Happy Healthy Babies VII: Sinus Congestion

The one thing all new parents want is a happy, healthy baby and, oh yes, some sleep! But so much seems to get in the way of all three and the process of making sense of it all can often leave you feeling like you are lost in a maze. I’d love nothing more than to help you find your way to understanding the root of your baby’s symptoms. And it may just happen that you learn something about your own body along the way!

Alternate cleaning exits

Once you understand and accept a few fundamental concepts, then all of baby’s symptoms will begin to make sense and you will be able to take action. Healthy babies need the ability to take in nutrition to feed their growing bodies and eliminate the waste product from that nutrition. The primary elimination organs are the kidneys and bowels. When one or both of these organs are not performing optimally, the body will search for alternate exits to remove the waste product. Those exits include:
1.Sinus Cavity- congestion, post nasal drip

2.Skin- eczema, hives, rashes, acne, cradle cap

3.Lungs- croup, asthmatic like cough

At the appearance or continuation of any of the above symptoms, possible causes to examine include:
•Baby is not having frequent enough bowel movements (3 or more times per day)

•Baby has been introduced to dairy products (including formulas based on cow’s milk)

•Baby has been introduced to soy products (including formulas based on soy)

•Baby’s sensitivity is so high that the dairy and/or soy products mom is consuming are causing symptoms

Commonly used extracts

In my practice, after a complete intake, I use individually selected Gemmotherapy extracts based on baby’s symptoms to support the organs of elimination. I will also look for any of the above mentioned dietary causes that could continue to provoke the symptoms once the organs have been cleaned and strengthened with Gemmotherapy extracts. The extracts I most often find useful with babies include Silver Birch Sap, Blueberry, Walnut, and Fig.

In the past weeks I have shared posts on Croup and Respiratory symptoms as well as Eczema with protocols that will solve these problems right where they begin. This week we are going to take a look at the struggles one young baby had with a continuous stuffy nose. The important takeaway here is that this symptom in babies is much more likely to be caused by poor digestion than a cold.

Baby Katie

At twelve weeks of age, Katie began exhibiting signs of nasal congestion and her parents began managing it with the bulb syringe and saline solution they had received from their pediatrician. The challenge was that Katie’s congestion returned shortly after it was cleared with the syringe. After a week, Katie began waking often at night with congestion that needed clearing and she struggled during breastfeeding, unable to breathe through her stuffy nose. Her parents were reassured by friends and family that Kate’s symptom was normal and would pass on its own. The problem was- it didn’t. At 16 weeks of age, Katie’s mother brought her to my practice because Katie’s symptoms had not gotten better and, if anything, they were worse.

Katie’s Intake and Protocol

The intake questions for Katie were quite simple and straightforward, as they are for infants and small children. I take a close look at frequency and consistency of bowel elimination, signs of vitality in the eyes, hair, skin, teeth, and family history, and signs of inflammation. What was normal bowel elimination for a baby Katie’s mother wanted to know? If the baby is solely breastfed and nursing throughout the day, then there should be a minimum of 3-4 bowel movements daily. Katie was having only one bowel movement a day.

Here were the steps we took to address Katie’s congestion
1.An acute Gemmotherapy protocol of Common Alder, Black Currant, and Dog Rose 3x daily to clear the immediate congestion. This protocol, however, will be of no help long term if the cause of the congestion is not addressed.

2.Once the congestion was improved we changed the protocol to Blueberry 3x daily to optimize Katie’s elimination by supporting the function of the bowel and kidneys.

3.Within a week Katie began to have a 2nd bowel movement daily and sometimes a 3rd.

We monitored Katie closely for the next two months. If her congestion reappeared, we would return to the acute protocol of Common Alder, Black Currant, and Rose and also take a look to her mother’s diet. It may be that Katie’s digestion was sensitive enough to be bothered by mom’s consuming dairy and soy products. This is not so uncommon today. Science is making great strides in the study of infant microbiome. You can read more about this topic here.

As for Katie, she continues to do quite well. My hope is that her story along with all of the Happy Healthy Baby stories from the past weeks shed some light on symptoms you may see in your own child. The expressions of your baby’s body don’t have to be a mystery and really are quite easy to understand once you see that their bodies are only trying to find a way to clean.

Has Katie’s story has sparked your interest in Gemmotherapy? I suggest have a look at my recent book, Building Immunity in Babies and Children. Perhaps you are ready to learn even more? Join me in the Midi Pyrenees the summer for a Gemmotherapy Immersion Retreat with my colleague Stephane Boistard or register now for the September Foundations of Gemmotherapy Series live online.

Happy Healthy Babies VI: Eczema

Eczema in babies and young children is more common than it should be and entirely avoidable. Yes, that is a true statement, even if it runs in the family. Just as with all of the topics in my Happy Healthy Babies series, the answer to eczema will be found in addressing the root cause of the symptom and that is certainly not the skin! Eczema is merely an expression of the body’s inability to eliminate optimally. Because the bowels and/or kidneys are overburdened, the skin becomes an emergency exit for cleaning. You can read more about this topic here.

While topical treatments may give temporary relief, they cannot heal eczema. The only way to put an end to eczema is to support bowel and kidney function and eliminate inflammatory foods that are adding to their load. In adults, the healing of eczema can take months, but in babies the process is usually quite straightforward and simple with the right support. Before taking a look at Marie’s story, let’s revisit last week’s post because it is related.

The Complications of Suppressing Symptoms

Last week I shared the story of Sam and the respiratory troubles he faced, waking in the early hours of the morning and giving his parents a fright as he struggled for breath between coughs. What we learned from Sam’s story is that these acute respiratory episodes need a two-fold approach. First, an acute protocol (Black Currant and Lithy) was in order that would give immediate relief to his spasmodic cough. Next, and just as important, Sam needed a daily protocol of Gemmotherapy to improve his elimination. The extract needed for Sam’s elimination would be individualized based on symptoms pertaining to his elimination, vitality, and inflammation. Because the daily protocol would take a week or more to help establish better elimination, it was likely he would have another acute episode or two and it was important his parents had an option.

I’m drawing your attention to Sam because children who have similar respiratory symptoms and are treated with medications to suppress the symptoms often exhibit skin conditions like eczema next. The same can be true in reverse as well: children who have skin symptoms that are suppressed often develop respiratory symptoms.

Eczema and croup or coughing symptoms are connected but only because they both share the same root cause – poor elimination. While elimination can and will be improved by the correct Gemmotherapy protocol, this must be paired with a diet that does not add to the inflammatory state. While there are many groups of inflammatory foods, it has been my experience that consuming milk and products made from milk is the greatest cause of symptoms in children. This can be problematic if the child is under one year of age and not breastfed because the options are limited. However, there ARE options and knowing the age of the child will guide the best choice. This is something I help parents with on a daily basis.

Baby Marie

Let’s take a look a Marie’s story. Marie’s parents began to notice the first small patches of eczema on her cheeks and then on the back of her neck when she was five months of age. They found they could give Marie some temporary relief with coconut oil but after a few weeks they noticed the eczema was spreading when they discovered a patch on her leg and upper arm. At this point Marie began waking frequently at night irritated by her skin. When offered a steroid cream by their pediatrician, her parents began looking for options.

By the time this family made it to my office Marie was not a very happy baby. Itchy and uncomfortable, she seldom slept straight for more than an hour or so. Needless to say Marie’s parents were quite exhausted and worn down as well. The intake for her case, as with all babies, was quite simple and it wasn’t long before the root cause was clear.

Change in Diet

Four weeks before the eczema appeared, Marie’s parents began giving her a night time bottle of formula to supplement mom’s breastfeeding. The plan was for mom to return to work when Marie was six months of age and so it seemed to make sense to begin introducing formula.

Wisely, Marie’s parents introduced it slowly with one bottle at a time but after the first week of watching carefully for any reaction they felt safe in their choice. Like many parents, Marie’s expected a negative response to be immediate and obvious. The fact is that there was a reaction, a mild one, but important.

Impact on Elimination

The frequency of Marie’s bowel movements changed within the first week of beginning the formula but had gone relatively unnoticed. Normally having had 3 per day on breast milk only, she began to not have one until late in the day and on occasion she skipped a day between movements.

The next symptom to appear also seemed random and that was the onset of a wet cough. Marie’s parents treated this cough with all natural syrup for children from the local health food store and continued on with the nightly feeding of formula, attributing all of what Marie was experiencing as normal babyhood.

It wasn’t until the eczema appeared that Marie’s parents began to seek outside help. The problem with eczema is that the medical community does not have a cure – they have a treatment. The treatment, topical steroid creams, can temporarily suppresses the eczema but it will never address the reason it is there in the first place. Lucky for Marie her parents weren’t pleased with the prescription they were handed and so they looked for further help.

It’s important to understand that by the time the body begins to use the skin for an emergency exit the elimination organs have been overburdened for some time. Resetting this compensation to use the skin to clean takes some time and in Marie’s case no further feedings of formula.

Gemmotherapy Support

After one week on the Gemmotherapy extract Silver Birch Sap and only breast milk, Marie’s parents saw a return to normal bowel movements, the cough subsiding, and no further spread of the eczema. The rest of Marie’s eczema cleared over the following weeks with continued daily doses of the Silver Birch Sap. Once all three symptoms, bowel movements, cough, and eczema were corrected she would no longer need the Gemmotherapy protocol if she kept all dairy out of her diet.

As I have mentioned before, addressing these early symptoms in babies is so important and can be simple when the case has not been complicated by suppressing medications. I love this opportunity to offer parents an alternative that really works and I’m already looking forward to sharing next week’s post on babies and sinus congestion. What if Marie’s parents had used he steroid cream? Well this is a good question to ask. They would see a temporary relief of the external symptoms but her cough and poor elimination would not have resolved. In many cases, those symptoms would only increase in intensity leading parents to seek another separate solution for the cough.

Important to note is that all eczema cases can be resolved, even when they have been suppressed. However, the protocol and time required will be slightly different from Marie’s.

Has Marie’s story has sparked your interest in Gemmotherapy? You can find out much more about restoring your child’s immunity with Gemmotherapy in my latest book. If you are a practitioner or interested in becoming a practitioner consider joining one of my upcoming Foundations of Gemmotherapy courses.

Happy Healthy Babies V: Croup & Respiratory Symptoms

For the past four weeks we have been talking about babies- One of my favorite subjects, especially when it comes to keeping them healthy. Babies respond so beautifully to the natural medicines Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy, allowing parents the opportunity to bypass the whole toxic load encountered with OTC and prescription drugs. By addressing the root cause of what seems like the normal woes of infancy, parents are able to stop future chronic symptoms from developing in their child right from the start. Every suppressed symptom increases the inflammatory state within, exactly the beginning of chronic disease.

So far we have taken a look at the following topics:

Why it really is all about elimination

Addressing Infrequent Bowel Movements

Addressing Acid Reflux

Addressing Colic

Onset of Croup and Respiratory Symptoms

When infrequent elimination is ignored it can trigger any of the aforementioned symptoms in addition to croup and respiratory symptoms. It is important to note that the respiratory system is always more than happy to help share the load of cleaning what the bowels or kidneys have not. The problem is that when it does in fact step up to help, the outcome is less than desirable: a croupy or wheezy baby with symptoms that can be more than a little bit scary for most parents, particularly when it occurs in the wee hours of the night.

Gemmotherapy Support

Because croup, asthmatic coughing, or wheezing in babies is a secondary symptom of poor elimination, addressing it is twofold.
1.The first protocol to settle the pulmonary spasms in the moment is needed quickly and I have found alternating doses of Black Currant and Lithy Gemmotherapy extracts successful.

2.Then, begin the next protocol to address the larger problem that will prevent the symptoms from returning. Determining this will require a look at the specific elimination symptoms of the child. There are several Gemmotherapy extracts that could be useful but which one will depend on the individual and must be determined with a consultation.

Sam’s Story

Here’s a story of little Sam who came to my practice with his exhausted and worried mom. At five months, Sam had developed a pattern of waking in the early hours of the morning with a barking seal like spasmodic cough. His parents would rush him into the steam filled bathroom and hold him upright until his cough was soothed, however long that would take. He would then nurse and eventually return to sleep. A visit to their pediatrician left them unsettled as the option provided was a nebulizer with steroid treatment. This was not a solution that they wished to consider.

Sam’s parents needed a protocol that would work in the moment for his acute symptoms and another he would take daily to address the underlying cause. As with all of the baby symptoms we have discussed this month, Sam’s croup stemmed from poor elimination. Because he was solely breastfed, diet was not likely his issue. We looked to his organs of elimination, bowels and kidneys, to see where the support was needed. This was determined through a checklist of questions I asked Sam’s mother. Important to consider, however, is the fact that if Sam did not improve in a matter of weeks, his sensitivity might be such that eliminating dairy from his mother’s diet may be necessary.

During our consultation, Sam’s mom confirmed that he often skipped days between bowel movements and that could then be followed by a day or two with several “blow outs”. She attributed this to normal baby elimination. While some irregularity can be normal in babies as their digestive systems mature, if there are other symptoms occurring such as reflux, colic, respiratory distress, or skin inflammations, then elimination needs to be supported.

We decided to start Sam on Blueberry Gemmotherapy as it offers gentle support for both the bowel and kidney functions and my experience has proven that babies like Sam respond quite well to it. Sam would take 5 drops 3x daily, directly in his mouth before breastfeeding.

A week later, Sam did have one more episode of croup in the early morning and his parents were able to settle his symptoms with a dose each of Black Currant and Lithy with everyone returning to a peaceful sleep. After that one acute bout, while maintaining continued daily doses of the Blueberry, Sam had no further symptoms. I suggested we check back in with Sam in a month to see how he was progressing. In a case like Sam’s, in which the poor elimination had progressed enough to trigger a respiratory response, I find he may need several months of taking the Gemmotherapy protocol.

Lessons from Sam

There are some important lessons to learn from Sam’s case. One is that by addressing those very early signs of poor or less than optimal elimination, other more serious symptoms can be avoided. The next is that there are natural, safe solutions for babies that offer support to developing organs rather than suppress the inflammatory response. Had Sam’s parents gone the traditional route of the nebulizer, Sam’s poor elimination would never be addressed, the secondary symptoms from his lungs would have been suppressed, and before long he would begin experiencing skin symptoms, most often in the form of eczema. That leads me right into next week’s post on skin symptoms in babies. Be sure to check back for some insight and solutions.

If you are a practitioner that works with babies you may be interested in joining my upcoming Foundations of Gemmotherapy Series held over four Saturdays in May and June. Sessions are recorded so live attendance is not mandatory. Parents can learn more about Gemmotherapy and how it can support their child’s immune system in my latest book Building Immunity in Babies and Children.

Happy Healthy Babies IV: Colic

Colic is a word that puts fear into the heart of every exhausted expectant and new parent. And yet, what is colic really? If it is so common, then why is there not a clear solution? Do babies really outgrow it? I have quite a bit to say about this topic, however, before I share, I’d like to circle back around on the theme of Happy Healthy Babies in general and the symptoms that are typically addressed.

The Truth

The truth is, that the cause of all typical baby symptoms such as infrequent bowel movements, reflux, colic, ear infections, eczema, sinusitis, and croup, is poor elimination. This less-than-optimal elimination is due to poor performance of either the kidneys or the bowel or both. It is exactly these organs that will need support for the symptom to clear. Unfortunately, the natural medicines that best support the healthy development of these organs are not known or practiced by the vast majority of pediatricians. MDs not trained in Homeopathy and/or Gemmotherapy are limited to offering a prescription medication to suppress the symptoms that will only weaken compromised organs and be a catalyst for further chronic conditions. Or, they will suggest that you, “wait the symptoms out,” until your baby matures.

These solutions are simply not what parents want to hear, especially when they believe there must be another answer for their child. And there is another answer. As a mother of three I too received this same message over and again from a variety of pediatricians over the span of twenty years! My son Sebastian probably holds the family record for a host of childhood symptoms that made the early years of parenting him quite a challenge. Even living in Germany, with the support of a knowledgeable Homeopath MD, the root of his symptoms was not uncovered. It was not until I began the pursuit of my new career in natural medicine and trained with a variety of mentors that the underlying cause became evident. Today, I can see with crystal clarity the start of all of the symptoms that plagued his early years were due to poor elimination. What I would have given at the time for such a simple straightforward solution to his years of sleeplessness, ear infections, and croup.

My firsthand experiences as a mother and the daily work I do with babies in my practice, is what drives me to get this message out far and wide. The answer lies in optimizing elimination. If an infant is solely breastfed then the protocol to address the symptoms will be only a Gemmotherapy extract. If however food or dairy has been introduced into the baby’s diet then the protocol will be a Gemmotherapy extract and modifications to the diet. Older babies and children whose elimination organs have been compromised for some time may also need a homeopathic remedy to support their overall constitution in the healing process. However, whether the answer is Gemmotherapy extracts alone or dietary changes or Homeopathy these solutions are simple, affordable and will positively impact the health and wellbeing of a child for a lifetime. We just need this message to reach more parents.


Let’s take a look at baby Emma who was, for the most part, miserable day and night. While her parents would observe brief periods of calm, Emma was pretty much always fretful. She fussed before nursing, directly after nursing, and just simply could not settle into a restful sleep day or night. Emma even fussed through her entire appointment here in my practice, arching her back in the classic pose of a colicky baby. Lucky for Emma her parents had a little experience behind them. Parents of a two year old as well they noted she never seemed to have these same problems. Due to this fact they sought help early on.

Of course like most parents today, they had performed several internet searches that provided them with a host of suggestions they had tried from infant massage, to movement, to feeding more often and white noise. While some provided momentary relief, none settled Emma for any length of time.

In our session together I performed the intake process I use for all of my clients that covers symptoms of elimination, vitality, and inflammation. It is symptoms of elimination that are the most relevant for young babies like Emma. What I look for in breastfed babies are several bowel movements daily that do not cause any discomfort and that occur across the day. Emma had a very changeable pattern with occasional “blow-outs” and days with no bowel elimination. Additionally, Emma clearly had pains and discomfort with digestion and reflux which are all symptoms that helped guide me to the right protocol.

Like Emma, all babies I have seen with colic seem to have problems with some reflux and always an inconsistency with the bowel movements. While this is traditionally attributed to immature digestive systems, waiting for maturity is not the answer. The problem with that, above and beyond the fact that it leaves Emma and her parents in distress, is that her body begins to compensate. That means other organs begin to work harder, making up for the lack of work by the digestive organs, and in this case it would be the kidneys. Over-worked kidneys lead us down another path with babies and we would begin to see respiratory and/or skin symptoms.

The Solution

The answer for Emma, as in all babies I work with that have symptoms of colic, is a combination of Walnut and Fig Gemmotherapy. I combine equal amounts of these extracts in a small bottle and suggest parents give 6 drops directly in the mouth before feeding. To begin 4-5 doses are needed daily but as symptoms improve I reduce the dosage. The sooner a baby’s colic symptoms are addressed, the quicker the response to the protocol. Colic that has gone on for months may need further support and as a practitioner I will look for what other symptoms have also occurred due to poor elimination.

Since beginning this series I have been hearing from moms across the country and that is so exciting. We can put an end to a host of chronic conditions by directly addressing what is causing this baby’s distress today but we need to spread this information. Take some time, if you can, and pass this article along to a new parent or two you know.
While this is already the fourth post in this series, there is still so much more to discuss! Has this has piqued your interest in Gemmotherapy? We’d love to hear from you in the comments! You can also find out more here about Gemmotherapy protocols for yourself or family. If you are a practitioner that works with babies you may be interested in my upcoming training on Gemmotherapy Support for Fertility, Pregnancy & Infants held July 9th in Austin, Tx. Additional trainings are available online.

Happy Healthy Babies Part III: Reflux

There are many wonderful benefits from working with babies but what strikes me the most is their dramatic response to a simple protocol. The root of a baby’s symptom is so clear; it is either what they are eating or an elimination organ that needs support.

In most situations, babies are not faced with the same complicated external contributors as adults such as a history of antibiotic treatments, injuries, missing organs, trauma, and stress. That is why the treatment babies receive in these early weeks and months of life are so critical. It is this early period when the immune system and it’s response is established for life. Parents, you are presented with a golden opportunity to set your child up with healthy digestion and optimal elimination both which contribute to a stable and strong immune system.

Sadly, this golden opportunity gets passed over time and time again. Well-meaning parents get caught in the loop of treating their child as opposed to healing their child. What is the difference? Well, treatment involves the use of a medication to stop/suppress the symptoms occurring while healing resolves the symptom at the root cause. Not only are the results remarkable in that moment but the cost of treatment to that baby’s health is felt over a lifetime.

Healing symptoms that occur due to poor elimination early in life is simple and straightforward when equipped with the right tools. I believe Gemmotherapy is a fabulous tool for every new parent and for practitioners who work with infants and children. Gemmotherapy extracts are unique as they use the meristems of trees and shrubs. This makes Gemmotherapy extracts the only medicine that can clean and restore organs on a cellular level. When it comes to babies and young children that process is short and simple.

It is important to note that it is a serious misconception that a baby’s elimination symptoms are actually outgrown. The issues caused by poor elimination only multiply, becoming more serious chronic conditions. Take a look at this article on childhood ailments to see what happens over time when something as simple as poor elimination in an infant is ignored.

In Happy Healthy Babies Part II I shared Ella’s story. Ella had difficulty settling into sleep after feeding or waking in distress shortly after she dropped off from exhaustion. As new parents, Ella’s were at a loss and wondered if her symptoms were “just normal.” We determined that they were not, just as Ella’s bowel elimination was not normal either.

Philips Story

This week, let’s take a look at Philip who struggled with reflux at 3 months of age. This is a common symptom among young babies as their digestive tracts mature. It can become a problem and worrisome to parents when it occurs after almost every meal and baby may not be gaining weight as expected. Pediatricians will suggest waiting it out or prescribe an acid blocking medication. Neither approach addresses the root of the symptoms.

I see many cases like Philip’s in my practice and am grateful to have use of a Gemmotherapy extract that supports the healthy development of an infant’s digestive tract. The action of Fig Gemmotherapy works precisely on the mouth to stomach portion of the digestive tract, exactly the root of the reflux symptom. Fig will support the organs themselves to mature and encourage healthy digestion.

As with Ella’s case last week, I instructed Philip’s mother to give him the drops directly in his mouth prior to nursing beginning with 4x daily until his reflux subsided. Once consistent with the dosage, an improvement was seen within the week. I advised continuing the 4x daily dosage until the reflux was no longer occurring and then continue 2x daily as a maintenance. Because Gemmotherapy extracts support healthy growth and development of organ tissue, instead of suppressing a symptom, the continued use is only helpful. I will check back in 6 weeks to see if the Gemmotherapy is still needed.

Has this has sparked your interest in Gemmotherapy? You can learn more about this topic in my latest book Building Immunity in Babies and Children. Looking for a deeper dive into the uses of Gemmotherapy? You may want to consider joining my upcoming Foundation of Gemmotherapy Series.

Happy Healthy Babies Part II: Infrequent Elimination

I LOVE working with babies! I so appreciate the opportunity to share with parents the benefits of natural remedies for the simple ailments of infancy such as constipation, acid reflux, colic, and croup. Gemmotherapy can provide exactly the support these young developing bodies need for their digestive system because of its unique ability to clean and fortify organ tissue. Unfortunately, when seeking help, most parents are given advice to either wait it out until their baby’s discomfort passes or they are handed a prescription to suppress the symptom. I’d like to say neither is acceptable or helpful to baby or parents.

The early development of the digestive system is critical in the building of a healthy immune system. Science is making more gains on this by the day as we learn that the chronic dis-eases of our generation stem from disturbances in this highly sensitive system. So it IS critical we pay attention to these early symptoms and set healthy patterns at the beginning of life. If you’d like to read more about this topic, I recommend this in-depth article by my colleague Dr. Ron Whitmont, a MD Homeopath, who discusses the body’s microbiome and chronic disease.

I introduced this series last week, sharing the impact over time of poor elimination. One version of poor elimination is infrequent stools. Let’s take a look at how simply a case of infrequent stools from my practice was solved with Gemmotherapy.

Ella’s Story

Ella was a 6 week old, c-section delivered, breastfed infant. I met with Ella and her parents when they came in for help with what they perceived as her inability to settle. They described her pattern of falling asleep (day or night) and waking shortly afterwards in distress and her inability to settle back into sleep after a night feeding, searching for comfort. She could not easily bring up a burp and would wail in discomfort. New at the game of parenting, they weren’t sure if this was normal or not.

I questioned Ella’s parents about her bowel elimination. Was she passing stools easily after each breastfeeding or at least several each day? I was not surprised to hear that Ella sometimes skipped a day of bowel movements, and mostly had only one. While their pediatrician had shown no concern, I knew from my own clinical experience that when the bowels do not empty completely, sleep is disturbed among a host of other things. So how does a parent know if their baby is eliminating enough? Breastfed babies should have 3-4 bowel eliminations, spread out in the day. These stools should never produce any discomfort in passing or be explosive, blowing out the top of the diaper. Formula fed babies should have 2-3 stools daily that are never pellet like, produce any discomfort in passing or are explosive, blowing out the top of the diaper.

Extracts to Consider

If your baby has any secondary symptoms such as sleep disturbances, acid reflux, colic, skin conditions, or sinus congestion you can be sure the bowel elimination is not optimal as these are all a result of the body using alternative pathways to compensate.

There are two Gemmotherapy extracts I use in my practice for digestive disturbances in babies and over the next blog posts you will see how I employ them separately or together in babies depending on the circumstance. These two extracts are Fig and Walnut. Fig is known to support digestion from the mouth to the stomach. Walnut supports the large intestine creating a terrain that supports the development of healthy strains of bacteria.

Ella, being a c-section baby, had missed a healthy dose of good bacteria from her mother that babies gain in vaginal deliveries. Now that research has exploded on the microbiome of the body we know this is significant. Today I suggest the use of Walnut Gemmotherapy extract for all c-section babies to help build naturally what has been missed.

In Ella’s case specifically I decided to use a combination of the two extracts due to her difficulty burping or releasing gas after feeding along with her infrequent elimination. I made a combination bottle of the two Gemmotherapy extracts for easy handling and instructed Ella’s parents to give her four drops directly in her mouth right before nursing, 4x daily. Typically Gemmotherapy extracts are dosed in water but this can be complex for a young infant. In these cases, I generally advise the drops be given right on the tongue at the start of a feeding so they are washed from the mouth with breast milk.

Within one week, Ella was passing 2-3 stools a day and settling well into sleep. I suggested to her parents that after another week they taper the drops back to twice daily. If there is no return of symptoms, then this would continue along for her first months of life supporting Ella’s maturing digestive system with the benefits of Gemmotherapy.

Will Ella have a problem again? It might flare at another developmental stage. However, now her parents know what to look out for and have a safe and effective tool to use should future distress occur.

We’re just getting started in this series and there is a lot more to discuss so be sure to check back next week to learn a protocol for acid reflux in infants. Has this has sparked your interest in Gemmotherapy? You can learn more about this topic in my latest book Building Immunity in Babies and Children. Looking for a deeper dive into the uses of Gemmotherapy? Consider joining my upcoming Foundation of Gemmotherapy Series.

Happy Healthy Babies Part I: It Really Is All About Elimination

As a mother of three children, I lost many a night’s sleep with a child who could not settle or woke every few hours needing comfort and attention. Little did I know of the close relationship between their nighttime discomfort and their diet and less than optimal daily bowel elimination. I think about the sleep and worry I would have saved not to mention the stress and strain on their young digestive and immune systems. While I can’t restore my sleep I can absolutely help yours and along with that build a healthy immune system for your child.

I am always thrilled for the opportunity to work with a new mom and baby. Not because I don’t enjoy all whom I have the honor to support, but because those first years of life are when the most profound changes can occur – and simply! The immune system we depend on as adults is developed in our first three years of life. Early support of these maturing organs is critical and can prevent a host of what have become normal chronic childhood conditions such as interrupted sleep, eczema, or recurring inflammation of the ears or upper respiratory system.

Much of my work with individuals of all ages is focused on elimination. It plays a critical role in the health of all living beings but is never more clearly evident than it is in babies and toddlers. However, I’ve often been told by parent after parent, that I am the first practitioner to question their child’s elimination and they often wonder why that is so.

It is rare that an allopathic or conventional MD will raise an eyebrow at your baby or child missing a bowel movement or two or even three. There is reason for this. Medical doctors are trained to look at the body through the lens of disease diagnosis and medicine. A missed or infrequent bowel movement is not a disease. If the missed bowel movements lead to discomfort or impaction however, then there are medicines available to control the symptoms. To be clear, controlling symptoms does not resolve the underlying issue. It is this limited perspective that leads many to seek alternatives.

I practice an alternative that combines the use Gemmotherapy Extracts, a Plant Based Diet and Homeopathy, My protocols resolve symptoms rather than control symptoms. Elimination is key in my work. When elimination it is not optimal, the natural pattern of the body to clean and heal are disturbed and the body begins to compensate for this inadequate cleaning system. Infrequent elimination is the start of a chain of increasingly serious symptoms that can be completely prevented quite easily in the babies.

So, join me for these upcoming weeks as I discuss the common symptoms experienced by babies and children and how simple protocols to optimize elimination can resolve them.

It is my hope that by shedding some light on this subject, you may gain a new perspective on your baby or child’s health.

If you are interested in learning more about caring for your baby or child using Gemmotherapy extracts please consider my latest book, Building Immunity in Babies and Children. Information regarding my online and in person trainings can be found here.

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part IV

These past three weeks, we revisited a series that followed Molly’s incredible journey from her tremendous grief and debilitating Crohn’s symptoms after the passing of her mother, to her experience and overcoming of secondary symptoms, to the eventual discovery of a healing path. As Molly’s practitioner, I could not be more pleased with her willingness to stay on the path even when she doubted what was ahead. Her commitment gave her body an opportunity to heal and she supported the process with important diet and lifestyle changes. I may have been able to offer Molly Gemmotherapy protocols, encouragement, and dietary suggestions, but it was her determination to make this work. Molly’s dedication has been remarkable. Here’s what she has to say now as she reflected on her experiences:

Molly Reflects

Rereading this 18 months later reminds me of the importance of emotional healing. While the physical healing was an exciting time for me, there was something missing that prevented my symptoms from stabilizing. I had yet to face and deal with many deep seated emotions that went much further back than the loss of my mother. Until I began addressing them head on, my roller coaster of symptoms continued. When I finally recognized the price I was paying for these unresolved hurts and gave equal effort to my emotional healing my physical symptoms also improved.

I was able to make the connection and with the help of Gemmotherapy, Homeopathy, a trusted friend, meditation and journaling and have since made even greater strides toward complete healing. While I am still sifting through these old emotional triggers there are many less than I began with. If you are on a healing journey or beginning one, do not underestimate the value of your emotional health. It was hard to limit stress levels, get good sleep, and make good food choices when I was upset, crying, or emotional. Because I want complete healing and all the perks that go with it, increased energy, a strong body, an even mood, and a life that I control not a disease I no longer see the diet and lifestyle changes as a “must,” but rather a “want.”

Original Post

“I have learned so much in just under a year about my body, it’s healing abilities, and my internal strength and drive. I could have been crushed to literal death by the devastation of my mom’s passing and this debilitating disease. But, I AM WINNING!

This summer has been full of opportunities to develop my new lifestyle and to enjoy having my health back. When I think of food choices, I always remember that simpler is better. A simple smoothie or green salad is now my go to meal. I make a great quinoa salad and I can wrap ANYTHING in a gluten free wrap. I love a little bit of salmon on the grill and my favorite dessert is cashew ice cream.

Like I said in that first post, the key to diet changes is to find alternatives. I have successfully found alternatives for everything that my family loved, from butter and milk to eating out at our favorite restaurants. Food is not the only change I have embraced though. I know that good sleep and less stress is vital. I have used Gemmotherapy, acupuncture, and massage to relieve anxiety and stress. A well rested body can heal itself so I make it a priority to get plenty of sleep.

When I asked my children what they notice about me that is different their list makes my heart smile:

“You have more energy.”

“You smile a lot more.”

“We go on long hikes now.”

“You always look for gluten and dairy that could be hiding in our food.”

“You use the bathroom a lot less.”

And they are all right! I now enjoy a life that I am in control of. I do everything with my children now. I hiked with my family in Yellowstone National Park this summer. We were miles from any bathroom and I wasn’t even thinking about it until my six year sweetly asked if we should be looking for a bathroom for mommy. I never would have attempted a long hike in the past. What a change!

These good times with my family doing what we love is motivation enough to keep fighting for my body to heal. I am not perfect and there have been times when I haven’t been as diligent as I should have been in making healthy choices, but I take the setback in stride and get back to work. This journey has been an amazing accomplishment. I recognize that it is a journey and the end result is a completely healed body. As I near the end of my first year, I can hardly believe how far I’ve come!”

So what’s next for Molly? A lot more of the same to be honest. A plant based diet rich in whole nutrient dense foods, moderate exercise, restorative sleep each night, and continuation of her protocols. Recently we changed her Homeopathic remedy to one that will offer more emotional support and I look forward to the advantage this gives Molly as she considers some changes for her future. We also continue increasing the strength of her Gemmotherapy protocol to further resolve old inflammation and promote healing of her digestive organ tissues. We both look to the day when she will not need even the one prescription medication. I do believe this is possible but the timing must be right.

Gemmotherapy played a huge role in the healing of Molly’s symptoms. You can learn more about this emerging botanical therapy from Europe here on my website. Interested practitioners can find information on training in Gemmotherapy protocols here.

Step One of Molly’s protocol was to eliminate all foods with gluten and dairy. Because Molly had already greatly reduced dairy she was halfway there. The challenge came with the need to eliminate both gluten and dairy entirely. To do this she would have to change the way she cooked for her whole family. In hindsight that was clearly a good choice as it quickly solved the chronic symptoms three of her children faced. Back in late August, however, Molly, who barely slept two hours straight and had debilitating symptoms round the clock, was naturally overwhelmed.

Step Two of Molly’s protocol was to take Silver Birch Sap Gemmotherapy extract 3x daily, beginning with a very small dose.

Molly’s task ahead was daunting and while I could offer her encouragement and suggestions, she was the one who would have to find the strength to make the changes in order to fulfill her commitment to herself.

Come along and join us in the weeks ahead as Molly and I share in the writing of this series and bring to life her path to healing. Whatever challenge(s) you face with your health, you will no doubt find Molly’s story inspiring. Her dedication to restoring her health and befriend her body’s process is an incredible journey.

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part III

This week’s blog is an update on last year’s series featuring Molly’s progressive healing from Crohn’s disease. It is particularly exciting for those who appreciate seeing evidence of improvement based on medical tests. While the goal is to eventually create a heightened sense of awareness of your own health, tests can offer a level of comfort and encouragement as you begin your journey. Here’s a recent update from Molly.

As I read this a year and a half later, although I had come a long way, I am reminded how far I still had to go. My body was healing but it still harbored inflammation. I was keeping track of my fecal calprotectin number which measures inflammation in my bowel through a stool sample to confirm that I was on the right track.

The normal range is below 50 and Gastroenterologists like to see their patients with Crohn’s and Colitis below 100. Because of my previous high numbers, I was actually thrilled with my results of 156 during that time. I believed that I was as good as I was ever going to get! I was so wrong!

I kept the goal of COMPLETE healing and continued to take care of myself with daily Gemmotherapy and eating clean, simple, real food. I was encouraged again last summer when my numbers came back at 110. It was exciting to see real evidence of healing and I knew I could do better.

Finally, last week, after a two and a half year journey, I was brought to tears. My doctor called to tell me that my Calprotectin number came back at 42, well within the normal range! When I began this journey, I didn’t want it to take this long, I wanted quick healing so I could just move on with my life. I have now learned that in order to appreciate my life and take my health back, this long journey was necessary. I hope my journey to health inspires others to work with their bodies and take the time necessary to attain complete healing.

Original Post

This month I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my blog with Molly LaChere who tells her inspiring story of addressing symptoms of Crohn’s. While Molly had lived with the often debilitating effects for 13 years, it was the passing of her mother that led her to make serious lifestyle changes. In the first post of the series Molly explained the commitment she made to reclaim her health. Last week Molly described the setbacks she faced getting started.

Elimination challenges

For nearly half of her life Molly’s body made up for her poorly established elimination system and overburdened kidneys by dumping acid waste through her bowel. The urge for a bowel movement often appeared hourly and a combination of mucous, blood, and or loose stools were eliminated. This was a compensation that her body established in order to keep the raging state of inflammation under control. As her practitioner, the challenge I would face was the task of tonifying her kidneys using Gemmotherapy extracts to gradually shift her body out of this “dumping” state.

As you learned in Molly’s Story Part II, slowing this dumping of acid triggered another set of symptoms common in Crohn’s. Molly’s limbs began to absorb the inflammation that was not being dumped and her skin became an emergency exit to filter toxins as well. This was truly a miserable time for Molly and it would have been easy for her to have lost hope.

Molly’s protocol

At that point I encouraged Molly to seek out additional support from her physician, whom she trusted and had worked with in the past. In this advanced state of Crohn’s, we hoped he could offer temporary solution to suppress some symptoms through medication just long enough for Gemmotherapy to strengthen her kidney and adrenal function. The Gemmotherapy protocol at that point included Silver Birch Sap as a kidney tonic, Blueberry to bring balance to kidney and bowel function, Black Currant to resolve inflammation and support her adrenal glands, and finally Silver Lime as a tonic for the nervous system. In addition, I included an adrenal glandular supplement and a monthly constitutional dose of Homeopathy.

Molly shares

“January and February were marked by continued swelling, but was I able to stay the course. I continued to try every day to make positive changes. I was taking my Gemmotherapy extracts regularly and was even learning to adjust them on my own. I was quite excited about that!

Even though I could feel my body trying to heal itself and I was making small improvements every day, I still needed some support from medical doctors. Crohn’s disease must be monitored closely as the inflammatory state is known to lead to cancers and other complications. Having lost a parent to cancer just months before understandably made this threat even more worrisome.

I finally was able to have an appointment with the Gastroenterologist on March 3rd. I was ready to fight because I knew they would want to start me on HUMARA, a drug that suppresses the immune system and is known to cause an aggressive form of Lymphoma. The doctors were certainly concerned, so they did the only thing they are trained to do, offer tests and medications. I am grateful for their tests, but I wanted to pass on their medication.”

Encouraging news

The day following my appointment, I brought in a stool sample so that they could test for inflammation markers. The results could take a while so in the meantime I had a colonoscopy and started on a short course of Prednisone. The colonoscopy showed inflammation, but no cancer. What a relief! With that worry gone, and the Prednisone kicking in to suppress my the inflammation enough, I knew that I was turning a corner in my healing.

I continued to feel better each day and after a few weeks I began to taper off the Prednisone. During this time we were able to increase the doses of Gemmotherapy without the fear we had previously of aggravating symptoms. By early April I had bowel movements only 3-5 times daily and all were formed with no pain! I was even sleeping through the night. By the time I came off of the Prednisone my kidneys and bowels were functioning much better all on their own.

In May I returned to the gastroenterologist for the best appointment ever. First, we went over the results of the stool sample taken back in March. In a normal healthy person, the markers would be below 50, for people with Crohn’s disease, the goal is below 100. For comparison, my numbers have been over 1,000 in the past! The doctor couldn’t believe that my number was only 156! Remember, this was taken before I started on any medication! Diet change and Gemmotherapy was the only thing I was using to control my disease at the time of the test.

With this news, I knew that my drastic diet change made me feel better and now I had the proof that it was healing me too! We came to an understanding that day in the office that if I continued to make healthy diet changes, the doctor would be completely supportive of not using HUMARA. He even admitted to me that the medication often doesn’t work well unless patients are willing to make changes in their diets and it often leads to patients losing parts of their colon or small intestines. I did however begin Asocol HD a mild medication that helps with inflammation in the colon. I have tried it in the past and it was never enough. This time it was a different story. It was just enough support. I have another appointment in August and I am so excited to see those results!”

Molly’s story is such a remarkable example of believing in your body and it’s ability to heal and, at the same time, taking the steps of intervention needed when a disease has progressed. She is fortunate to have an open minded physician that supported her commitment and could see a middle path. Had Molly and I began our work together when her symptoms of urgent loose stools began years ago, she would not have needed medication but in these advanced stages of autoimmune, with the knowledge we have today, the approach we found was a good compromise. Join us next week when Molly shares more of the specific lifestyle changes she has found successful.

Interested in learning more about Gemmotherapy? Order one of my books, Gemmotherapy for Everyone: An Introduction to Acute Care or Building Immunity in Babies and Children. Consider a private consultation or study with me in order to care or yourself and others.

Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part II

Last week we began updates on the series Molly’s Story. You can find Part I here.

Today we begin with some words from Molly as she reflects today on her journey.

During this time of extreme inner growth I found two quotes that I clung to and said to myself many times a day. The first was, “Easy won’t change things…Not ever!” and, “90% won’t make a difference.”


I needed these reminders because making such a drastic lifestyle switch when I was sick, grieving, and raising a young family was a daunting task. I still cringe when I think of where I started from. But, those changes are some of my proudest accomplishments and I get choked up when I remember the struggle and ultimate healing that was achieved by this hard work!  


The second part of this work was saying “NO” and reducing my commitments. I missed many school events and activities that year and for a mom who often coached all the sports, volunteered hours in the classroom and drove the LaChere Family Taxi, it was scary to let those commitments go. It took trusting others to pick up the slack and trusting that my children wouldn’t be scarred for life.


Guess what?!

We all survived! And, I can honestly say we are ALL better off because of the work I did to heal my body. My kids have benefited more by my changes than they would have if I had kept with my old habits.



Part II of Molly’s Story

Last week we began a new series featuring Molly LaChere and her personal story facing Crohn’s Disease head on. Molly shared that it was the passing of her mother in July that served as her pivotal point. Now, with five children of her own to take care of, she decided to finally take control of her health.


“I made a commitment to get better for good. No more half way, no more cheating. From now on I must be 100 percent honest with myself and my needs. It was this daunting task that I set out to conquer.”


Molly’s symptoms when we began our work together in August 2015 included 14-18 trips to the toilet, round the clock, to pass loose stool, mucus, or at times blood. She was weak and weighed 127lbs. She could not leave the house for more than an hour and only if she was sure she could get to a toilet immediately.


The Plan

Step One of Molly’s protocol was to eliminate all foods with gluten and dairy. Because Molly had already greatly reduced dairy she was halfway there. The challenge came with the need to eliminate both gluten and dairy entirely. To do this she would have to change the way she cooked for her whole family.

Step Two of Molly’s protocol was to take Silver Birch Sap Gemmotherapy extract 3x daily, beginning with a very small dose.

Molly’s task ahead was daunting and while I could offer her encouragement and suggestions, she was the one who would have to find the strength to make the changes in order to fulfill her commitment to herself.


Getting Started

“September came and our family of seven was thrown into the hustle of school and my work began again as a part time teacher. While my journey to better health was underway, all of the distractions could easily have derailed me had I not been so committed to changing my diet. At the beginning of the month I had started taking a Gemmotherapy protocol and had eliminated all dairy and products containing gluten from my diet. Now I was faced with the challenge of creating a life I could live with.


Stress is a huge contributing factor for all individuals with Crohn’s Disease and I was being presented with an opportunity to face mine head on. As one who tends to over commit, the statement “Slow down and say NO!” ran through my mind constantly.


The diet changes I committed to were quickly put to the test once our fall schedule kicked in. My standard go-to dinners were no longer on the menu. I was working hard and struggling to stay the course. At first I found myself making meals for the family and then eating my own food alone and separate from them. Given the grief I was dealing with, that plan was not helping. I didn’t have time to make two meals, I didn’t want to be tempted to eat what they were having, but I didn’t want to eat alone. Keeping myself fed was creating incredible stress- just what I was trying to avoid! I began to look for alternatives to all of my family favorites. That was the key!


Rather than doing everything different, I needed to find acceptable alternatives.


So, I headed into October optimistically. I was beginning to find some recipes my family and I could all enjoy together and the 14-18 trips to the restroom that I was experiencing back in August had reduced dramatically with the Gemmotherapy protocol and diet change. I was having a formed bowel movement for the first time that I could remember in years and the frequency was down to 10x daily.


A Set Back

However, just as I was beginning to believe in my body, I faced an entirely different challenge. At the beginning of October, I began to have symptoms of Erythema Nodosum, a rare side effect of Crohn’s Disease. Erythema Nodosum causes fevers, extreme pain, sores and swelling in the lower legs. It lasts up to six weeks and then goes away. Each of my legs took their turn, back to back, of course! With twelve weeks of swelling in my legs, I really had no other choice but to slow down. I had never looked forward to Christmas Break like that before.


During my break, I planned to spend the time healing and, literally, getting back on my feet. Of course, that didn’t happen. The swelling from my lower legs moved into my ankles and feet. It lasted weeks and the pain was unbearable. Eventually, the swelling moved to my knees and I had them drained three times. Each time, they took over 80ml of fluid. By this time, the doctors were convinced that I had Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was again devastated and mad that my body was letting me down, especially after I was trying so hard to make positive changes!


I really could have given up. That would have been easy. The doctors were pushing hard for me to take heavy drugs and even my supportive husband was giving me the nudge. How could he not?! I had lost so much weight that I was barely tipping the scale at just over 100 pounds, I had to use a cane to get around, and people who I had known for years didn’t even recognize me.


I finally got an appointment with a Rheumatologist in late January. He gave me exactly the hope I needed. Yes, he wanted me to get started on steroid medication, but he had the news I needed to hear. He didn’t think I had Rheumatoid Arthritis, but believed I was likely experiencing a systemic side effect from Crohn’s disease. I smiled and told him that it was the best news he could have given me! I still only had one disease, and I was determined to beat it in this New Year.”


Lauren’s Perspective  

You can only imagine how difficult it was for Molly to keep her spirits lifted and feel encouraged through the additional symptoms she faced. I was continually amazed at her determination to see this process though and give her body the opportunity and time it needed. She remembers now my telling her not to expect any stability in symptoms for a full year. While she questioned her ability to make it through she began to take things one month at a time. 


As I learned more about Molly’s health story, I realized she had never had been given an opportunity to experience her body healing itself. From a young age Molly’s reoccurring ear infections were always treated with antibiotics. As a gymnast and later on a college diving team, there was never time to be sick and so antibiotic treatment became the norm for her recurring sinus infections. This process taught Molly early on that she didn’t have the resources to self heal. Changing a lifelong perspective takes some powerful positive thinking.  As for her body, with what we now know about microbes and gut bacteria, it is clear how the repetitive use of antibiotics was paving the way for the development of a chronic disease.


Our conversations over those trying winter months were focused on helping Molly understand her body’s process and begin to build some trust in what she was experiencing.   I actually was not surprised that when her 14-18 bowel eliminations was reduced that inflammatory symptoms began to appear on her skin. The Erythema Nodosum that is associated with Crohn’s disease was actually a very convenient way for her body to continue it’s cleaning process, through her skin, until her kidney health improved. The Erythema Nodosum began just as her bowel movements turned solid and decreased.


With a careful eye and teaming with her physician, we supported her body’s elimination of this inflammation with Silver Birch Sap Gemmotherapy as a kidney tonic and later Black Currant to reduce inflammation and support her adrenals.  Later, as her bowel movement decreased significantly and became formed we supported healthy elimination through her bowels and kidneys with Blueberry.  As her elimination  stabilized I gave Molly a Homeopathic remedy that would support her vitality and relieve her acute symptoms. We also made adjustments to her diet as we found that she could not tolerate legumes or grains in her inflamed state. Finally we turned to her physician for guidance on medication to suppress symptoms only when necessary and for a short period of time.


Molly rightfully needed a lot of emotional support during this transition period and weekly updates on her elimination and state of inflammation were critical for my advising. It was an intense period but she persevered because she was determined to write a new story for herself.


Interested in learning more about Gemmotherapy? You can find out more here.  If you are called to learn about integrating Gemmotherapy into your practice you may be interested in my online trainings and events available here.



Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part I

One and a half years ago Molly and I collaborated on a series of four blog posts that proved to be a healing experience for both of us. Molly happens to be my niece. The daughter of my sister who passed July 2015 after a lengthy and heartbreaking struggle with cancer. When my sister had a relapse in June 2013, I flew to Montana. There was one particularly evening I spent sharing what I had learned about restoring immunity. Molly joined us for that talk and while she took in everything I had to say my sister did not. The lifestyle changes I proposed were either too big a stretch or just did not resonate. I will never know.

Molly spent the next 2 years supporting her mother emotionally through a roller coaster ride of conventional treatment. It took its toll on Molly physically and emotionally. She had dealt with the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease for 13 years and in her mother’s final month’s, was expecting her fifth child. In July 2015, two months after sweet Annaliese’s birth, my sister passed away. Though completely expected, the loss rocked Molly’s world to the core. I came to Montana again for my sister’s services and during my stay Molly and I had a heart to heart talk about her health and her fears regarding her own mortality. I offered my help when and if she was ready to commit to some changes and take charge of restoring her immunity.

Through her grief Molly began to gain some insight, the first being that she had a choice. Her mother’s story did not have to be hers. At the end of August, as her children returned to school, Molly reached out for help and in the series that follows is how the story unfolds.

I choose to reshare Molly’s story as she recently received tests results from her annual lab reports. Her inflammation markers have come down from a high of nearly 400 when we began our work together, to a staggering low of 42. (<50 is considered normal) This is the first time Molly’s results have fallen in the normal range since being diagnosed in 2002.

Reflecting on what she wrote a year and a half ago Molly had this to share,

“Lately I have been feeling like a superhero! There is something empowering about raising 5 awesome kids, knocking down a debilitating disease and taking back my life. It has taken two and a half years of complete dedication and commitment, but the growth in all areas of my life have been abundant. I have learned about self care, saying “No”, getting enough sleep, cooking and eating, communicating my needs, and trusting the healing power of my own body. Although the journey seemed long and daunting in the beginning, I now see the whole picture and realize that complete healing can’t happen overnight. In complete contrast to two and a half years ago, my children now have a hard time keeping up with me!”

Original Post (July 5, 2016)

“July 11, 2015, a day that changed my world. My mother passed away after a five year battle with cancer. I was tired, alone, and sick. I had just had my fifth child in May, so tired was a feeling I knew well. Having dealt with Crohn’s Disease for 13 years, sick was normal. The loneliness, though, was devastating. I spent the rest of July and all of August trying to get through each day without breaking down. I cried about everything, I spent hours in the bathroom, and I desperately tried to have my kids believe that all was well. What a joke!

By September I crashed. I was mad! My world had fallen apart and my body was failing me. Crohn’s Disease had defined me for 13 years and I had let it. I always believed that my body could heal itself, but I knew it would take time and commitment, two things I didn’t have with five kids and a dying mother. Then something changed in me. I made a commitment to get better for good. No more half way, no more cheating. From now on I must be 100 percent honest with myself and my needs. It was this daunting task that I set out to conquer.

Working with Molly

Molly and I met to discuss her health in late August. As with all of my clients, I spelled out what would be needed to turn her symptoms around and get her body to begin healing itself.

Her symptoms at the time included 14-18 trips to the toilet round the clock to pass either loose stool, mucus, or at times blood. She was weak and weighed 127lbs. She could not leave the house for more than an hour and only if she was sure she could get to a toilet immediately. This alone made her case challenging, but on top of it all she was a nursing mom with a four month old and four other children under the age of eleven and worked part-time as a teacher at a local private school.

On her side was the fact that her family all wanted her to be well and would support whatever changes she needed to make. In addition, she had a Naturopathic doctor and Gastro MD who she had seen for many years and who also were both open to alternatives that would support Molly’s healing.

The protocol I would offer Molly wasn’t meant as a suggestion. It was really an “either/or” moment. Either Molly committed to following the protocol or I would not be able to help her. If, as she had claimed, Molly really wanted to engage her body’s own ability to heal, she would have to get serious about her diet. Molly was in an incredibly inflammatory state and she could not afford to add to it with what she put in her mouth- Not Even A Bite.

So what was Molly’s protocol? Discover that next week as well a more on her current state today.

Rethinking Elimination

Thoughts about how well your body is eliminating don’t really make it to the top of your list unless you are faced with a sudden change of too much or not enough. It turns out that your elimination should get as much attention as what you are feeding yourself each day. That is because how your body eliminates is actually a very clear barometer of your health.  Imbalances in the organs that clean your body negatively impact your immune system

I talk a lot about elimination in my practice and I admit I am a bit obsessed, but for good reasons! Time and time again I see radical health shifts occur simply by improving the frequency and quality of bowel movements, urination and, in women, menstruation. What is particularly interesting is that when these shifts are made in children, all secondary symptoms just heal.

The restoration of optimal elimination for adults is more complex because the years of built-up waste damages tissues. When change is made however, the shift towards healing is apparent and significant.

Important to note:

  1. Elimination patterns that you have come to believe are “just how you are” can and should be shifted.
  2. Other secondary symptoms such as migraines and asthma cannot be healed until this occurs (see this article on secondary symptoms of poor elimination)

Bowel Movements

Let’s take a look at healthy bowel elimination. Our bowels should clean twice a day and optimally every time you eat a meal. Those of you with a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables may already experience this type of elimination pattern. While there are many individualized reasons why your bowels may not clean efficiently, we can be sure one factor pertains to lymphatic stagnation in this region and another pertains to your diet. Just take a look here at all the lymphatic vessels and organs in this region.

Over 50% of our lymph nodes reside in our abdominal region. The lymph fluid carries away the acidic wastes from digestion.  When the lymph is stagnant, so is bowel activity. Your diet directly influences lymph movement, so eating high-alkaline foods to stimulate the elimination of acids is one of the best things you can do for your well-being.

What about over-active bowels? Simply put, the body is working overtime encouraging your bowels to dump the acidic wastes which are not being processed by your kidneys.


Signs of urinary distress are usually quite obvious. Frequent urging, involuntary urination, painful urination, and night waking to urinate are all symptoms to raise concern. All are signs that the kidneys are overworking. In my practice, I most often see that when these symptoms appear the bowels are not doing their job. When bowel elimination is optimized these symptoms typically resolve themselves.


Women are fortunate in that they have a third method of elimination which engages the lymphatic system and helps the body clean itself. However, painful periods, spotting, no period or irregular periods are all symptoms of weaknesses in other organ systems and should be taken into top consideration when assessing your health. Blocking that flow or reducing it through the use of hormonal birth control methods not only puts increased responsibilities on the bowels and kidneys to eliminate acid wastes, but causes a variety of secondary symptoms due to the toxic build-up.

Answers for You

Simply put, we are living in an environment and leading lifestyles that our bodies were never designed to handle. The natural correction would be to make the necessary modifications so that these align. That means returning to eating, working, and living in a way that support the functions of the body we have. It means eating whole foods as close as possible to their natural state, taking breaks from our chairs and getting exercise outdoors in nature, and turning off the constant stimulation and noise of the world when we can.

The human body has not changed in the last three generations, our lifestyles, however, have changed dramatically. Just one generation ago we did not sit in chairs working in front of a screen 8-10 hours a day. Two generations ago fast and processed foods simply did not exist, families cooked real food together at home. Three generations ago they likely grew their own food in gardens and the gardening process provided exercise, sunshine and time in nature!

Because of the natural processes of our body, functions such as elimination often need support, and that is exactly what Gemmotherapy extracts can offer. The inclusion of meristem cells, the part of the plant with the ability to regenerate tissue, gently restores the organs of elimination. You can read more about Gemmotherapy here.


This post was originally posted on September 23, 2014. Updated on February 16, 2018