Gemmotherapy Answers: Women DO Need To Have Periods!

Early in September an article claiming that women did not need a menstrual cycle circulated through multiple social media channels, so I am pretty sure you have seen it at one point or another. Because it was so incredibly off the mark I chose at first to let it go, but when the NYTimes included a…

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Living Well Series: Ditching Dairy 

The value of removing dairy from our family diet honestly never registered on my radar for the first twelve years of my post cancer health journey. Then, in the summer of 2013, I paid a visit to the busy family practice clinic of my mentor, and now dear friend, Dr. Sorina Soescu. In addition to…

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The Living Well Series: Plant-Based Eating—Salads 101

In my practice I prescribe a Plant-Based Diet as part of the Living Well 4™, a four stage healing process that integrates the three therapies of Gemmotherapy, Homeopathy, and a Plant-Based Diet. The past four weeks my posts have highlighted each of the four stages in healing and the general protocols used. In the next…

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Living Well Series: Stage Four, Harmonizing the Body

This post concludes a four part series on the healing process we refer to as the Living Well 4™ in my practice. These four stages became clear to me while conducting a yearlong collaboration with my European colleagues involving over one hundred cases in which the three therapies (Gemmotherapy, Homeopathy and a Plant-Based Diet) were…

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Living Well Series: Stage Three, Optimizing Organ Function

  In my practice and research I have come to identify four stage of healing that the body moves through when using natural remedies to heal the root of the problem. I refer to this process as The Living Well 4™. The three therapies I use work together to engage the body’s natural ability to clean, eliminate…

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Living Well Series: Stage Two—Clean and Fortify Organs

Last week I shared Stage One of the Living Well 4 and described the basic protocol used to open elimination. The importance of opening elimination first became imminently clear in a two year international collaboration with European physicians using Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy as their primary therapies and a study of over 100 of my own cases. I…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Why Go Plant-Based?

  Wouldn’t you like this to be the year that you resolved your seasonal allergies? Or possibly it’s that painful menses that gets in your way each month or chronic headaches? Whatever the symptom, the very reason you struggle with it is because the organs and systems designed to resolve it are not functioning at…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: The Stages of Healing REDUX

Last week I explained how chronic symptoms will appear at particular stages in one’s lifetime when the basic functions of cleaning, eliminating and healing are compromised. I called on parents to be aware and responsive to very simple symptoms that appear in their baby or young child, one of those in particular is constipation. By…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Detox vs. IVF for Infertility

Last week I shared a story that depicts the classic pharmaceutical treatment spiral that is quite commonplace in women’s healthcare. Since writing that I have received numerous inquiries from women who have stories that are, truthfully, heartbreaking. Following the advice of their ob/gyn physicians and believing they were helping their symptoms by taking hormonal birth control,…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: Stop the Symptom Suppression

Last month I began a series of posts regarding the connection between menstrual symptoms, birth control and infertility. The last post I shared was about a young lady in her teens that sought me out for help with long, painful periods followed by days of discharge. I shared how these symptoms were actually signs of a deeper imbalance…

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Gemmotherapy Answers: The Brain and Lymphatic System Connection

There has been some very exciting news in the science world this past month regarding the brain and lymphatic system. This is huge for health practitioners such as myself who practice a holistic methodology based on supporting the body’s natural ability to clean and heal itself. The new discovery of a tangible, proven connection between the…

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