…

Midweek Pause: Nourish

By Lauren | March 11, 2015

“Be in harmony with each breath, each moment, and know that in giving yourself this time to develop awareness and a steadiness of attention you are nourishing spirit, head, and heart. Let it be an…

Acute Care: What Do I Need?

By Lauren | March 6, 2015

Antibiotics, OTC Cold Meds, Naturopathic Supplements, Homeopathy or Gemmotherapy? Last week I shared why a homeopathic remedy may be needed in the case of acute symptoms to boost the vital force and then compared the different…

Midweek Pause: Consistency

By Lauren | March 4, 2015

“Each step may seem to take forever, but no matter how uninspired you feel, continue to follow your practice schedule precisely and consistently. This is how we can use our greatest enemy, habit, against itself.”…

Gemmotherapy & Homeopathy: So what’s the difference?

By Lauren | February 27, 2015

Last week I discussed the use and benefits of gemmotherapy in addressing acute symptoms. In my practice I nearly always give gemmotherapy as the first protocol for acute symptoms and only when it is clear…

Lauren's Kitchen

good plant based meals the whole family will love

I adore creating delicious plant based foods for and with the people I love. Here you’ll find recipes I’ve developed myself or borrowed and adapted from others all over the web. Please explore, share and enjoy!

Explore what Gemmotherapy can do for:
