Making Time for Illness

Dealing with my own personal version of an upper respiratory inflammation this weekend, I put myself to bed, which gave me plenty of time to reflect on a lot of random things. I’m sharing some for your amusement, but others are more significant, so I hope you will take them to heart. My bed-ridden random thoughts/concerns… You know…

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How We Changed Our Input

Last August we returned from our summer travels in Europe and made some dramatic changes to how we fed and cared for our bodies. Twelve months later not only have we kept up the changes we made—I think we have even improved on them. Why we did it With my growing practice and longer hours…

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The Living Well Diet

The concept of changing the input to improve the output is not rocket science and can be applied across the board to multiple scenarios. Today we will apply it to our bodies. I recently shared an updated 4 step process that I follow with my clients to restore the body’s natural ability to clean and heal itself.…

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The Five Stages of Healing

Lately, I’ve been having a few thoughts about your healing process. Every day I am asked at least once, “so, how long will this take?” And of course, the answer for each person is different. And the length of time will also be completely dependent on what lifestyle changes you are able and willing to…

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