A Crash Course in Gemmotherapy

Gemmotherapy is a cleansing protocol for the body that utilizes extracts from individual trees and shrubs. Because the extracts are made each spring from the first buds and shoots of the season, this botanical medicine has a potency and healing capability that far exceeds any current phytotherapy. The meristems within each bud or shoot contain…

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Why Don’t I Feel Better Yet?

So you have done all the right things—rested, drank ridiculous amounts of healthy fluids, taken your gemmos, even made yourself miso soup—and yet you STILL feel terrible. What’s the deal? Or maybe your problem is slightly different. It’s like this… you seriously just got over the last virus and now three weeks later here you…

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Yikes! It is SO the flu season!

Everyone is either getting over it, coming down with it or trying to avoid it like, well, the plague. Whichever category you fall into I’d like to share my insider tip and why it works. In my practice, gemmotherapy extracts play a primary role in client protocols for both acute and chronic symptoms. Because gemmotherapy…

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Boosting Your Immunity

Last week I wrote about Ryan and his constant stuffy nose and frequent bouts of secondary infections of the throat. That probably sounded familiar, bringing to mind one or more members of your family. While dietary changes will be needed to address the root of a chronic stuffy nose, here are some thoughts on how to support you or your child’s body…

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Frequent Childhood ENTs


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The Root of Your Irritable Bowels

This is the third in my on-going “Root of the Problem” series. You can find all of them here where I would love for you to leave your questions or comments.  The Irritable Bowel Story: Maria came to me for help with her nagging digestive disturbances. While the symptoms, to varying degree, had been present for years, a recent upsurge…

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Be Kind to Your Kidneys

I shared a great story last week about migraines and how supporting the kidneys can bring an end to the cycle of pain. In the case of Cathy her kidneys were doing double time because her bowels were not doing their job. By activating her bowels along with supporting her kidneys with an alkaline diet and gemmotherapy, Cathy was able to turn around…

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The Root of Your Migraines

You can find all of my “Root of the Problem” posts here. Be sure to leave your questions or personal experiences in the comments section.  The Migraine Story Cathy had experienced headaches daily for years; in fact she really couldn’t remember not having headaches. Some days they were debilitating and others she just soldiered on. As a single mom and a teacher she just learned to…

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What’s All the Fuss About Dairy?

Last week I shared the case of Doug, with seasonal allergies, who, along with a protocol to improve his elimination and clean up his digestive tract, gave up eating dairy products. After a month, Doug’s symptoms went away. Once he finished his protocol he stayed off dairy to curb the inflammation and hasn’t had any symptoms…

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The Root of Your Seasonal Allergies

The Allergy Story Doug experienced seasonal allergies for as long as he could remember. In reality he had always had some form of post nasal drip, but come fall in Austin he was miserable. He woke with his head in a fog, the sinus pressure at times felt unbearable, body aches prevailed and naturally it affected…

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Lymphatic System 102

The human body needs two systems to operate optimally to support healthy cell reproduction. Those two systems are the cardiovascular and the lymphatic systems. Unfortunately, in today’s practice of allopathic medicine, the emphasis is solely on the cardiovascular. By ignoring the lymphatic system we are missing a huge opportunity to prevent and better manage most chronic conditions. Certainly we…

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Lymphatic System 101

The amazing human body was designed to be completely self cleaning. The lymphatic system is the star of this process and its job is to remove wastes from the cells. Clean cells produce clean tissue and reproduce clean, healthy cells. As important and fundamental to our health as this system is, it certainly tends to be overlooked…

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