Holiday Survival for Your Gut

Last week I shared the story of Maria who struggled daily with symptoms we have come to know as “irritable bowel.”  Folks like Maria know well that the holiday spreads at the office and Aunt May’s are going to wreak havoc on their already sensitive digestion. So, short of doing a complete dietary overhaul in the midst…

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Midweek Pause—Self Care

“If we do not know how to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves, we cannot take care of the people we love. Loving oneself is the foundation for loving another person.” —Thich Nhat Hanh Consider: What would our world be like if each person really took care of and truly loved themselves? What would…

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Midweek Pause—Silence

“Silence is something that comes from your heart, not from outside. Silence doesn’t mean not talking and not doing things; it means that you are not disturbed inside… There are moments when you think you’re silent and all around is silent, but talking is going on all the time inside your head. That’s not silence.…

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Midweek Pause—Consider

“Before you speak, stop, breathe, and consider if what you are about to say will improve upon the silence.” —Allan Lokos, Meditation Instructor, Author Consider: A time you may have spoken to soon. Possibly you can remember a time this week already when you interjected your thoughts before hearing someone out or blurted your opinion without considering…

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Midweek Pause—Peace

“It isn’t what happens to us that causes us to suffer; it’s what we say to ourselves about what happens.” —Pema Chodron Consider: Surrendering your frustrations for inner guidance. There is an inner guidance within each of us that knows what is needed next. We were born with this but at some point stopped trusting it.…

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Midweek Pause—Fear

“If we get deeply in touch with the present, we can touch the past as well and transform it.” —Thich Nhat Hahn, You Are Here Consider: Cleaning up past wounds and fears doesn’t have to involve an excavation team. When we can be fully present to our fears, lovingly accepting and acknowledging their presence, the healing…

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Midweek Pause—Truth

“The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new”—Pema Chodron Consider: You are who you believe you are. By speaking about yourself and to yourself in truths you practice loving kindness. When we are loving and kind to ourselves we can be loving and kind to those whose lives we touch.…

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Midweek Pause—Joy

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. -Thich Nhat Hanh Consider: It is so easy in the commotion of it all to get to the point where we say, “I just don’t know what makes me happy anymore.” In all our busy-ness we…

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4 Simple Steps for Meal Planning

It may be of no surprise, but I choose to go about my shopping and menu planning using a method a bit outside of the box. I am sharing it here because, like you, I’ve tried all sorts of variations on the theme of how-to-get-a-healthy-dinner-on-the-table-each-night-without-ending-up-in-a-puddle-of-tears and found most of them lacking. While this approach may…

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3 Tips for Keeping a Simple Kitchen

The biggest challenge I faced when we made the big shift to the Radically Simple Diet was finding the balance of the right amount of fresh food to keep on hand and not letting any spoil. Shopping once a week just wasn’t enough and I found myself passing along too wilted veggies and greens to…

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Juice Austin

It’s no secret that I am a fruit pusher. You name it—whole fruit, chopped, in a smoothie or juiced. I love it and love what it does for your body…namely your lymphatic system. You can’t be in my office too long without me bringing up the topic of fruit. In a perfect world, I would…

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The Hubele Household Morning Routine

You’ll know it’s 7:15 AM at the Hubele household by the roar of the VitaMix. It’s been packed to the brim this morning with some of the best tastes of late summer. You’ll see quartered juicy hill country peaches, chunks of fresh, tangy pineapple, cubed sweet mango, and when it’s all blended into a shot…

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