Gemmotherapy Answers: Infertility and Inflammation, Part 2

Could this be your daughter? Last week I discussed the painful disappointment women face when they believe they have been doing the right thing for their health, to only discover down the line that it actually created deeper and more serious problems. It is frustrating as a health practitioner to see so many women, under ill…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Infertility and Inflammation

The Root of Infertility, Part 1 Last week I encouraged mothers to talk to their young preteen and teen daughters about the body’s cleaning and elimination process and how certain menstrual symptoms indicate an imbalance that needs to be addressed rather than suppressed. Today I want to share more on the treatment of menstrual symptoms and how I have seen over…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Periods Should Not Be Painful

A talk I want you to have with your daughters… Last week I shared some very important information about painful menstrual cycles and endometriosis along with the good news that it is treatable—naturally. I want to follow up this week to encourage you to talk to your daughters and share this information, before they begin menstruating and keep an…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Painful Periods 

Last week I shared with you these three beliefs I have in regard to women and their menstrual symptoms whether they happen at 15 or 45 years of age: No woman should suffer with symptoms that can be treated. Small changes early on can prevent so many further issues later in life, including, but not limited…

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Menstrual Symptoms: What’s Normal?

I’d like to challenge some ideas you may have about “normal” menstrual symptoms—whether you are 15 or 45. One of the first things I discuss with my female patients is the character of their menstrual cycle, paying close attention to listen for these signs: Brown bleeding at the start or end of menses Clotting Heavy…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Medicine Cabinet Makeover

How to Makeover your Medicine Cabinet Last week I shared with you the importance of taking ALL of the Gemmotherapy extracts in your protocol whether it be for an acute issue or a several week protocol for a chronic condition. I explained how each Gemmotherapy extract is interdependent on the others creating a synergetic action.…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Take All of Them

Yes, you need to take ALL of them! Last week I shared a bit about how the cleaning and fortifying action of gemmotherapy when used for acute digestive symptoms in babies can lessen more series symptoms later on in childhood. Today I want to emphasize the importance of using each of the gemmotherapy extracts that are prescribed…

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Making Acute Care Choices for Your Child’s Long-term Health

Last week I presented for you the various options available to choose from when experiencing acute symptoms. Whether the choice is antibiotics, over the counter medications, supplements or homeopathy & gemmotherapy there are clear upsides and challenges in the short term. Today I want to address their long term impact. When taking this view, the…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Concerns Over Supplement Safety

Last week I discussed the good and not so good points of using the different avenues available to treat acute conditions. I laid out the facts regarding the use of antibiotics, over the counter medications, supplements, and Gemmotherapy & Homeopathy to help you make wise choices for yourself and your family. Since February’s breaking reports…

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Acute Care: What Do I Need?

Antibiotics, OTC Cold Meds, Naturopathic Supplements, Homeopathy or Gemmotherapy? Last week I shared why a homeopathic remedy may be needed in the case of acute symptoms to boost the vital force and then compared the different actions of gemmotherapy and homeopathy during an acute illness. But what about antibiotics, over the counter treatments and supplements? What…

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Gemmotherapy & Homeopathy: So what’s the difference?

Last week I discussed the use and benefits of gemmotherapy in addressing acute symptoms. In my practice I nearly always give gemmotherapy as the first protocol for acute symptoms and only when it is clear that further support is needed for healing do I add the correctly matched homeopathic remedy. So why gemmotherapy first? An…

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Gemmotherapy and Acute Support

If you need stitches or a bone set, I’ll have to admit I don’t have a Gemmotherapy protocol to help, BUT if you have an attack of seasonal allergies, a stomach bug, a headache, a staph infection or similar malady, then Gemmotherapy provides the cure you need and more. Why more? Over the counter medications…

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