Changing Your Plate Part II: Breakfast

Last week I kicked off a new series about taking steps toward a plant based diet one meal at a time. In my first post, Changing Your Plate: Part I, I shared the news that so many of my client families are making headway in shifting what goes on their plates one meal at a…

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Changing Your Plate Part I: Getting Started

We just finished a fantastic series featuring new mom Jane Catherine Sherman and how her baby daughter motivated her to shift what she feeds the whole family. Learning that dairy products were the cause of little Savanna’s croup inspired Jane Catherine to research the benefits of a plant based diet and what it would take…

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A New Mom’s Story Part IV

I have so enjoyed this past month of posts by Jane Catherine Sherman. I hope many of you have gained from her real life experiences as a new mom, struggling with food choices and discerning the right path for her growing family. Last week we learned that croup can often be aggravated by sensitivities to…

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A New Mom’s Story Part III

Over the past weeks I have had the pleasure of co-authoring with longtime client Jane Catherine Sherman. Jane Catherine, like all new moms, discovered there were some surprises in store for her and her husband as they integrated a new family member into their two career household. The challenges they faced involved food and how…

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A New Mom’s Story: Part II

Last week I introduced you to Jane Catherine, a long time client and new mom who, when faced with some challenges in feeding her baby, was opened up to an entirely new perspective. Last week she shared the struggles that followed the sudden end to her breast milk supply. This week she will take you…

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A New Mom’s Story: Part I

May I introduce you to Jane Catherine Sherman, a long time client, who has spent the last year learning the ropes of being a new mom while juggling her role as wife and a full-time career. I have had the pleasure of working with this sweet family pre and post baby. I’ve watched these past…

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Plant Based Eating on the Go IV: Navigating Restaurants

No matter how much you pack along or stock up on at your destination, it is likely you will be faced with eating out at some point on your travels. If you are with colleagues or meeting clients it’s a given and important that you have a plan in action before you open that menu.…

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Your Home Guide to Gemmotherapy VII: Urinary Tract Infection

Oh, the plague of a Urinary Tract Infection! You seem to be feeling at the top of the world one moment and then suddenly you sense that uncomfortable pressure, pain upon urination, and an achy feeling overall. It can be just misery. So is it really off to the urgent care clinic for an antibiotic…

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Plant Based Eating on the Go III: Stocking Your Hotel Room

Eating plant based on the go doesn’t have to be a challenge but it does require some advance planning. With all the traveling I do, I have discovered some great tips to make eating healthy on the road a snap. In this month’s series, I have shared my thoughts on what to pack in your…

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Your Home Guide to Gemmotherapy VI: Headaches

You’ve been at it on your computer since the wee hours of the morning, with your eyes not coming off the screen to break for even a few minutes. It starts right at your temples as a dull sensation and before long the throb of a tension headache is making itself known. Your impulse will…

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Plant Based Eating on the Go II: An Airport Survival Guide

Last week I began a new series, Plant Based Eating on the Go, in order to pass along my tips on staying Plant Based while traveling. It’s a concern that comes up with clients over and again in my office. Fortunately, I have had a few years now of solid experience and never had to…

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Your Home Guide to Gemmotherapy V: Back Pain or Spasms

Arghhh, a back ache! No one wants to be slowed down by acute symptoms, but a back ache can be oh so debilitating – particularly if you need to care for children or have physical work to do. Yes, Advil can take the edge off but at what cost to your liver? What if I…

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