French Adventures: Part II
French Adventures: Part II Home again and adjusting to the 100 degree temps, fuller days, and all that it takes to live right in the heart of a city with nearly one million people; I am inclined to reflect on more of my experiences in the Pyrenees. (Read Part I here!) There are undoubtedly some…
Read MoreFrench Adventures: Part I
French Adventures: Part I Have you ever had a holiday in which each and every day stands out with defined, unique, and rich characteristics all on its own? This has been exactly the case for me these past two weeks. It all began when, accompanied by my family, our flight from Frankfort, Germany touched down…
Read MoreMit Fahrrad: With Bike
When recalling the activities that brought me the most joy and sense of freedom in my youth, bike riding certainly makes it to the top of the list. It sits right up there with swimming and perching myself high in the fig tree with a book on a warm summer day. During the time of…
Read MoreA Heidelberg Daytrip
There are places and periods of time in our lives in which we enter one way… and exit another. The years spent in Heidelberg, Germany were just that for me. In reflection, I remember the pains to be equally as intense as the joys, with this period serving as an awakening to experience both. Each…
Read MoreFriedrichsruhe Wald: A Hubele Whole Family Favorite
Fully arriving in Germany cannot occur until we take our first walk through the Friedrichsruhe Wald. It is truly a grounding source for all of us. For me, this connection began with my first trips to Oehringen 17 years ago, when Joachim and I’s Sunday visits were completed with a walk in the forest. Independent…
Read MoreWorking from Germany, Hubele Style
There was never a question as to whether we could transition our work and our lives to Germany for the summer. But whether it would happen with grace and ease this year was the question! Arriving After ten years of traveling back and forth from Austin to Germany, I find it amazing that we can…
Read MoreFamily Lunch & A Fox Update
If you happened to read last week’s blog post, you discovered that my latest book Building Natural Immunity in Babies and Young Children is now in the final edits and design stage. Now comes the fun part for sure as I watch my words come to life with illustrations and designs by the uber talented…
Read MoreA Fox & A Final Draft
Last March, deep in the woods outside Leydon, MA on a brisk predawn walk, I had my first encounter with a gray fox. It was quite dramatic as it bounded down the ice crusted hillside, capturing my attention as we appeared to be the only two creatures up and active early that morning. There was…
Read MoreHappy Hour Hubele Style
If you’ve been following along these past weeks, you’ll know I’m getting into the final weeks of a fast approaching self-imposed book deadline. This phase always feels to me like uphill cycling, the kind I like to avoid. Yes, it’s fantastic when you reach the top, but the mental effort of not being able to…
Read MoreCowboy: A "Squirrelly" Case To Consider
This is far from a typical case in my office but there were multiple positive lessons involved! Three weeks ago, on a beautiful Saturday morning, I gave an informal talk in the garden of a South Austin treasure, The Herb Bar. Well, as you can imagine, it attracts an eclectic bunch and I always come…
Read MoreBike Riding, Bread Baking & A Book To Complete
If you haven’t heard already, I am full swing into my next book on Gemmotherapy support for babies and young children. It’s been percolating for well over a year and I’ve finally found the space to commit to some consecutive weeks of writing. While I am so excited about this book, I realize what excites…
Read MoreMaking Headspace
Whether you are still trying to meet that 2017 intention to begin a committed meditation practice or are an on-and-off-again practitioner needing some support, you may find your answer with Headspace. Claiming to make meditation simple, Headspace founder Andy Puddicombe has brought to life an amazing app that does exactly what he professes. Watch Andy…
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