Notes From Europe: Polarity Analysis Homeopathy 

This week I had a wonderful opportunity to meet with my dear friend and homeopathy mentor Dr. Heiner Frei. Many of you may know I first met Dr. Frei just over three years ago when he presented at a conference in Bad Kissingen, Germany. I love telling the story because, as we each have defining moments in…

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Notes from Europe: Eating with Purpose

Having spent nearly a week in Romania sharing time in nature, over meals or in the car with my Gemmotherapy mentor Dr. Sorina Soescu, I came away with further clarity about the human body and healing. One of the primary topics of discussion was food. Both Dr. Soescu and I walk similar paths when it comes…

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Notes from Europe: Romanian Conference

It has been so lovely spending the last few days in the historic city of Timisoara surrounded by colleagues as passionate as I am about Gemmotherapy. All weekend long the conference hall on the University grounds was filled with over 200 physicians and pharmacists from throughout Romania who gathered to hear the latest Gemmotherapy findings. While…

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Midweek Pause: Character

“It’s not what happens to us that determines our character, our experience, our karma, and our destiny, but how we relate to what happens.”  —Lama Surya Das CONSIDER: all that you may encounter in the day ahead, every single experience from the forgotten appointment, the downed internet, a surprise phone call, the kiss from your…

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Midweek Pause : Space

“Most of our suffering comes from habitual thinking. If we try to stop it out of aversion to thinking, we can’t; we just go on and on and on. So the important thing is not to get rid of thought, but to understand it. And we do this by concentrating on the space in the…

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Midweek Pause: Agenda-free

“Some of us can accept others right where they are a lot more easily than we can accept ourselves. We feel that compassion is reserved for someone else, and it never occurs to us to feel it for ourselves.  My experience is that by practicing without “shoulds,” we gradually discover our wakefulness and our confidence.…

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Midweek Pause: Nowhere

“One of the beauties of Nowhere is that you never know where you’ll end up when you head in its direction, and though the horizon is unlimited, you may have very little sense of what you’ll see along the way. The deeper blessing is that it can get you as wide-awake, exhilarated, and pumping-hearted as when you…

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Midweek Pause: Giving

“According to Buddhism, true giving involves the awareness that there is no giver, no gift, and no receiver. Attachments of any kind—whether it be to self as the benefactor, the value of the gift, or the acknowledgment by the receiver—nullify the pure act of giving.” — Taitetsu Unno,”Three Grapefruits” Consider: the magnitude, yet the simplicity, of this…

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Midweek Pause: Practice

“We call meditation ‘practice’ for a reason. Any form of practice consists of doing something over and over again and failing at it over and over again. Through this process, we gradually build the capacities that make it possible to do what we are practicing.” – Ken McLeod, “The Progress Question” Consider: that at the start…

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Midweek Pause: An Experiment

“We can begin anything we do—start our day, eat a meal, or walk into a meeting—with the intention to be open, flexible, and kind. Then we can proceed with an inquisitive attitude. As my teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche used to say, “Live your life as an experiment.”  At the end of the activity, whether we…

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Midweek Pause: Reality

“We get quiet for a moment in meditation. We sink down to a relaxedness, a calmness, abruptly free from all the crazy dreams we confuse with reality. And in that instant, by mistake maybe, or because we aren’t thinking to stop it from happening—we experience, in a flash, things as they really are.” — William R.…

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Midweek Pause: Nourish

“Be in harmony with each breath, each moment, and know that in giving yourself this time to develop awareness and a steadiness of attention you are nourishing spirit, head, and heart. Let it be an adventure, and in the silence and the stillness that comes with practice you”ll discover wonders here for you, now.” —Elena Rosenbaum…

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