Gemmotherapy for Animals

Animals can benefit from all of the acute protocols for humans described. In addition, here are a few extracts for chronic symptoms that I have also found useful, to be given on a daily basis.

Many elderly cats (and dogs) can develop kidney and urinary symptoms. Supporting their colon and kidneys with a daily dose of Lingonberry extract (Vaccinium vitus) will bring great relief.

Skin Issues

Animals with skin issues may find relief with the kidney tonic, Silver Birch Sap (Betula linfa). Should skin conditions be inflamed or infected, Walnut (Juglans regia) extract would be the preferred choice. Animals with allergy symptoms may do well on the human seasonal allergy protocol described earlier.

Vaccinations and Other Medication

After an animal has been vaccinated or given prescription medication, Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) can be used for a minimum of one month. For animals on long-term medication, Hazel (Corylus) in daily doses provides an excellent protection and support for the liver as it manages the added toxic load.

Kidney Support

Supporting the kidneys of healthy animals can promote longevity and reduce chances of chronic symptoms developing later in life. A general daily support can be provided with this schedule: during autumn and spring, give Silver Birch Sap (Betula linfa); during winter and summer, give Juniper (Juniperus communis). Note: Juniper should never be given to animals with kidney cancer or disease.

When dosing animals with D1 extracts, the suggested amount is 1 to 7 drops depending on weight, with cats getting 1 to 2 drops and large dogs 5 to 7 drops, once daily for maintenance, and 3 times daily when symptoms are acute. Drops can go directly into the mouth, into a small dish of water if all is to be consumed, on food, or rubbed onto the inner skin of the ear.

Please note: This information is not meant to replace the care and advice of your veterinarian.
Juniper and Common Alder are two extracts that must be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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