There’s A Better Way V: Urinary Tract Infections

If you are one who is plagued by, or even just susceptible to, urinary tract infections don’t you ever wonder why that is the case? Before you reach for that box of AZO or fill that prescription of antibiotics, let’s talk. There is a reason your urinary tract gets inflamed, whether it is once or…

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There’s A Better Way IV: Flu Virus

Think the flu season is still a long way off? Think again. With the changeable weather pattern we’ve experienced across the nation, I’m predicting an early season and have seen a case or two already in my practice. In this fourth post in my current series I’m taking a look at how to respond to…

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There’s A Better Way III: Seasonal Allergies

Welcome back to my series on responding to acute care symptoms naturally. In the first two weeks I shared the dangers behind suppressing symptoms and what to have on hand to be prepared for the coming allergy, cold, and flu season. While June through August can be a reprieve for seasonal allergy sufferers in Austin…

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There’s A Better Way II: Be Prepared

Last week, in the first post from this new series I explained the dangers of suppressing  acute symptoms. The majority of chronic symptoms that plague our culture today are a direct result of ill advice regarding simple acute symptoms. We live in a society that fears symptoms. When one appears there is a pill, cream,…

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There’s A Better Way I: The Danger in Suppressing Symptoms

Symptoms of flu, cold, and allergies will soon be flaring. Having your action plan in place will ease the stress on you and your body now and, even more importantly, in the long-term. Make this the year you chose to take care of yourself through the season rather than providing momentary fix after fix. What…

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Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part IV

These past three weeks, we have followed Molly’s incredible journey from her tremendous grief and debilitating Crohn’s symptoms after the passing of her mother to experiencing and overcoming secondary symptoms and to the eventual discovery of a healing path. As Molly’s practitioner I could not be more pleased with her willingness to allow her body…

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Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part III

This month I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my blog with Molly LaChere who tells her inspiring story of addressing symptoms of Crohn’s. While Molly had lived with the often debilitating effects for 13 years, it was the passing of her mother that led her to make serious lifestyle changes.  In the first post of…

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Molly’s Story: Crohn’s Part I

“July 11, 2015, a day that changed my world. My mother passed away after a five year battle with cancer. I was tired, alone, and sick. I had just had my fifth child in May, so tired was a feeling I knew well. Having dealt with Crohn’s Disease for 13 years, sick was normal. The…

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Changing Your Plate Part V: Dinner

We’ve had quite a few weeks now of meeting real families from my practice who are each, in their own way, making efforts to eat more plants daily. From the Sherman family in Houston who decided to take their first steps based on their baby daughter’s milk sensitivity, to the Thorntons who wanted to get…

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Changing Your Plate Part IV: Plan Ahead

Last week Janice Kearley shared her family’s approach to a plant based lunch– totally DIY, prepped ahead, simple, and colorful. Later we featured the family’s favorite wrap and bread recipes you won’t want to miss. Moving on this week, we are looking at what prepped ahead means to Janice and how she does it. We…

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Changing Your Plate Part III: Lunch

We talk a lot about food, in my office and home, and how changes to diet are most sustainable when they occur one meal at a time. In order to support you on your path to plant based eating, I thought it would be helpful to share some real stories from real families that we…

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